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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. "Round up my crew?" I laughed. "Other than Africa, Nate, and that new man, Colard, my crew is on shore getting drunk as lords. I told them to stay within site of the ship in case we had to leave in a hurry, but it will still take me a while to find them and sober them up. How much time do I have? It will be Nate and myself to look for them, as Africa won't leave the ship, nor will this Colard fellow, who appears to have issues with a certain dockside warehouse manager." I turned, heading for the main deck, but paused and looked back over my shoulder at Jacky. "You know luv, at time you may make me crazy, you may make me furious, and you may make me feel like a queen, but blast, life around you is never boring." With a final wink, I returned to the Rakehell to collect Nate, and start the arduous job of finding a bunch of drunken sailors.
  2. Cheeky...Bess....Bess...Cheeky. I think I'm getting whiplash. So saying, I'm off to bed with a good book, before I need a chiropractor (?).
  3. I'm not sure, but I think my Aunt may have something in mind. That is, unless Nelly Greene and Cheeky get to you first.
  4. Join me in the pub, we'll talk coin... as in gold...I'm married now, the wif is loaded. Africa cocks an eye. "Aye, that be true 'nuf, but I hear tell she be tight wit da purse strings, and her brodder be not so fond of ya. We meet, but bring da gold wit ya, I no take checks." Aye she's tight all right... oh damnation... thinking out loud again... um... gold aye... will bring it along... and don't worry about my brother in law... a peacock that one... Done! As for peacock, I pluck him for you. Make decoration for you hat. Only you jus say da word."
  5. Join me in the pub, we'll talk coin... as in gold...I'm married now, the wif is loaded. Africa cocks an eye. "Aye, that be true 'nuf, but I hear tell she be tight wit da purse strings, and her brodder be not so fond of ya. We meet, but bring da gold wit ya, I no take checks."
  6. Ah, I love this. We're all back playin' again, as it should be. Love back attcha, Devon dear.
  7. "Dying is the day worth livin' for!".......Captain Hecter Barbossa Sorry, it just seem to fit in with the above quotes.
  8. Africa gives Captain Sterling a big grin. "What in it for me?"
  9. Africa had just been approaching the old man's door when he heard the shot. With a shout, he cocked his pistols, then put massive shoulder to portal and barged his way in. What he saw did not reasure him. One man cowering behind a barrel, a tipped table, and his captain lying limp as a fish in the opposite doorway. The old Professor was no help at all. Standing solid and foresquare, his pistols pointed to the two strange men, and his heart yearning to go to the prone figure on the floor, Africa bellowed, "What goes here? Who be you, and what be wrong wit da captain. SPEAK, or I shoot you where you hide, sniveling dogs!"
  10. Grabs a tankard from the ceiling beam, blows the dust off, then fills it with spiced wine and mulles it with a hot poker from the fire. Holds it up in William's direction. "Cheers to you, suh. The Pub would be a poor place indeed, without you. Pops a bacon-wrapped shrimp in me mouth, and grins with delight. "Yes, suh, a damned poor place, indeed!"
  11. Really good Champagne, jeans, tennis shoes, deoderant, sun glasses, a long hot bath, my collection of books... I wouldn't miss my husband, 'cause I'd smuggle him back with me!
  12. Cheeky, you always "cut a dash" even when doing such mundain jobs as cleaning, fetching and cooking. You go girl!
  13. We're kinda lucky where I live, in that we do get snow, but it's usually just enought to be decorative for a few days, then it's gone. However, every now and again we get a zinger freezing storm. The last time that happened the temps dropped off the temperature gage, so I know it was at least below 0, the one microscopic place on our well pump that wasn't insulated froze and burst, so we were without water, other than from the creek, for four days, and both engines in our cars froze, so we had to put heat lamps under the hoods for a couple of hours before getting to work. NOT FUN. Even as I write this, Chain Shot is on a northern Oregon truck run, and had to put snow chains on his tractor/trailor. Which means he crawls along at 15-20 mph all the way to Bend, OR — normally an eight hour round trip from GP, which has now tripled. Which means he probably won't make it home tonight.
  14. At first the whole plan seemed too risky, but then the utter rediculousness and bravado of it all struck me as hilarious—two ships against a Spanish fleet, should Navaro be angry enough to follow? I gave Jacky a wink and a grin. "Better you wait until after we've been paid before you decline Navarro's offer. Then again, why decline at all. Let's just take our money and leave. I think he'll get the hint."
  15. Wow, great trees you guys. Lots of kewl ideas for next year. And even if you didn't have a contest, it would be fun to post all the pictures. And Patrick, I agree with Red-Handed Jill. Might make yourself some extra PIP money!
  16. Wot..... I ain't never posted th' photos ov me in me Pyrate speedos.... yah gotta love the skull and crossed bones on th' butt tho........ Yes, but Patrick, I've seen you in person, and I have a VERY vivid imagination! Gives a whole new meaning to the term "Jolly Roger." And Syren, you got that right!
  17. I pondered Jacly's words a moment, then came to a decision. "I don't fancy working for the Navarros. If we sneek out of the harbor, will he send a whole fleet to stop us, or one or two ships? I know we can outrun, and outsail the galleons, but once we're anchored, the game changes. Can we sail directly to Florida without him finding us?"
  18. RATS..... so me an a pair O' Speedo's just ain't goinna work......... .....now, that's a visual!
  19. For William, maybe it's the dreaded PPD....Post PIP Depression.
  20. I suspect Mr. D's wife is either very tolerant, or is going to end up in a mental institution. BTW, #2 be my favorite!
  21. No, 6" of buttcrack is NOT a turn-on...no matter what he repairs! Yeah, I know just a few with that certain smile...and The Look. Killer! Fortunately, I'm married to one. Then there is a certain pyrate I know who has a smile, and eyes that... ahem...never mind.
  22. Said it before, I'll say it again... If they got the body for it...no shirt, no shoes, and a low-slung pair of well-worn jeans. But NO butt-crack. Low is one thing, falling off is another.
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