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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. Hmmm...Bo, I think those two symtoms are conditions of lead impact, or lead smashing. Neither (injury or victim) lasting long enough to actually poison.
  2. It didn't take us long to cross the bay and reach the Rakehell. Africa was waiting for us, and I could tell by the look on his face he was not happy. "What?" I asked, as the three of us climbed to the deck. "Dat new man say you be on shore 'till tomorrow. Den, here you are with...," he glared and pointed at Jacky, ..."dat man." "Nate was right. I didn't think I'd be back until tomorrow morning. Slight change of plans." I gave the Cat a smile, then turned to Africa again. "Have Jimmy fetch that frock that Goose was wearing the day you tried to scalp him." Africa looked shocked. "You not goin' to wear it!" "No, I'm not." I pointed to the Cat. "She is." He turned to look at Red Cat, and a wide, very white grin, spread across Africa's face. "I get dat dress myself."
  3. Ransom


    Actually, the orgy part was kinda funny, especially when they all came to their senses and were appalled to see who they had just done "it" with.
  4. Red Cat seemed undecided as to what she wanted to do, give Robert's a tongue-lashing, or get in the boat. I put an arm casually around her shoulder. "Come on, Cat. Let's go have dinner with the nice Spanish." I winked at Jacky over the Cat's head. "I'm sure one of the dresses on the Rakehell will fit you. Tomorrow you can yell at Robert's all you want, or chase him around Havana, but for now, other things come first." Jacky walked to the rail, then paused to see if Red Cat followed. "You're choice, Cat," I said, heading for the rail as well. "Fight with Robert's or put on fancy dress and dine in style with the Spanish Dons." I paused before climbing down to the boat. "Or, you could go back to the Rakehell and keep that new man, Nate, company. I'm sure he'd like that." Then I joined Jacky in the jolly boat.
  5. I'm another advocate of SCA Boots. They are inexpensive, leather, and comfortable. I wore them all weekend at Port Washington, and that was the first time I'd worn them since I got them. No blisters. And if you get the ones that only have a small turndown, like mine, they don't scream "bucket boot." More like a period, conservative riding boot.
  6. **Looks at bodice pictures, and remembers the awesome coat. Takes drool rag from pouch and wipes lips** "Uh, oh, sorry." BTW, as for old ladies not acting their age - who ever said there were age rules?
  7. Ransom


    My husband and I watched it, and both came to the same conclusion. The movie was different, and I understood what the main character was trying, in his grewsome way, to do, but the ending was a cop out. It was as if the author (I haven't read the book) or screen writer got to the end, couldn't figure out what to do with this character, and came up with a last-ditch effort. Very lame. Also thought Dustan Hoffman's portrayal of an Italian was a joke. He sounded more like his Captain Hook character, other than yelling Basta every now and then. Alan Rickman, as always, very good! So, Costumes and feel for the period = A Main character, disturbed as he was = A- Alan Rickman = A Dustan Hoffman = F Movie Ending = F-
  8. Africa noticed the man look toward the binnacle, and saw the musket. He walked purposely to it, picked it up, and turned back to the new man. "This a big ship. I sure you can find somethin' to clean. If not, I put you with Goose in da galley." He held up the musket. "I hold on to this 'til I talk to da captain." He looked hard at the man. "I been told to watch you. I good at watching men who keep foolish grins on their faces. I good at takin' dat grin off." Tunny, who had been watching the exchange, approached the new man and Africa heard him say, "Better get about doin' somethin' mate. If Africa decides you're a threat to the captain, you might as well throw yourself overboard now. Protects her like a bull terrier, he does. You do NOT want to get on his bad side." With a nod toward the big blackamoor, and a wink at Nate, Tunny headed toward the hatch to below decks.
  9. This has been mine since Port Washington.
  10. Here, Red Cat, let me help you imagine...Welcome to my garden. BTW, I have five different kinds of lavender, among dozens of other things, including English roses.
  11. Or when you get ready to move from one house to another?
  12. Citrus & Sage candle from Yankee Candle Company. The thousands of crushed cedar seeds in our driveway, fallen from a "mother" tree. The lavender vanilla lotion I get from Bath & Bodyworks. My herb garden after it rains - heaven! The first "taste" in the air of the ocean, as we head toward the coast to spend the weekend on the boat.
  13. Wonderful pictures, William. You and your beautiful wife make a lovely couple. That last picture of Maeve with the stunning scarf draped over her head, would make an awesome portrait painting. Maybe you better get a back-up photobucket account, 'cause I'm sure everyone is going to want to see more photos. Thanks for sharing.
  14. Africa shook the man like a dog with a rat, then let go of his shirt. "You keep that grin, I lock you in the bildges. You touch anything of the captain's again, I toss you to da sharks. Now, go 'bout your work. When da captain gets back, we see who tells the lie then." The big blackamoor turned to the rest of the crew, who all stook gawking. "I make you all eat Goose's stew for a week, if you don get to work!" "Hey!" Goose started to protest, but was trampled in the crew's eagerness to get back to their tasks.
  15. Africa saw the newcomer with the spyglass. Quickly he crossed the deck and snatched the instrument out of the young man's hands. "Who gave you orders to spy? Dat glass belong to the captain. You touch it again, you feel the cat!" The man backed away, stumbling a bit as he went. Africa glared at him, then put the spyglas to his own eye and looked at the Relentless. He could see the captain on board. Once again he turned to the newcomer, took two large strides, and grabbed the man by the shirt. "I thought you say the captain stay on shore till late? I see her on the Relentless. What else you lie about, new man?"
  16. I'd ignored Jacky's remark about me needing a bath, and I'd ignored the remark about the dress. I figured they were payback for yanking his chain about Nate. That didn't mean I'd let the remarks pass. As Roberts approached Red Cat, I slipped next to Jacky, gave a few exagerated sniffs, and remarked, "I'm not the only one who could use a bath, luv. And if you like, you can wear the dress, and I'll just throw on a fresh shirt and coat." I grinned. "After all, you did look quite fetching in that last frock you had on."
  17. As Red Cat snored away, I gave Jacky a smile. "So, tell me about Arab bath houses." Then I took my set of oars, matched Jacky's rythm, and rowed for the Relentless.
  18. "Aye, it'll be faster with two rowing. We can dump her into her hammock and tell Africa to keep an eye on her. That should please him. I can also grab some fresh clothes." I cocked an eye. "Just how formal is this dinner you've invited me to? If I need to impress some Spanish Don, do you still have that dress you wanted to give me? If you do, this might be a good time to put it to use."
  19. "Come on, Cat, ya bloody fool, move your feet. You're starting to draw attention." Between us, Cat struggled and spit, even more cat-like when drunk than when sober. Once out of the cantina, I nodded at Jacky, "Yeah, I'd say she's pretty sauced. Think we can get her into the boat without having to knock her out?"
  20. Africa watched as the newcomer climbed back on board, and the supplies were unloaded. He didn't like it that the Captain wasn't with them. No good luck ever came from the Spanish, and although he knew he was a brave man, the thought of going back into slavery frightened him. He would die before he let them take him again. It was all the fault of Dat Man. She never should have followed him on this voyage. There had been nothing but trouble, and he feared nothing but trouble to come. No amount of corpse powder would save them. He glared at the newcomer. "What message?"
  21. While secretly thinking the Cat was out of her mind to use that word openly anywhere, especially here, I gave her a blank look. "I'm sure I don't know what you mean. The Rakehell is a perfectly respectable merchant schooner." Then I turned to Jacky. "I suggest we get out of here before the stares get any worse. And as far as Nate is concerned, I'd be more worried about Dillard, if I were you."
  22. I rolled my eyes. "Oh, right. I spend half my life in Arab Bath houses." Turning the pistol over, I saw the initials that had arrested Jacky's attention. "You really think that lad is a threat?"
  23. For me personally, I'd rather leave it up to each artist as to what they wanted to put in my book. That way it's more of a surpise, and no one feels intimidated by a limitation. I just like the "Whatever happens, happens" anticipation.
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