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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. I nodded. "I'll be along presently. I just want to lock these charts up." Before Jacky left the cabin, I added. "And, while you're earning your keep, you might keep an eye on our guest. I noticed he avoided having to answer the question about who attacked the Eliza. He's hiding someting, and eventually we'll find out what it is. In the mean time, I'm going to tell Africa to work his hide off. Hopefully, he'll be too tired to try anything. If I get an itchy feeling about him between now and our next harbor, I'll put him ashore in Havana and he can fend for himself."
  2. Do we have to choose? Can't we have a bit of both?
  3. Husband, and I just got our first look at the large For Sale sign out by our driveway, and...gulp...wondering if we are out of our minds. Talking about moving was easy - seeing that sign makes it REAL!
  4. I gave him a feral smile in return. "Yes, I'm sure getting attacked by pirates was quite dreadful. Do you happen to remember the name of the vessel that attacked you? Just so we can keep a weather eye out for it, you understand. Can't be too careful in these waters." Jacky smothered a chuckle, and I gave him a wink, then turned back to the newcomer. "Well, Nate, the Rakehell be a bit crowded at the moment, but if you think you've got all your strength back, report to Africa, my first mate, and he'll be more than happy to put you to work." "Speaking of work." I glanced around the crowded room. "Don't you lot have jobs to do? This isn't some pleasure barge, floating down the Thames toward Winsor Great Park! There are still storm repairs to be finished, if nothing else. I want this ship healed of all her wounds before we reach our next destination."
  5. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Mosquitos! Although they favor my husband over me. < Favorite insects would be Dragonflies. We have several different types and colors that hang out on/over our pond. After that would be all the bees and bumble bees in my garden. V What critter do you dislike the most - Spiders, snakes, rodents...?
  6. I looked up as Nate entered the room, and smiled. "Feeling better, I hope." He nodded, obviously a bit nervous, but then I could hardly blame him, since he didn't know any of us, nor what we were about. I'm sure he had also noticed that the Rakehell wasn't exactly Royal Navy or merchant, either. For the moment, I intended to leave him in the dark as to what our real venture was. "Now you've got a bit of strength back, I'd like to hear a few more details of the loss of the Eliza. "Who was her Captain? Where was she bound? What was her cargo? And was it just the storm that sank her?" I looked Nate in the eyes, waiting to see what his reaction would be to my next statement. "When you've told me all you can about the Eliza, you can then tell me all you can about yourself."
  7. Takes a big bite of scone. As I chew, I pick out the feathers floating in my tea.
  8. JT, you look pretty sexy and...okay, maybe not comfy, but relaxed? I like your new coat, too. As for Bess, well, it's Herself. What more to you need to say?
  9. When I said cuppa, I meant tea. I never drink coffee. And, I think orange marmalade tastes good on just about everything!
  10. Yes, he is. But I don't think he would thank us for calling him one. It kinda puts a dent in his Bad Boy Pyrate image.
  11. Okay, ummmm, a nice scone maybe? With butter and orange marmalade. And a hot cuppa to go with it.
  12. I gave Jacky a smile. "Well, once we anchor, this little adventure is in your hands. I don't know Havana, or its customs. I tend to avoid Spanish towns, for obvious reasons." My look changed to something more serious. "I'll trust you not to get us all locked in a Spanish gaol, with the Rakehell ending up flying Spanish colors. I'll sink her before I let that happen. Just thought you ought to know, before we get to the point of no return."
  13. That's sooooo cute....... Sorry, Patrick, but this is a period correct pillow fight. No zippers allowed. Belts, ties, and buttons - different story. As for the rapier, yeah, it is cute, but it still gets the job done. Tosses a fat pillow at Patrick, which hits him in the chest and explodes, leaving Patrick looking like Big Bird's albino brother.
  14. I think the one William did for Thomas Neede was outstanding. You might consider different catagories, since some have computer-generated sigs, some just have photos, and some have hand-drawn artwork (OderlessEye,). Maybe: Computer-generated, Photos, and Other - which could include self-drawn, or combinations of media. Just a thought.
  15. About the same time that Silkie nearly fell in the door, Jimmy Cox stuck his head in and said, "Ma'am, Tunny sent me ta tell you that fellow Nate is awake and himself again." "Have Tunny get some food down the man, then escort him here. I want to ask him a few questions, now that he's not in danger of passing out." Jimmy nuckled his forehead and withdrew. I turned back to the charts Jacky and I had been looking over. "So, you've been to Havana before. Where is the best place to anchor, and who do we have to pay? And, more to the point, what is your plan if the Relentless is there?"
  16. A Pub member and band supporter sent me this CD as a gift. LOVED it. If we do the Secret Santa thing again this year, whoever I get, will probably recieve one of these CDs. Awesome job, Bess. Congrats to you and all the band members, and to a special supporter - you know who you are, Luv.
  17. Why, thank you sir. I believe I'll have an extra-dry gin martini with double olives.
  18. I bring in a large basket full of fresh veggies from my garden. "Thought you could use these for your larder, William." Inside are, tomatos (Romas and cherry), cucumbers, summer squash, basile (purple, and green), Italian parsley, and some fat leaves of Rainbow Kale. Also sprigs of tyme, sage, rosemary, lemon balm, and spearmint.
  19. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ I went to the Pirate Festival in Port Washington, WI, met lots of Pub folks, and spent 40 minutes in the basement of an old bank, waiting to see if we were all going to be sucked up to Oz by a tornado. < Since then, the summer has been work - getting ready to put our house on the market, getting rid of all the junk/treasures stashed everywhere (husband and myself are pack-rats), keeping the yard and garden nice. V Pass the question on "This year, on my summer holiday...."
  20. With a final lob of a nicely stuffed pillow at Patrick's...back, I shake the feathers out of my curls, and give Silkie a wry smile for the hit on my head. "Hey, girl, I thought it was us against them? Whose side you on, anyway?" The air is full of drifting feathers as I settle down next to Red Cat, waiting for round two of the pillow fight. "I'll take a four-pack of wine coolers, if anyone's making a liqour store run." Gives Jacky a wink, and thinks he looks kinda cute with feathers stuck to his eyebrows.
  21. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ California and Oregon < Got my vintage 1970 Dodge Challenger for sale. Thought I'd be buried in that car, but times change. I've had it since 1972! V Scentimental about cars, boats,...things, or do you let them go without a qualm?
  22. Malformed? Missing an eye - that's nothing. Scars? Well, hel... we all have those. You don't look too malformed to me. Hope you're not missing a hand that can dig into your purse and pay for a round of drinks. If you are, then you may be leaving here a bit malformed. Better buy a round, Mate. It's the custom.
  23. Ah, welcome, Sebastien. Since you're buying, I'll have my usual - French bubbly with a tot of Tattoo. Hope you find the Pub to your liking. There are many fine pirates about, and if you're buying drinks, I'm sure you'll meet most of them. Salute!
  24. Puts down toast, and grabs a pillow, ready to defend myself.
  25. Home Bar B Q'ed chicken, home grown tomatos & cucumber with red pepper flakes, & home grown Italian parlsey & basil, tossed with olive oil and red wine vinegar, and white beans with butter, salt & pepper. Wine for me, beer for husband.
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