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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. Well, not everyone. Gets kinda frustratin', all you East coasties, teasin' this lonely West coastie. **Sign** Heck, it'll take me until next year's PW to pay for this years! Play a dirge for me. LOL
  2. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Yes, hopeless, total disaster! Only the once, and I learned my lesson! < Long Tom, that's what I meant. Doing the dishes for someone exhausted is romantic and caring - and it didn't cost you a dime. V The blind date question is a good one. Any horror stories?
  3. That would be five cats, three cat boxes.
  4. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ I met my husband because I was friends with his first wife. I was in their huge, SCA equestian wedding. The marriage lasted barely a year. We've been married for over 16 years, and we still have romance. < Romance is little, caring gestures, silly surprises (like finding pirate socks in your suitcase), and courtesy. It takes so little effort to be romantic, I am surprised that so many people aren't. V Pass the question on - How did you meet your spouse...or pet?
  5. Just got back from doing errands in town - and mailing off my art journal to Boots. After a short Pub break, I get to go clean cat boxes. Now, doesn't that sound exciting!
  6. Will he have to roll the Archangel upside down for it to work?
  7. I PMed Dorian ages (6-8 months) ago about that possiblity, since I saw him "lurking" around PR so often. He said it might be interesting, but then he never brought it up again. I think Silkie is right, it migh cause a rip in the fabric of time. But it would be fun!
  8. Welcome William! Enjoyed your fiddle playing very much, and was honored to be allowed to hold Maevis a few times. Hope she didn't mind too much. Yes, a round of drinks is in order, or the natives get hostile! They're very good at telling you what they'll have, all you need do is provide the shiny to pay for it. Welcome to the Pub, mate.
  9. I second that, Will. Welcome to the Pub. Rats, I'm told you have a few PW dance pictures that I should be "very afraid" of? Should I be?
  10. Books go out tomorrow! I am apologising ahead of time to you all - I realized that I put my book together starting from the back of the sketch book, not the front ( I had both end pieces covered, so they looked the same). It means you have to fuss with the binding rings to get the pages to lay flat. Sorry! R
  11. I like the "English Admiral at Sea." Especially for the fact that he has his shirt and coat sleeve shoved up on his sword arm. I also find the variety of hat styles in the pictures interesting. Lots of ideas there. Thanks for posting them, Captain.
  12. Hoop-de-wada-wada (From the Jungle Book movie - more fun that just a "bump")
  13. Thanks for the info and pictures, Lady B. I like these pants. They look comfortable, and easy to drop so you can use the privy - something us ladies have to take into concideration, since we can't stand up to do the job!
  14. Well done indeed, Rats! Have to ask - did the shot of Evil Peaches on the deck of the "Black Pearl" turn out? The shot of Peaches and the Shark (Sounds like a kids book LOL), is priceless. Pete should use it as his Avatar or Signature. Everyone looks smashing - mis-tied cravats or not.
  15. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Romantic, with a healthy dose of pragmatic - prevents dissappointment, most of the time anyway. < My husband is a romantic for sure. Who else would bury four pairs of pyrate socks and a lovely card into my suitcase without my seeing him do it, so that I could find them on my second morning in Port Washington. V Pass the question on.
  17. I winked back at Silkie. "By the time he decides he needs a rest, he may be too tired to talk...or walk!" Some of the crew were still looking at me a bit strange, so I felt the need to explain Jacky's plan to them. "The natives of this island seem to want only male prisoners. They use some kind of drug-soaked dart to disable their prey. That's what happened to Roberts. If you all don some form of women's clothing, it may stall an attack on the ship. Jacky's little demonstration was to set an example that even the most masculine of men can pose as a lady. It's either that, or risk getting darted and hung in a cage." The men shuffled their feet, and mumbled under their breath, then Jimmy Cox stepped forward. "Beggin' yer pardon, Ma'am, but there's some of us that aint had no womanly comfort in a long while - if ya take my meaning. Maybe spendin' a bit o' time with these natives wouldn't be so bad." I stepped closer to the young man, whose face was now beet red with embarrassment. "If you, or any of the crew take one foot off this deck, or if you jump ship to go visit that island, I'll leave you on it. Understand?" Jimmy nodded and stepped back. Tunny and Ludo knuckled their foreheads. At that moment a half-shaved, screaming Goose came charging up onto the deck, with Africa, razor in hand, chasing after him.
  18. Thanks, Sir Henry. You are always so good at sharing your knowledge with us. Hope you can rejoin the story at some future date. R
  19. Ransom


    X - marks the spot for the party!
  20. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ That would depend on who's doing the keeping and in what condition I'd be kept. < Air conditioning? There's air conditioning? I thought that was just open the windows and turn on the fan. Who knew? V What's your favorite summer activity to do by yourself - other than walk on the beach/lake shore?
  21. Honey don't... (Sounds like you need a different ship )
  22. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ 113-115 degree heat, and dragging a hose around to keep everything watered. ^ A Margarita on the rocks. < My other half hates the heat a lot, which is why we escape to the boat so often - much cooler weather on the coast. V How do you escape the heat?
  23. Ransom


    C - Candles, cake, cozy chairs, carpet for the ground, and a chamber group for background music.
  24. If the Noir is your Corvette, is this your delux Airstream? Very posh!
  25. Okay, then I just misunderstood the situation. Thanks, Captain.
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