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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. Okay, here goes, and I hope my memory is up to the challenge. All time favorite - Lawrence of Arabia Then, in no particlular order of preference (depends on my mood at the time): The Quiet Man The Searchers Das Boat (?) Hunt for Red October Shakespere in Love PotC 1,2, and 3 Underworld 1 & 2 Road Warrior Indiana Jones 1,2 & 3 My Fair Lady LOTR 1,2, and 3 The old Thin Man movies Muppet Treasure Island Mary Poppins Nightmare Before Christmas Lost Boys Casablanca Big Easy Dangerous Liasons Excaliber Wuthering Heights (both the old one with Laurence O., and the newer one with Ralph F.) The Bishop's Wife (with David Niven) Star Wars 2,3,4 (going by George's sequence, but 1,2 and 3 by order of appearance) All the Harry Potter movies (yeah, I know, but I like them!) Master and Commander (Wish they'd do more of these) French Kiss And just because it's fun to watch, and I like the dialogue during the big car chase Mr. & Mrs. Smith I know that's not all of them, but it's all I can think of at the moment.
  2. Shoosh, we don't like to call her a vampire. We kinda prefer, oh...say...daylight challenged.
  3. Duh, I got that backwards. If Patrick wants work by Chris, he can send his book to him when the round is over.
  4. "Maybe Rottin Robbie got eaten by a wombat. One can only hope!" I turn to Nate. "You might want to keep a weather eye out for Elvira. She's been gone a long time, and if she shows up hungry, we're all in trouble. She's a woman with what you might call Special Needs."
  5. "Oh, God, please, don't mention sheep! The next thing you know, the Aztecs will show up again.
  6. Laughing hesterically, I pour our new guest a tankard of ale. "Here, Inigo, join the party. Where's your lovely wife, eh? We've all missed you both." Gives a wink to the PHSB group, and bursts out laughing again. "And, gee, you know, we're kinda sorry we pirated your introducuctory thread, but, hey, we've had a hell of a lot of fun since then!" Looks quickly around. "Uh, you haven't seen Elvira lately, have you?"
  7. We had homemade beef stew, with homemade ale bread.
  8. Ahh, stuff like this makes me think maybe we should move south, instead of west. Have fun guys!
  9. You can do as many or as few pages as you wish, just so there are plenty of pages left for everyone still down the line.
  10. The Relentless was safe at her moorings and the Rakehell, sleek and smooth as a cat, glided slowly into line behind her. Dock lines were quickly thrown fore and aft and secured by the Spanish wharf hands, who gave the two ships many a curious look. With a sigh of relief, since docking can alway be tricky, I told Africa to give the order to make the ship secure until the Port authorities could come on board and inspect her. Nothing could leave the ship until then. I could see Jacky giving similar orders on the Relentless, whose high stern was barely fifty feet in front our bowsprit.
  11. Aye, me mum used to make pomegranate jelly. Very time consuming, but so good on a toasted english muffin!
  12. PEW's suggestion will work, if CasketChris gets a book to Mab on time. If he also wants work by Patrick, he can mail his book to him at the end of the round.
  13. Not trying to be a hard ass about this, but CasketChris knew the time table, and didn't respond to your PMs for six days. Doesn't sound like he's all that interested. Since you've already sent your book to Mab, I'd say he's a day late and a dollar short. We've both said from the beginning — if everyone doesn't follow the plan, and the time table, then this doesn't work, and it screws it for everyone. It's like I said in the first round. I can give a heads up when the rounds start, I can lay down the rules and the time frame, and we can all post when we mail/receive the books, but I can't babysit you all. Neither can Patrick. I'm sorry CasketChris took so long to check in and may miss this round. If there is another, he can catch it then. Or, Patrick may decide to work something out. But this is an example of how this fun project can go down the tubes if we don't all try to stick to the plan. End of rant...
  14. I like to think I'm an artist/writer, but actually, I'm just staff for five indoor cats.
  15. Agree completely. Didn't meet my soul-mate until I was forty, with one divorse behind me already. Don't give up thinking it's never going to happen. Being bitter just poisons your own soul. Bottom line, he doesn't care how miserable you are. Only you can perpetuate being unhappy. Let it go. Write his name on a piece of paper, throw it into a fire, flush it down the toilet, whatever, but let it go. Until you do, you won't be able to accept the real thing when it comes along.
  16. To be honest, I'd like to stay on the 30 day turn around if possible. Holidays will give me more time to work on the project. I'd prefer to stay on the 30/31 day turnaround as well. I don't think the holidays will make that big a difference, and the chances of the books getting mislaid — stepped on, coffee spilled on, dog chewed, etc. — go up the longer they hang around someone's house. It may mean a few January books get out late, but we're already running a week late as it is, so I don't think that will be a big deal. However, that said, I will abide by the group's decision. SILKIE, PLEASE SAY YOU HAVE MAILED MY FIRST BOOK BACK TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!! iwantmybook....iwantmybook....iwantmybook.......
  17. Searching for bits and pieces of vintage jewelry, so I can remake them into something else — bracelets, earrings, necklaces, etc. Just bid on a huge lot of vintage pieces on Ebay. First time I've done that, as I usually find the stuff/junk in little baggies in the antique stores, sometimes marked as low as $1.00. If I win this lot on Ebay, it will keep me happy/busy for months!
  18. Nate turns ta captain Ransom. "Sorry capin, jus not one fer party crashers." He shrugs his shoulders and has more rhum and helps himself to the fine fare. There be no party crashers in the Kate. This place be welcome to all, even you, Nate old lad.
  19. I eye the groaning board, laden with the spendid breakfast Miss Ashcrombe and her help have made for us. With a chuckle, I address the group. "If we all eat our fill of this fine feast, I'll have to off-load some of the Rakehell's cargo, lest she turn turtle with all the extra weight!" Everyone laughs, except Nate, who seems to have a scowl on his face, rather than his usual grin." What's the matter Nate, find a weevil in your corn bread?"
  20. In Patrick's defence, he's not being too harsh on you lot, he's just trying to keep things organized so that this project works. With this many players, if one person drags their feet and gets their book out late, it's like the domino effect — it screws up everyone down the line. This is something we discovered in the first round — big time — to the point where one book only made it to one person and then was sent back, so that person's book never even made the round. I'm sure once the first jump is completed and everyone gets the hang of it, then things will smooth down. Just keep in mind that there are ten of us, all needing to get the books out on time, so that we can all get our books, chock full of very kewl artwork, back as soon as possible. Trust me, this is FUN, but it only stays fun when everyone who made the committment to play keeps to the plan. OKay, end of rant.........
  21. Way to go, Cat. Seems like this has been a very good year for you. And Jill, those little floggers are just sooooo handy!
  22. That be the trouble with pirating, all those "spare" coins with different profiles on them. Turns to BriarRose. "I'll take some eggs and toast, and maybe a mimosa?
  23. Let's go do some pilaging — in a very loving way! Love the hand gestures!
  24. Healthy, happy, and looking forward to a relaxing weekend — which includes a Sunday champagne brunch at a nice restaurant for my sister's birthday.
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