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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. Just a reminder for those participating in the journal exchange, that June 15th is the first rotation date. Anyone wanting to join in can do so up until then, but after the rotation starts, it's a closed game. I'll be leaving for Pt. Washington tomorrow, and won't be back until 2 am next Tuesday morning. After recuperating for a day or two, I'll start on my journal pages. Please, please, those of you who have signed on for this, promise that you will stay with it until the end, so the exchange is fair for everyone. I'll post another reminder once I get back from PW. Those that have already agreed to play, please reconfirm one more time before we start. THANKS!!!!
  2. Roberts still seemed in a daze, and had nothing to offer. Silkie and Red Cat kept watch on the boat off shore. Before any of us could decide to go into the interior, a running figure emerged from the jungle and sprinted towards us, waving his arms and yelling, "Get in the boat!" Without thought, I ran forward, grabbed his hand and, sure that he was unhurt, rushed with him to the boat. "Go, go, go!" I yelled, as we frantically pushed the boat into the water and jumped in. The oars flashed and I fired another shot into the air, hoping to alert the Rakehell that we needed back up. To my surprize, before the shot died away, I saw the prow of the Rakehell's jolly boat, with Africa in the bow. He must have come when I fired that first shot on the beach. I shouted at him, "We've got Captain Tar, but keep an eye out on that other boat. So far they've left us alone, but that may change soon." Side by side, the two boats cut through the swells, heading for the Rakehell. I turned to Jacky, kissed him, then punched him hard on the arm. "So, ya big lummox, who was the woman?"
  3. Tea and a bowl of nuked Grapenuts and milk. Our new garage door. The two nice guys putting in the new garage door. All the people I hope to meet at Pt. Washington this weekend!
  4. Cozy is good. You meet so many new friends that way. Can't wait!!!!
  5. When the jolly boat reached shore, we all jumped out and drug it up the beach. I heard drums from somewhere inland, and their pounding matched the pounding of my heart. Where was Jacky? The only indication that he'd been here, was a smoldering camp fire. The other boat, bobbing on the swells, did not follow us, but stayed as it had been, its occupants silently watching. The whole scenerio gave me the creeps, and heightened my fear that something bad had happened to Jacky and we were too late to save him. With weapons drawn, I turned to the others. "Anyone got a plan?" Then I pointed my pistol in the air and fired a shot, telling Jacky, if he was still alive, that help had arrived.
  6. Or could it be... that they were not invited back for a 4th..... Gotta save face you know. In all honesty, I think Disney took that relationship as far as it could go. I, for one, won't be too dissappointed if Will and Elizabeth are not included in the 4th movie. As others have stated, I think they should concintrate on Jack and Barbossa. I really did love Barbossa in this third movie. And if the writers can figure out a way to bring Norrington back, I'd be a happy camper. Was very sorry to see him killed off. I loved the movie, and will go see it again, but have a secret hope that the future movies, no matter how many they do, are not so overwhelmed with special effects. Action, yes. But not so much CGI, please.
  7. It better be rain or shine! I don't want to spend all that time on airplanes and not get to party!
  8. Saw the movie Friday afternoon, and here are my thoughts, for what they are worth. Overall, I liked it, but thought it another example of special effects taking over the story line. I found a few of the effects a bit hoaky - the two "sling-shot" escapes by Jack, the last one having him land on a yard arm and fight Davey Jones while trying to hold on to the chest? The other, the parachute escape of Jack and Elizabeth at the end of the movie. The mini-me Jacks got tiresome after the first gag. I also didn't understand why Elizabeth couldn't stay on the Flying Dutchman with Will, since she'd been sailing on it already. Sorry, but as romantic as it may sound, ten years between one night stands is a bit of a streach. Two ships blow the flagship of the BEIC out of the water and a whole fleet turns tail and runs? NOT. I liked very much the meeting of the pirate lords, and the fact that the pieces of eight were just bits of junk, not coins. To my surprise, I enjoyed Keith Richards as keeper of the code. In my opinion, the big winner overall was Barbossa. He got his life back, his crew back, and his ship back. Jack ended up back where he'd started in the first movie - in a one-man boat. I felt very bad that Norrington was killed off. Loved his character in the second movie. And yes, the hint that the forth movie will be the search for the Fountain of Youth was pretty blatant, but I look forward to another duel between Barbossa and Jack. Most inspirational scene - when all the pirate bretheran hoisted their colors. LOVED that one. ( I think Billy Bones made a few of those flags - nice job!) And for something completely different: At Wall Mart I picked up a copy of a fun book called Piratepedia. And whose picture is inside, but the Pub's very own Cascobel! (See page 94). Very kewl.
  9. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Myrna Loy in the Thin Man series with Dick Powell. Crossed with Cher...oh, I forgot, she's not dead yet. < Actually, I can't really think who I might have been. Whoever it was, they were probably just as sarcastic as I am now. V Pass the question on.
  10. I've always thought so, don't you? (Oh, prezzies are nice, but not always required )
  11. If you're "good" at twising arms, wouldn't that be gift enough? (Your company would be wonderful gift)
  12. Golden Tan (I like yogurt, but don't wear a bikini. Prefer a sexy one-piece.)
  13. How would you go about twisting my arm? (Nope, no date yet. Doing anything?)
  14. Did he twist your arm? (Mimosas without champagne glasses at sunrise are even better )
  15. Tea and peach yogurt The bacherlor group of eight Canadian geese on our pond. All glaring at me because I was late getting their breakfast of cracked corn sprinkled on the grass. The geese. They're good listeners. Chole - wondering how she is going to take over WI It'll be something in the cheese, right?
  16. Living in a place where deer are very common - there was a young buck eating wild lilac just outside my kitchen window this morning — I think the fact that you care for the youngster is grand. They are just too cute - even if they do eat my roses.
  17. To Jacky Tar David Bowie's "Let's Dance" (Under the moonlight, this mysterious moonlight) 'Cause the dance, thus far, has been grand!
  18. Cussing! If one more *&$%@# telemarketer calls my house.... I wish someone would invent a device you could attach to your phone, so that if one of these people called you, you could hit the # key and their head sets would explode - or emit a piercing whistle that would render them forever useless as a phone flogger.
  19. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ The Mill Casino in Coos Bay - the all-you-can-eat Friday night seafood buffet. Killer!!! < I do like the Olive Garden as well, and it's closer - only 35 miles away. V Pass the question on.
  20. With the Rakehell healed over like a drunken sailor, and the careening crew hard at work on her bottom, I decided to pay my belated visit to Trilby. Before leaving the yards, I gave the rest of the crew permission to spend time in town, and told Ludo to arrange for provisions. This got me a scowl from Goose, but I ignored him. Fortunately, the commotion of earlier that morning had died down. With Sterling hauled away to gaol, the soldiers had dispersed. I arrived at Trilby's door without being acosted by anyone wearing a red coat. Before I could knock on the door, a roof tile hit me on the shoulder. Seething, I looked up to see the old man leaning out over the rooftop half-wall. "What the bloody hell are you doing?" "Keeping the devil from mae door. Be gone." Trilby hurled another tile, which exploded at my feet. I jumped back. "I'm not the devil, you madman, but if you don't stop trying to bash my brains in, I'll be glad to send you to him." "I nae want the law on mae doorstep again. Every time you turn up, sae do a dozen louts wearing red coats. Searched mae house three times just a day ago." "I had nothing to do with that." "Ha! Sae you say. But I'll nae belive it." Across the street, a very fat woman was staring at us. Two or three men on horses had pulled up to watch the altercation. Great, I thought, just what I needed. Another crowd to draw attention to myself. "Open the door, Trilby, ya great ox, or the red coats will show up for sure." "Never!" And another tile crashed to the cobbles. Furious with the old codger, but grateful that his aim was bad, I climbed the half-dead vine that clung to the wall. All the while, roof tiles rained off my shoulders and back. When I finally, bruised and breathless, breached the half-wall, I grabbed Trilby's arm before he could throw another tile at my head. "Leave off, blast you. I just came for a nice quiet visit." His face purple with the effort of repelling me, Trilby sputtered, "God's teeth, I wish I had a vicious dog I could sic on yea."
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