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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. Got Patrick's book yesterday. What great, fun stuff you guys! Can't wait to get my own book back, and see all the work I get to keep!
  2. Deleted due to double post.
  3. Nah... th' coolist thang....... be yew gets ter finaly meet me...... (well I be in the Tales O' th' Seven Seas camp also......[too bad we don't have a funny "poutie smilley.... be kinda funny right here]) Well unless I be takin' a nap...... but that picture be in the You and yer garb thread.......... Hummmmmm. that kindasorta made sence........... OK... drink some more Rum..... then read it again...... It be in code.... an' ye need th' right translation kinda thing.......... Or somefin like that............. YAY.... Ojai.......... If you're taking a nap, I promise not to wake you up. I won't promise not to snitch your rum bottle — pirate!
  4. Captain Cardona didn't stay. I was relieved, as the look he cast Jacky's way was murderous. Instead of worrying about him, I concentrated on the food, and making small talk. I'd done it a hundred times back home. The trick was reading what lay behind the smiles, and insinuations. I was out of practice, and had not played the game with Spaniards. As I had told Nate. It was going to be a long night.
  5. Be thar any authenticity rules? -Greydog Period-correct birth control?
  6. At his last comment, I turned to Jacky. "I get the impression that Captain Cardona doesn't like you very much. Are we going to have trouble with that man?"
  7. I gave Red Cat a wink back, and watched the servants place the first course on the table.
  8. Okay, yeah, there was that tornado thing. But hey, at least it was in the afternoon, and not at the crack o dawn.
  9. Finally running out of steam myself, I flop down in a chair, feeling pretty hungry. "Tamales? Enchalidas? Tostadas? Maybe with a pitcher of Sangria?"
  10. Nates sudden palor caught my eye. So, I thought, the penny has finally dropped. I could only hope he wouldn't do anything stupid. I gave him a hard stare, and said, "How is your rum, Nate? Might want to be careful. It's going to be a long night."
  11. Maybe we should start the "Shoe Pyrates Club." Shoooooes.....!
  12. Does it cost extra to stay in that section? Kinda glad I got a motel room. I like a shower at the end of the day, and I'm a little too long in the tooth to want to camp on the ground. Been there, done that. BTW, thanks Jill for the invite to your camp. Chain Shot and I will be sure to come by and say hello, meet everyone, and enjoy the shade! Just e-mailed a friend of mine who lives in Thousand Oaks that I'll be in Ojai that weekend. We haven't seen each other in 17 years, so he's going to come to the event so we can meet up after all this time. Just one more kewl thing to look forward to.
  13. That was one of the first things I told my husband before we got married. "I don't do mornings. Never have, never will." Sunrises are nice...Sunsets better! LOL As for snoring, weeel, only if I'm really tired, and then I usually wake myself up. BTW, Captain Sterling...you know, from my nice cushy hotel room, I never heard that church bell in the morning.
  14. Quick to catch the terms "borrowed" and "returned", I decided that Jacky's colusion with the Spanish might not have been voluntary. I decided not to shoot him. Looking over my glass at Navarro, I smiled and replied, "Well, I've been known to borrow a few items from ships from time to time." My smile broadened. "And I can't say that I've always returned them. If the...borrowing was profitable for you both, then no harm done, I suppose." A movement of Cats caught my eye, and I quickly kicked her under the table again, knowing what item she was slowly, and carefully reaching for. To divert the conversation away from treasure ships and charts, I gestured to a china bowl decorated in a blue pattern of leaves and birds. "Tell me, Sir, do you also import items from the east? It is strange to see such a delicate item so far from its home."
  15. Thunderstruck, I tried to keep my face calm. "Why, no, Sir, I was not aware that Captain Tar was charting for the Spanish. But, he is a man...," I looked at Jacky, then back at our host, ..."he is a man of many surprizes, it would seem. I assume you have rewarded him well for these efforts on your behalf?" God! Jacky in the pay of Spaniards. And he never said a word about it to any of us. If I lived through this dinner, I swore, I'd beat Jacky senseless or shoot him.
  16. Feeling much better today. Thank you all for you kind wishes and thoughts. The Pub is such a great place. Today I'm feeling sad but happy as well. I found wonderful homes for my last two horses, and they will be leaving my place this Sunday. Many, many tears to see them go, but so relieved that the people taking them will love them as much as I did, and always will. I'll be able to sleep at nights. So, one door in my life closes, and new ones open. That's how things go.
  17. I gave Navarro a nice smile. "Thank you for speaking in English. I regret to say, I know very few words of your fine language, and most of them should probably not be used at this table. I spend most of my time with sailors, Sir, you will understand what I mean." I sipped my wine slowly, and prepared to make small talk. Anything to keep our host happy.
  18. "I think I'll stick with this fine Madiera, thank you, Nate." Mentally I assesed the Spaniard, Navarro. He was handsome, expensively dressed, and had, to my mind, an over-abundance of Spanish self-pride. His offer to have me captain one of his ships I took at face value and thanked him, while thinking "never in my lifetime." I was also praying to the sea gods that Red Cat and Nate, having already hit the rum, wouldn't do anything to embarrase us, or cause trouble. This was not the time to make waves. Leaning over the table, I whispered to the pair of them, "Mind your manners, that Navarro is our ticket out of this port. Offend him, and we may all end up in a Spanish gaol. Eat his food, laugh at his jokes, and play the lady and gent. You can cuss him later, when we're back on board."
  19. I feel like doo doo. I have a screaming headach, and had no sleep last night. Think I'm going to head for some drugs and then the couch. Migrains.
  20. Being creative — whether it's writing, doing artwork, making jewelry, sewing, or gardening, I've always got to be doing something. Without all that, I'd go bonkers.
  21. As servants moved about us, and a few obviouse nobles as well, I leaned to Jacky and whispered, "Which one of these gentlemen is our host?"
  22. I'm clapping my hands and twirling around the tables when....ooomph....I get Red Cat's knee in my tummy as she falls off the table. Half catching, half falling with her, the little cap pistol goes off... CRACK Confettii and streamers fly all over Syren as Red Cat scrambles to her feet. Catching my breath, I jump back up as well, and the dancing continues — candy and cupcakes flying.
  23. Despite the boots, it amazed me how easily I could fall back into my old life's habits. Big, fancy parties, balls, formal dinners — forced down my throat until I was seventeen. Before everything in my life dramatically changed. Sometimes I missed those times, but mostly I didn't. However, it was a very nice feeling to be dressed like a lady, walking on Jacky's arm into a formal dining room, the table laden with good china, fine chrystal, and silver, while the flames of scented candles flickered in ornate silver candelabra. I gave Jacky a little wink and a smile, and we walked on.
  24. Huzzah for Maeve.... CRACK More confettii and streamers....over my own head this time. Hmmmm, one round left.
  25. Giblet dressing (Sheesh, now I'm already looking forward to Thanksgiving. )
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