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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. A few things to finish, then Patrick's book will be heading Boots' way on Friday. BTW. Boots, PM me the size of your sketchbook and I will make some drawing and send them to you. That way, you can just paste/glue them in.
  2. Last Christmas my husband gave me a similar notebook, with a simpler, basic Jolly Roger on it, that I really like. I wanted to use it for the Artists Sketchbooks, but the paper in it is pretty thin, and wouldn't stand up to the artwork. So, as it is still empty, I may use it as a diary instead, and age the skull with crackle paint, so it looks really old.
  3. With a secret smile, I settled back in my seat. Yes, I thought, for tonight, a boarding house with a nice soft bed and a little privacy was just what I wanted.
  4. Before the coach could go twenty yards I hollered for it to stop, which it did with a jolt, nearly spilling Red Cat onto the floor. "Our weapons? We need to get our weapons back before we leave." I turned to Jacky, whose face was in shadow within the darkness of the coach. "You speak Spanish. Can you ask for them back?"
  5. It's a cold, rainy day. So, Hershey's vanilla chocolate laced with rum.
  6. You know, it really is a shame that Petee can't work up any enthusiasm for an event.
  7. Just a quick note for those wanting to play and thinking about what kind of book to get. Unless you make your own sketchbook, like Patrick did, the best place to look is your local art store. They have inexpensive spiral-bound (nice cause they lay flat) books and you can decorate the cover yourself. I recommend these because the paper is a bit heavier than regular notebooks, and stands up to the different types of artwork better. Maybe this time I better buy a case of double-faced tape! I go through tons of the stuff.
  8. "Ah, Mr. Durant, you may have faith in the Father, but I'll wager he has serious doubts about you. As for the sword..." I suppressed a smile while trying to keep the Cat from falling over. "Since you seem steadier on your feet, and I have my hands full at the moment, you'd best hang on to it until we're back aboard the Rakehell. Then I'll be pleased to accept it." At that moment Red Cat leaned against me, pushing Jacky's emerald into my skin. "Ouch...bloody hell, let's get back to the ships."
  9. At Red Cat's first hiccop, I inwardly groaned. Great, I thought, they're both wall-eyed and acting like flirting thirteen-year-olds. We had to get out of this dinner, and soon. "Jacky," I snapped, "We have got to get out of here. The Cat and Nat are drunk as lords and God only knows what they'll do. You know these people. Make up some excuse. Tell them we've got plague, for all I care, but get us out of here."
  10. Why, thank you! Twas grand to meet you as well. Next time we meet, we'll share that pot o tea, since I'm not a coffee drinker. Maybe we can entice Patrick to join us if we add a bit of rum to the pot!
  11. Awh..... but it was worth it wasn't it....? Yes, Patrick it was worth every dime!!!! 'Cause...well dang....I got to meet...you!.......
  12. Things settled down a bit once Navarro had gone, but I was wanting to get out of this damned corset and back into my own clothes. I also wanted to have some private time with Jacky, mainly to appologise for my earlier actions and mistrust. I also wanted to get Nate and the Cat away from this never-ending dinner before they got too drunk, since both had been asking for refills all night. We'd been lucky the sword incident hadn't gone any further, but the more Nate had to drink, the bigger the grin, and I was learning not to trust that grin at all. Once again I leaned toward Jacky and whispered in his ear, "Is there any way we can bow out gracefully and get the hell out of here?"
  13. Originally, I tried to get the books out every two weeks, but it bacame clear that wasn't enough time to do the artwork. So, the time-frame got changed to once a month. The cost would depend on the size of the sketchbook you use. Average mailing seemed to be anywhere from 5 - 7 dollars. I don't recommend the book-rate mailings, since it can take weeks for a book to travel to the next artist in line. The number of pages you choose to do is up to you. When we went from two weeks to a month in between, it gave everyone plenty of time to do as many pages as they wanted. Some did only three or four, some did up to eight or nine. As for me, I don't think anything rated R would be too bad, just don't go to X. I want to be able to show my friends all the artwork, and not have to cover certain pages with a brown paper bag. LOL! For all who want to play, as both myself and Patrick have said, it's for fun. It's not a contest. You can use anything from crayons, stickers, clip art, photos, to whatever. It's really fun!
  14. I'm not sure what you're planning, but the logistics of it being available for all Pub members might be a tough one. We're just spread out too far and wide. And having just flown to Ojai and back, I can tell you, plane fare aint cheap!
  15. Slightly bewildered at Navarro's actions, I turned to Jacky. "Just what does he mean by his own "hospitality?" Grinning again, Nate reached for the sword, as if he'd won a prize. I leaned over the table and stopped his hand before he could take it. "Don't gloat. Next time, Navarro won't be so magnanimus. The sword is yours, but put it out of sight, and don't even think about using it until we are well clear of Havana."
  16. Why, suh, what could be more interesting than rum and a floggin'? And Bess, moonshiner was Chain Shot's description of himself, not mine. Maybe we need to tart up his hat a bit? And I promised to make him a coat before our next event. Anyway, I thought he made a rather handsome pirate, especially after he put on the sash he won at the auction.
  17. I didn't know what game Navarro was playing, but it had gone on long enough. "Senior Navarro, Nate is under orders from me not to cause trouble in your city, or at your brother's table. To taunt him with a threat he is unable to answer, is benieth your dignity. You can hardly blame him if he chooses to return the taunt in words instead of weapons." Nate started to grin, but I stopped him. "Don't push your luck, mate." I returned my gaze to Navarro, who to my surprize, had not replied to my comments. "Please, let us finish our meal. Then we will return to our ships and you will no longer be forced to entertain company you obviously find distastful." With deliberation, I stood, picked up the sword that lay on the table and returned it to the man Navarro had taken it from. With my heart pounding, and with all eyes on me, I returned to my seat, picked up my goblet and slowly took a drink, praying that I hadn't pushed Navarro too far.
  18. I got the Durty part right, and I swear, the D thing was a typo. Honest! **Hands Durty Mick Moon my personal flogger** But, I'll take me punishment, suh. Do your worst.
  19. Here is one that just cracks me up. Jack Sparrow oversees negotiations between Queen Bess, Drake, and the defeated Spanish Embassador. Talk about culture shock! Now, if I could just figure out how to get that kid's bald head out of the picture, it would be perfect.
  20. Oops. It were a typo. It be corrected now!
  21. Durty Mick Moon Billy Beach (or Beech, I'm not sure how he spells it.)
  22. More Pics. At the Tales encampment, they did a bit of "branding." There were lots o' pirates walking around with "P" stamped on various parts of their person! Chain Shot James (Chainy), me better half. He thought he looked more like a moonshiner than a pirate. But it was his first event, so we're still working on his garb. The awesome singing group Pirate Charles, who performed in front of our encampment for over a half an hour. Most of us came home with at least one of their CDs.
  23. As promised, here are some pics. Patrick Hand, myself, and Jacky Tar — better company a pirate lass couldn't ask for! Cannon smoke. Most of those you see on the fireing line are members of Tales of the Seven Seas. Patrick Hand, after a long weekend of piratin'.
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