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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. Okay, watched the Special Features last night. Loved them all. Biggest dissappointment? Not enough! They were more like teasers than features. Cripes, they could do a whole disc just on the costumes, and all we got was a short bit on Teague's coat. Very awesome bit about the huge warehouse used to set up the maelstrom scene. And I like the funny bit about the props people having to carve out the Code book because Keith couldn't lift it to turn the page. And I REALLY want a poster of Sao Feng's map. Better still, a working replica. Bess, any such thing in the works, or out there already? It was truly amazing. Tonight, we watch the movie...again!
  2. As I approached the Relentless, I could see Jacky just standing there with Red Cat, watching me with that grin on his face that drove me crazy. It was also a sign he meant to try and placate me, which also meant he was hiding something. I scrambled up the gangplank, crossed the main deck, and climbed up the short ladder to the poop deck. Jacky was still standing and grinning. "You look awful pleased with yourself. I'll take that as a sign you got paid for all the cargo we just unloaded, or you've had another hob-nob with Navarro, which included a nice lunch. Or both. So, my next question is, when do we leave?" Fists on my hips, I planted myself square in front of him, so this time there would be no sidestepping me to escape.
  3. GoF's book went out to Patrick yesterday. To my knowedge, GoF has yet to receive Red Cat's book, therefore, he and I are already a month behind. Both GoF and I have PMed RC, but so far, no reply.
  4. We already have HDTV, so I hope it wins the war!
  5. No, I hadn't received my original sketchbook back from Silkie in time, so I made a new one.
  6. I needed to make a decision, for although Nate had put away his pistol, the altercation was beginning to draw unwanted attention. I also wanted to talk to Jacky about his little secret mission in the coach. "Nate, escort Mr. Dysart on board and show him around. He's your responsibility until he proves himself to me and the rest of the crew." With a roll of his eyes, Africa released the man's arm. "Africa, keep watch for a bit. I need to have a conference with Captain Tar." As Nate led our newest crew member on board, I headed for the Relentless.
  7. In a far out, probably no way possible to achieve scenerio, I'd like to be the female version of Errol Flynn in the GAoP.
  8. Chain Shot just brought it home last night, and we haven't had a chance to watch it yet — will start tonight. I was also kinda hoping they would do the LOTRs detail with the special features, but no such luck. And Bess, thanks. You answered a question Chain Shot and I had about the Blue Ray. We didn't know if it would play on a regular DVD player. So, you could start collecting the Blue Ray DVDs while waiting for the cost of the Blue Ray player to go down?
  9. Hundreds and hundreds of Western Robins, feeding on the bright red berries of the Madrone trees behind our house. Very kewl!
  10. The old man seemed harmless enough, but you never knew. However, I was one crew member short after losing that young sailor in the storm, so if this old codger knew his way around a ship, he might come in useful. Hopefully, Jacky wouldn't object, although he had the right. "Can you work a ship without falling overboard? If so, then young Nate here will take you in hand and show you around. If you slip up, or turn out to be less than capable, you'll find I'm not quite so charitable as you think. You anoy me, and I'll put you ashore at our next port of call." I noticed this Colard seemed worried, and kept glansing over his shoulder toward a shabby building perched on the edge of the wharf. "You expecting company?"
  11. The Darwin Conspiracy by John Darnton Very good. A combination of historical fiction, a long lost diary, and...a mystery.
  12. I'll be sending GoF's book to Patrick on Wednesday. I think Red Cat was at PIP, so that might be why she hasn't replied to your PM's GoF. I sent her one as well, and have not heard from her either. This puts you and me behind a bit, but if you get the book within the next week, and we both hussle, we can have it done by the next jump. If you don't get it, then we have a problem, and will deal with it. As for the size of the books, yes, mailing costs are an issue, especially as the books tend to get heavier as more artwork is added. In the first round, I suggested keeping them in the 8" x 10" or so range, because you could slip them in a mailing envelope to keep the cost down. Sounds like Eyes doesn't have a book, he has a tome! REMEMBER, IF YOU DON'T GET A BOOK WITHIN A REASONABLE AMOUNT OF TIME, PM THE PERSON AHEAD OF YOU TO FIND OUT WHERE IT IS. DON'T WAIT UNTIL THE END OF THE MONTH TO LET EVERYONE KNOW THAT YOU DON'T HAVE IT YET. THANKS!!!
  13. My cat, Reba, yelling at me to put more food in her bowl.
  14. "Colard, eh? Sounds like something I'd throw into a stew pot. And since it looks like you have a lack of coin, well as a lack of weapons, why should I take you on board?" I threw a quick glance over at the Relentless to see if Jacky was watching this encounter, but he must have gone below, for the only one on the quarterdeck was Red Cat, and her gaze was directed on the wharf area where Roberts and Silkie had gone.
  15. Thank-you, BriarRose. Prayers are always a good thing.
  16. No need to break down a door. You just signal to Ray the bartender, and open your pockets — that being the tradition that newcomers buy a round for the house. That being said, I'll have me usual — French bubbly with a shot of tattoo. Oh, and as you're new, and my name isn't a help, I'm a lass, not a lad. Welcome to the Pub, mate.
  17. Yeah, it sucks. I think it may have been racoons washing their little paws in the water. That introduces bacteria. We have well water, so nitrates are usually never an issue, but if the toxin/ bacteria is soaked into the filter material, there isn't a whole lot I can do. Koi are pretty fragile when it comes to water changes, so you can't just pull them out and put them in another tank. They also have to have constant water recirculation, whereas goldfish don't. I'm pushing it flushing the pond out every 12 hours, but I figure if I don't do anything, they'll die anyway. If these last two go, I'm done with fish, other than goldfish — cheap, and easy to maintain.
  18. We used to raise Jacob sheep, and for years we would hold an open house one day in December, and I would make a huge batch of lamb stew, and serve it with homemade ale bread, or herb bread. We also served snacks, hot cider, mulled wine, and eggnog — straight or spiked. The open house idea works best for us, as our house is small, and there isn't room for a big gang of people. We held it from ten in the morning until four in the afternoon, and people could come at the best time for them. It was a lot of fun.
  19. Uh, you wouldn't say that if you saw what they looked like when they died. Like they had fish-leprosy. Very nasty. Still have the last two this morning, but don't hold out much hope they will make it. I'm flushing the pond every twelve hours, trying to get whatever killed the other three out of the water, but I fear it's in the filtration system now, and there's nothing I can do about that, as it's a closed system. **sigh** These guys were my friends, would eat out of my hand. Got them when they were just little guys only five inches long.
  20. Africa saw the figure rushing toward the ship and like a whirlwind, ran to the rail to stop him. I saw Nate running up behind the man, his pistol out. This was not good. If he fired and killed the stranger, all hell would break loose. "Oi, Nate. Belay that pistol. One shot, and the Spanish will be on us like fleas on a dog. Belay, I say. Grab that man and hold him, but for God's sake, don't shoot him!" In the blink of an eye, the man was strong-armed between Nate and Africa. I glared at the stranger. "Alright Mate, who the hell are you?"
  21. Really bummed. Something got into the water in my koi pond, and the fish are dieing. In four days I've lost three so far, and the other two are so bad I doubt they will survive another day. I'm talking fish I've had for four and five years, are a foot and a half long, and weigh up to two pounds. Makes me sick, since I don't have any idea what it is.
  22. I would like to offer my thanks as well to Maeve. This is such a great idea, and lets those of us who couldn't make the trip get a chance to enjoy, through the others, the fun. Now, can't wait for pictures!
  23. Yeah, and sometimes the food makes faces at me...kinda like sticking its fingers in its ears, and going neener, neener, neener. That's when I know I've had WAY too much. Then again, maybe it was too much wine with the food? LOL
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