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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. I saunter into the Kate after four days at sea, and pull up a chair. Adjusting my new Windlass custlass, I lean back with a sigh of contentment at being back at the Pub. So, since I've already had me a few glasses of wine, I guess I'll stick with that for the rest of the night. You know what happens when you mix your liquor! **burp** Three cheers to 2000 posts in the TPHSB. A fine crew, one and all. .........burp........
  2. Don't worry, Eyes, all the first round books are accounted for. Some are just a bit late, not lost. Patrick had PEWs and is mailing it out soon. Silkie is still finishing up mine. So, please don't back out. I was really glad when you signed up to do this round. The deadline for the first jump is just six days away! Got your sketchbooks going yet? Better hurry!
  3. Finishing up my art journal so it will be ready to send to Patrick on the 31st, its first stop on the new journal round. Also making jewelry for a church holiday bazar, and to give as gifts for Christmas. And writing — always writing.
  4. Note to Secret Santa: I'll take the Jaeger pendant with skull and antlers, or the skull charm bracelet.
  5. I guess I was trying to be realistic, as opposed to wishful. However, if I go by my own, researched ancestry, I would be a lady someone or other, but most of my long-ago relatives bailed out of England during the reformation and ended up in the New World around the early to mid 1600's, founding the town of Heartford, Connecut. So, maybe in that case, I'd be a governor's daughter? Probably married off to some boring land owner. I think I'll stick with scribe/illustrator.
  6. Word of warning. You might have a few objections from a gent named Navarro about taking the gold from his galleon. But.... It is a Spanish ship, by God, and we'd be cowards to the grand name o' pyracy if we didn't try and taker her! May hap we can lull them close to shore with the smell of fresh cinnamn toast on the morning breez?
  7. Every picture of me from Ojai shows that "wee flogger" on my belt. A very useful gift indeed, Jill!
  8. Another thing was suggested by Silkie on the first round, and it's a great idea. If you can, take pictures of the artwork you do in each book. That way you have a record of all the artwork you did in all the books. I did this, and also took a pic of the front of each artists book. I plan to do the same thing this next round. One thing I might try and do this round is keep a quick diary of what I did in each book, how I felt about it, what I used and why. Just for fun. Sorta the "Art Journal's Journal" LOL And, hey, Silkie, I want my first book back so I can see what interesting danglies Patrick added to mine!!!
  9. Hot tea with a white chocolate rasberry scone. The two new kittens, sleeping like yin and yang in the potted lemon tree. Too cute. My Dad All the Pub friends in So. Ca. dealing with that awful fire. And Alan, a dear fellow writer, who passed away this last weekend.
  10. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ We've been stuck without power for four days. During a major winter freeze. When our power goes, so does our water, toilet facilities (we're on a well with a pump) and heat, other than the wood burning stove. So, we bought drinking water, heated it on the woodburning stove for tea, and spitz baths, and brought water from the creek to pour in the toilet tank so we could flush, but eventually we headed to my mom's to take showers. If it had lasted much longer, we'd probably have gone to a motel. < Ah life in the country. Candles are a good thing. So is a wood burning stove. I can put up with a lot as long as I'm warm and have hot tea to drink in the morning. LOL V Pass the question on.
  11. Scribe or book illustrator. Could set up a booth in the market square and charge to write letters for people who are illiterate. Maybe sell books, pamphlets, or plays as well. Nothing seditious, of course!
  12. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Unpacking when you get home. < Last two days have been very fallish. Sunny, and around 60 degrees. Today, back to fog, and soon rain. V It' pouring rain, or snowing a blizzard. What do you do to pass the time? (Okay, Sterling, we already know what you do...sewing, right? LOL )
  13. Very nice indeed, GoF. I'm rather proud of my new Windlass, but your Old Dominion is very fine. At least you only used up one birthday. Mine was refered to as the Birthday, Anniversary, and Christmas gift.
  14. NO... NO...No..... The next round starts on Wednesday October 31st.... Halloween....that's when we all mail out the sketchbooks....... more fun that way....... pluss we can cut and paste the postage stamp showing that they were sent out then...... dang... how cool is that ?....... Oops, sorry. Guess I was one day off!
  15. It IS a commitment, that's for sure. And with this many people playing, you won't get your book back for a year, and you'll have a book a month for a year, that you are committed to doing artwork in, or you let down the rest of the participants. People need to know that going in. But the end result is super, and the doing of it a lot of fun.
  16. The books start the next round on Nov. 1st. I think all you need to do is let Patrick know you want to play, and he'll put you on the rotation list. Then all you have to do is get a sketchbook, decorate the cover and a few pages to get it going, and mail it off to the next person in the rotation. Then you'll get one from whoever is before you, and you do however many pages you want in that one, and then 1st of Dec. they all get mailed off again. Easy. Although, Patrick is thinking about a hiatus over December, because of the holidays. I'm sure he'll post more the closer the time gets, but that's the basics. Once the rotation starts, then the game is closed because it would get WAY too confusing. Come on in, the water's fine!
  17. er...let me guess, the other two cats are named Rocker and Brian? I could be wrong. Actually, the other FOUR are: Rheba Domino Sabine and Celeste But Phantom is unique in that he has no tail (and is able to make himslef invisible and can walk through walls) And that's only the indoor cats.
  18. One of my cats, Phantom, yowling in the dining room. He goes in there to get my attention because the acustics are better. Cats!
  19. I fine group, to be sure. And the captain makes a fun dancing partner! You'll have to come west someday, and play at Ojai.
  20. Me too! My word...tell me you don't have four pairs of Manolo Blahniks in your closet too, Kenneth!?! FOUR pairs of Manolo's? You really own four pairs? Bows low courtly bow to Cheeks, while muttering "I'm not worthy, I'm not worthy." My shoe fantasy is to oneday own a pair of Manolo's. **sigh** Okay, now back on topic. I have one pair of SCA boots that I wear. I like them because they are comfortable, and aren't "in-you-face" bucket boots, but more like a riding boot with a small turn down cuff and squishy around the ankle. I have worn these with street clothes as well, which will help age them naturally. Should I ever lose my senses and make a court dress, I guess I would have to hunt around for some fancy shoes, but that scenerio is WAY down the road.
  21. Ironically, now that I have no horses, and don't ride, I have more lower back pain that I ever used to. I guess sitting the trot instead of posting was a good workout/therapy! Now, if I could just figure out if the occational pain was caused by a bad mattress, or my age. I think I'll blame it on the mattress...for now. Today I feel pretty good. However, I have to go work in the garden, pulling up the last of the tomato plants and cleaning up the mess, so by this afternoon, I could be feeling pretty sore!
  22. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ I tend to like ones that make you laugh and cry. One of my favorites is Shakespear in Love. < Snow angels! My Grandmother taught me how to do them when I was a kid. If I can find snow deep enough, I still make them — fall over backwards, wave you arms and legs, then get up and see the new "angel." Fun! V I'm not a winter person, so fall for me is pretty, but a harbinger of five months of crappy weather. So, do you like fall/winter, or wish you could head for the sun somewhere? (Raises hand)
  23. As soon as I log out, I'm off do make and can a big batch of green tomato mincemeat. Then, with the mincemeat, I'm eventually going to make mincemeat cookies. Yum!! Green tomato mincmeat green tomatos green apples raisins lemons brown sugar butter cinnamon cloves allspice Cook, jar, process, then enjoy in pie or cookies.
  24. Hell is in our DVD collection, bought at WallMart for about $6.00. Very good. And yes, I can understand why the Royals might have been a tad upset over the plot of this one.
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