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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. Fanny (As in: Bob's your uncle, Fanny's your aunt. LOL)
  2. No insult intended, HildeKitten. I've PMed you, and hope you understand.
  3. I'm so glad more of you have signed on! The first rotation will start on June 15th. Right now I'm too swamped by preparations for Port Washington, to be able to get a journal out. That gives you plenty of time to prepare the cover, and two or three pages of your own work in the book before the rotation starts. Let me refresh the rules a bit. Each person does just one journal. That journal is then passed around the loop of artists every two weeks - 1st and the 15th of each month. At the end of the project, each artist will have his/her journal back full of artwork by all the others. This is NOT like the plunder thread, where you had to make a gift for each person participating. You only need one book to pass around. ***Also, due to the short time frame between rotations, the cost of mailing, and the risk of loss, I still would prefer to keep the books in the US or Canada - at least for this first time.*** If all goes well, we can do it again on a monthly rotation, which would give more time for the books to travel across the pond. Any questions feel free to PM me. The roster and rotation order is this, so far. "V" means who would pass their books on to whom. The rotation would stay in that order - I would then pass Silkie's book on to Boots, he would pass mine on to Patrick...etc. Ransom V Boots V Patrick Hand V Lady B V Captain P.E.W V Silkie V (to me, or the next to sign on before the deadline) If for any reason you feel you can't commit, please post it here before the rotation starts. Once it gets going, you really must finish it, to make it fair for eveyone. After the rotation starts, the project is closed to any late comers wanting to join in. It would get too confusing. The fun begins June 15th. Any medium you want, any style you want.
  4. While secretly thinking that "Det way" was a little imprecise, I instructed Africa to head the ship in the direction Silkie indicated. "Silkie, do you remember if there are any reefs or low cays around this island? I don't want to risk running the Rakehell aground." I looked toward the bow and shouted at Jimmy Cox, "Jimmy, get aloft and keep an eye out for reefs, or anything else we might run up on." "Cat, can you get our bearings while I go below and get my chart for these waters. I'd like to know just where that storm blew us, and where this island may be." I smiled at Silkie. "Other than "Det Way."
  5. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Pen & ink, colored pencil, acrylic paints. Right now I'm very into mixed-media collage, which employs all of those things. < I've also become addicted to making jewelry, and am slowly experimenting with digital photography. V It's a good question - I'll pass it again.
  6. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ I have no idea what cartoon character I'm like. Probably Wile E Coyote - always trying for the gold ring, and never quite grabbing it - but never giving up. My favorite cartoon character was the old Popeye - before the animation went cheapo. I loved Alice the Goon, and Jeep the dog - at least, I think it was a dog. Tom Hatton Popeye cartoons on Saturday nights - with the "Finish the swiggle contest." < I've been on the POTC ride dozens of times. I even got stuck on it once, at the very end, hanging at a 45 degree angle while the town burned around me and shots pinged overhead. They closed the ride, and we were the last ones rescued off the boats. My ex husband was passing around a flask of rum while we waited. Tell truth, after having to listen to it for about 40 min., I was REALLY sick of the Yo Ho Yo Ho song for a long time. V Ever get stuck on a ride anywhere?
  7. Once Red Cat had let go of my coat, and got herself under control, I made my decision. I tunred to Silkie. "Guide us to the island that Jacky is on. We pick him up first, and then he can tell us what happened, and who is in on it. Then we beat quick as we can after the Relentless, and take the ship back. We'll need Jacky for that as well, as he knows that ship better than anyone, and might also know where the bastards are taking her." I put my hand on Red Cat's shoulder. "We'll get Roberts back, safe and sound. As you said, he's no idiot, and has a strong sense of self-preservation. He also knows we won't abandon him. We'll find him. In the mean time, we make repairs to the Rakehell on the fly, and while we're at it, we'll all think of some nice little punishment for those who mutinied. A very nice little punishment, to be sure." "So, Silkie, show us where Captain Tar is. We've no time to lose."
  8. It didn't take long for me to hear, like a pack of baying dogs, the men from the tavern. Only a bribe could have sent them off on a new hunt, and I suspected the dark man of being the hand to whom they would go to lick, if I was caught. Fool! I'd been in much worse circumstanses than this. Shoving buckets, baskets, and anything else that would slow a drunken sailor, I darted from one alley to another. Taking an abrupt left, I charged through another tavern kitchen, through the common room, up the stairs, and out a window onto the roof. Buildings were close enough to offer a lofty highway. Doing a double back, I headed for the harbor, making sure the drunken Blood & Hangers has lost the scent. Three lanes over, and with the Rakehell in site, I jogged along the wharf and boarded my ship. Africa greeted me with raised eyebrows. "We late fo the careenin' yard. Where you been?" "Avoiding a spot of trouble. And before it finds me again, let's get the Rakehell over to the yards. Take your time crossing the bay. I don't want a welcoming party when we get there." I stood at the rails, looking toward town, but no guards or drunks showed up on the docks. I had been lucky, but I would not forget the dark stranger.
  9. I couldn't believe Sterling would just lay there, and then let the guards drag him off. The lest he could have done was add to the diversion until Sebastian and his sister had escaped. Now, instead of a melee, there would be murder. Did the man have no regard for the safety of his wife and child at all? I suddenly lost all pity for the man, and was digusted that he would let the poor blighters from the Blood & Hanger be shot point blank, when, had he put up an ounce of struggle, nothing more than a good skirmish would have occured. When the guards pointed their muskets at the shouting men, I turned to Sebastian, who was literally dragging his sister from the street. The brawlers from the tavern blocked any direct shot at the pair, so at least they could escape - back into the tunnel if they had to. Sebastian would know which way was safest. As for me, I felt I'd done all I could. The brawlers had stopped in their tracks when faced with muskets, and I didn't think the guards really wanted a small massacre on their hands. Turning back into the Blood & Hanger, I ran across the common room, through the kitchen, and out to the alley behind. All the while I wondered who the stanger was who had so much influence. Indeed, I had a bone to pick with him, and would find out just who he was. Then we would see.
  10. As I stood my ground, trying to make all seem like a mere joke, I saw a stranger approach the guard, whisper something in his ear, and point toward Sebastian and his sister. Who the hell was he, I wondered? What authority did he have, for the guard listened intently, and then eyed us with alarm. Bad, this was very bad. I needed a diversion. Quickly glancing around, I noticed we were in front of a tavern called the Blood & Hanger, a very seedy place, even for Port Royal. With the lingering hope that someone within would still be sober enough to fight, and with a hangover bad enough to make them want to, I darted to the door. Sticking my head into the dark interior, I shouted at the top of my lungs, "Oi, the Blood & Hanger! To me, lads, before the bloody Red Coats take an innocent sailor to the gibbet. They've rousted one of our own, and he needs your help. By God, to me ya scurvy, bilge-soaked sea rats. Ya worthless whore-sons, to me I tell ya!" I was nearly knocked down by the group of bug-eyed, drink-headed men, roaring with anger at the insult to their mothers. When they saw the guardsmen, the roar got louder. I grinned. "See lads, they've taken a poor, sick captain still suffering from a pistol shot. Will ya stand for it?" Then I stood back with satisfaction as, literally, all hell broke loose.
  11. "Bloody hell," I muttered. "Where is Jacky? We can get him aboard the Rakehell, and then, by God, we'll deal with the mutineers. Silkie, can you tell us where Jacky is before you go to you hammock? I know you're tired, but we need to find him as fast as we can, if we want to find out what happened to Roberts and the others." Next to me, the Cat, her eyes wide, stood with her brandy glass paused in mid-air. It had hung there as soon as Silkie informed us that Roberts had gone overboard.
  12. No, but I've melted them in the micro to make Rice Krispy treats. Haven't you?
  13. "Actually, by the look on Silkies face, I think she could use the Brandy. Let's go below, and since you already know where it is and how to open the lock, you, Cat, can fetch it." Silkie, still a bit wobbly, was helped down to my cabin where she flopped down in a chair. When Red Cat handed her the glass of brandy, she took a sip, and it seemed to help. "Okay, Silkie, tell us what happened on the Relentless. Why did she leave us during the storm? Are Jacky and Roberts in danger or hurt?"
  14. Don't things burn in the fire and cook in the pan?
  15. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ When it comes right down to it, I doubt there are very many people who would die for each other, except parents for their kids. < On the housekeeping note, with all the animals we have, the hay we feed, and the garden I work in, neat is not high on my list. That's why all the flooring in our house is tile. Easy to clean. V Do you judge people by how clean - or not- their house/yard is?
  16. common sense (sadly lacking these days)
  17. One of my cats, digging in the cat box. A very industrious digger, is Domino.
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