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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. Mine is also hand drawn and scanned. I like the fact that is has a bit of a rougher look, rather than the more sophisticated computer cut and paste designs. However, there are some awesome computer-done designs, Silkies at the top of my list. The one William did for Thomas Neede's signature was just...words fail, it was so great.
  2. Runny chocolate? Where's it run off to?
  3. Now you're talking. God, I miss Dr. Who. I may have to find all those old episodes on DVD. "Ever tried? Ever failed? No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better." Samuel Beckett
  4. Uhh...I don't get it? Okay, maybe not Tinkertoys. Colorforms, then. (anybody remember those?) Meaning creative cut and paste work with existing art. A skull from here, a sword from there... Mix'n'match. Plug'n'play. Paint by numbers. That sort of thing. For what it's worth, I don't much mind the reuse of the skull I drew, particularly as I consider that one a first draft. (Blast it, why does my skull look better on your flag than it did on my own? ) Others may feel differently. Folks may want to consider executing their own rendition of the final version, once the general layout has been established with the available "template" material, as it were. Ohhhhh **Lightbulb goes on*** Yeah, I know Colorforms. Got it. I'm having to redo my flag as well, since I've dropped the "False" from my name. There are just too many ways that "F" can be interpreted! For now, I guess it can stand for "Fierce." One of the things I like about the different flags is the different ways they are put together, whether by computer or free hand and scanned. It makes a nice mix, and each style has its own character. Very kewl.
  5. You guys are getting WAY too serious. "Leaf blowers sum up everything that is wrong with human race." Cate Blanchett, actress.
  6. Patrick's book went out to Boots this morning. Should be getting my book back from Silkie...soon?
  7. Think I'll stick with hot chocolate and rum, thanks! BTW, Patrick, what kind of rum to you use in yours? I use Tattoo, just because it adds so much spicy flavor to the chocolate.
  8. Okay, that is soooo over the top that it's kewl. I want one! Where did you steal...er, purchase that treasure? BTW, that little tree in the white planter box in the background,...I have a white planter box just like that! Great minds think...and decorate...alike.
  9. I stumbled out of the coach, sure my face was as green as the dark water slapping against the dock. Taking in a lung-full of fresh air, I let Nate help me up, adjusted the cursed corset, felt to make sure the emerald hadn't escaped, then took stock of our situation. Across the bay, I could see the stern light of the Rakehell flickering in the distance. The Relentless rocked gently at anchor as well. Nothing seemed amiss — as much as I could tell through still slightly crossed eyes. "Are the jolly boats still here?" I whispered.
  10. Well, she may have pirated a bit from others, but I'd rather have my goblet-sized girls that stay put when the corset comes off. Cleavage isn't everything...is it?
  11. Good lad, Nate. It's not like the Cat to lose her cinnamon! Actually, I just put a touch of it in me hot chocolate and rum.
  12. Okay, where do "those" end up when she takes the leather corset off? Or does that matter?
  13. Jill should know, she owns one too!
  14. Looks like it has the same dark settings as Sleepy Hollow. Yeah, I'll go see it, because I like JD and Tim Burton. Hearing JD sing should be interesting.
  15. Okay, Iron Bess isn't the only one who gets to show off her new plunder. Here is the Windlass cutlass that Chain Shot surprized me with at the end of Ojai. I may have to keep that man! It needs a bit of polish (any recomendations on how best to do that?), but the vendor cut $50 bucks off the price, threw in the scabbard, and didn't charge to ship it to Oregon. Sweet. I like to think that the R stands for Ransom.
  16. Or those that don't stay up, but spill over. Is that Spillage?
  17. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Well, for me it's fun. I'm putting the garden to bed for the winter. Pulling up the veggies that are past it, weeding, oiling my garden tools. It becomes very ritualistic, since I do it every year. < As for winter clothes, I did a raid on the Gap a few weeks ago and got a nice pair of brushed denim jeans and a sweater to match in a lovely chocolate color. Then hit Macy's and picked up some stuff on sale - the biggest prize was a silk and cotton light sweater with little snaps covered with beads up the front, and beadwork around the neckline. It looks like a vintage sweater and only cost $20. I love that S word! (Sale, not the other S word) V Do you decorate you house for the different seasons, or leave it the same all year?
  18. My first husband used to refer to the CA Ren Fair as the Olympics of Boob Watching. I think I see a pattern here.
  19. Every fiber of my being wished I was back on board my ship. Jacky might be a fine sea captain, but his coach driving skills left a lot to be desired. At one calamatous bounce and roll, Nate's new sword drifted past my face and I had to knock it away before it left me with as nasty a scar as Navarro's. With both hands braced on the coach's fine velvet walls, I prayed that Jacky didn't run over anyone, or crash the coach before we could make the docks.
  20. I stepped from the carriage, looked around, then remarked with sarcasm, "Pretty impressive boarding house, Commodor."
  21. Admiring my new cutlass, which was purchased in Ojai, but had to be shipped to Oregon UPS so I wouldn't have to jump through all the Homeland Security BS at the airport. The weapon looks quite handsome resting on my fireplace mantle, quietly waiting for its first event. Now I need to find a baldric to hang it from. Oh, and I need to think up a name for her.
  22. Ioan had been living hand-to-mouth since deserting the La Maligna. He huddled in the darkness of a stable, thinking about his sorry lot in life. His luck, rather than improve after escaping Charles Town in the Colonies, had gotten progressively worse. He'd thought the Rakehell would earn him the money he needed to return home to Wales, but instead of paying him his share of the gold collected fromt he sale of the pirated arms, Ransom had him flogged for letting the prisoner Killingsworth be taken from the ship. His dealings with Lady Tess hadn't gone any better. What little money he'd gained from her was long gone. Ransom should have given him his share of the arms money. He'd risked his neck, same as the rest of the crew. Her refusal had infuriated him. Yet, with the town as nervous as an alley cat, and soldiers constantly on patrol, he'd dare'd not kill her. But a little warning did no harm. He knew she wouldn't die of the knife wound he'd given her, but it would let her know he was not a man with whom to trifle. His only real fear was the big black man, Africa. If Ioan was ever discovered by the former slave, Ioan knew he would be shown no mercy. As Ransom had threatened the evening he'd confronted her in the tavern, his body would be found floating in Chocolate Hole long before he had a chance to enjoy his new-gained wealth. That thought did not improve his current malevolent mood.
  23. AWESOME! Makes me wish I lived in a house where decorating would be worth it. Our place is sorta in the boon docks, and no one can see it, so I only decorate inside, just for me and the husband. I'll maybe do a little somthing out on the front deck, but nothing that great. Our place is for sale, so maybe my next house will be where I can go wild with the decoration and scrare the cra...,er...entertain the local kids.
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