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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. Why does the "I've Got Cabin Fever" song from Muppet Treasure Island come to mind just now? You know it's a bad Pirate movie when the boat doesn't move, instead the cameraman bobs and rolls the camera up and down.
  2. Snow...it snowed yesterday, it snowed last night, and is supposed to snow again today. **scoops up a handfull, pats it nice, and lobs a snowball at Red Cat**
  3. Shadowplay (Howling...or barking at the moon?)
  4. French Onion Soup and a glass of Smoking Loon Merlot The crowds at WallMart **Crosses eyes** Karen All the people who kindly wished Chain Shot a Happy Birthday.
  5. Another classic, Patrick! I kinda like the "no bathroom privacy" pic. I sincerely hope I am never forced into that kind of situation!
  6. I think he means it might help get rid of Syren's headache. I'm feeling relieved, but hoping I haven't lost a friend.
  7. A veritable monsoon of pouring rain. I may have to think seriously about building an ark.
  8. My discusion with Colard was interupted when I caught site of a woman boarding the Relentless. A huge grin spread across my face. "Oh my God!" I sputtered, then burst out laughing. Africa just shook his head and walked away.
  9. ***Okay PR Players, let's start the new year with a head count and location ID. Things are a bit fuzzy, so we need to clarify where everyone is. I'll start... Ransom is at Trilby's, soon to be moved to Trade Winds by Lady Violet. Ioan is holed up with a whore on the outskirts of town, being watched by the crew of the Rakehell. Trilby is soon to be rid of his houseguest. Lady Violet, currently at the Royal Grace, is going to depart to Trade Winds with her injured niece.
  10. Early the next morning Africa took the note the old man had written and headed for the Royal Grace Inn and Tavern. On the way he made a slight detour to meet up with two of the Rakehell's crewmembers. Tunny, and Jimmy Cox waited by an outdoor fruit vendor's stand. As Africa approached, the two men visibly straightened, and Tunny tossed aside the mango he'd been eating. "Where dat Ioan?" Africa asked. "Found hisself a whore and is holed up in a shack outside o' town," Jimmy answered. "Goose and Ludo are watching the place." Africa nodded. "Da old man think it best dat da captain be taken to her auntie." Both the other men looked surprised, saying in unison, "What auntie?" "Old man say she got rich one, so he thinks she be safer there, till she better. I have a note to take to the Royal Grace where dat auntie is stayin'." Jimmy scratched his head. "The captain...she pretty bad?" "She bad, but we not goin' to lose her. Old man say she jus need rest." "Well," Tunny said, "then best we make sure ol' Ioan don't find out where she is until she can deal with him herself." Tunny face broke into a wide grin and he gave Africa a wink. "Bet she's goin' to enjoy that little bit o' revenge." Africa snorted. "We all goin' to enjoy dat revenge." Then he left the two men and went to deliver the note to the rich auntie.
  11. Methinks thy dost protest too much!
  12. Tea and an orange flavored mini-muffin. Water — running off the roof of the house, flooding my garden, and overflowing the pond. Oh, did I mention it's been raining? Myself, muttering and cursing under my breath — %#$@*rain&*%$#rain)^$#&rain. Chain Shot, who has to work in this yuck!
  13. Rain...again. Oh, and Cheeky, what has that nasty Captain Sterling done to break your heart again this time?
  14. Peaches and cream? A vision? Looks in mirror, then reads Mary's description again, looks in mirror...."Ummm, Mary, you are talking about the Ransom you met in Pt. Washington, right? I mean, okay, I can go with the carriage part, but...peaches and cream? Vision? At my age? Not hardly! And Cheeky, I'll think about the dress, but pass on the bunny ears, thank-you ever so.
  15. Thanks Captain Midnight. However, I don't dress like a tavern wench either. I dress like a guy — frock coat, shirt, breeches, boots and tricorn. No corsets, no petticotes, no stays.
  16. Oh, Mary, those are lovely. I think if I ever decided to go "girlie" I'd pick something like #2. (Okay, stop sniggering you lot, it could happen! )
  17. I studied the old man, who seemed sincere and harmless. However, I had learned from experience that outward appearances didn't always reveal inward personalities or private agendas. With a slight nod I replied, "Give it some time, Mr. Dysart. You may decided that being taken aboard the Rakehell was not such a kindness after all."
  18. Hey, they brought back Barbossa, they brought back Jack, so, no reason they can't bring back Norrington. We never really saw him die, we just saw him pass out from pain, right! He's been in sickbay all this time, and will return in movie 4. One can ony hope!
  19. Rogue Mermaid, I think it's okay for you to send me Eye's book. I'll need to get started on it as soon as possible because.... NOTE TO ALL: I'll be away from home most of February, starting the 4th. I need to get Eye's book done and mailed before I go. Then Rogue Mermaid can mail me the next book toward the end of Feb, as I won't be back until the 23rd. I might be a bit late mailing that book to Patrick in March, but not too late, I hope.
  20. Tea! I had enough wine and champagne on New Years Eve to last me for the next week!
  21. Snooty HamsterFace! Good thing I think hamsters are cute!
  22. Africa watched the crew make a mess of their jobs and felt his temper rising. He wanted out of this port, the sooner the better. He could not forget that it was the Spanish who had bought him from Arab slavers and chained him to an oar in a Spanish galleon. He'd managed to survive for two years, but had almost given up hope when the Rakehell had taken the ship. For certain, he had no love for the Spanish, and the crew bumbling around like children set his temper flaring. In a voice like thunder, he shouted, "If you men don get straight, I trow you over the side. Stupid as Frenchies. I sick of you all!" When Africa looked over at the Captain, all she did was smile, then added in her own voice of command. "I'll help him toss you blasted slackers myself. Get on with it, or no rum for a fortnight!" Africa grinned back at her. "Dat should help."
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