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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. Your boat is just what I've been looking for, as something with a little pirate style, to learn how to sail in. I would like updates when you get the kit ready for shipping, what the costs might be, etc. And how difficult it would be to put together if woodworking skills were not your forte, nor your husbands. Lovely little vessel.
  2. Since my friend hasn't had a chance to get the Harry Potter books to me yet, I have become lost within the labarinth (?) of Foucault's Pendulum by Umberto Eco, as well as the second book in the Niccolo series by Dorothy Dunnett. From the mysteries of the Templers, to the machinations of trade in the fourteen hundreds. No, I don't get whiplash!
  3. Dibs on the four-poster bed, the telescope, and the beautiful oriental-style carpets.
  4. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Sea urchin sushi. It was okay, but I didn't like the texture, which was sorta like pudding only not. You eat it out of the shell. < I've tried and love escargot, raw oysters on the half shell with hot sauce, a lot of sushi...basically, I'll try anything once, just to see what it's like. As for liver - I detest liver, but love liverworst sandwhiches. Go figure. < Sorry, Jacky, but I love a big bowl of sauerkraut with a nice fat bratwurst sausage. Yum! V Ever have a food you hated as a kid, then later learned to love as an adult?
  5. Oh, Silkie, I'm so sorry to hear about your father. A hug for you, and a prayer for you and your family.
  6. Just ckecking in to see how everyone is doing, especially P.E.W. Are you buried in books?
  7. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Going to my Aunt and Uncle's house for dinner and being faced with succatash (?), which contains two of the vegetables I loath - peas and lima beans. And as kids, my parents taught us that, when you're company, it's bad manners not to eat everything served to you. Yikes! After the second gag, they told me I didn't have to eat the stuff. < Up until two weeks ago, I was an eggplant avoider as well. Finally had it cooked right - at a small bistro - and it was very good. Who knew? V Pass the veggie horror story along.
  8. So, you fancy hanging out at the Pub, eh? A fine place, to be sure, and no doubt where all seven of the deadly sins can be found - in one form or another. Holds out embossed silver goblet stolen...err, borrowed...from a French merchantman. "I'll have me usual, French bubbly with a shot of tattoo. Gramercy." Welcome to the Pub, mate.
  9. With most of the crew below enjoying Ludo's hearty meal, I stayed on deck, the spyglass to my eye. I saw Jacky and Dillard rowing the jolly boat toward shore, not toward the Rakehell. With a curse, I slapped the telegraphing lens back into itself. From behind me, Africa said, "Why you let dat man make you so mad? Now he have his ship back, why don we jus pull up anchor and leave dis port? Leave dat Silkie too." "There are times when I wonder the same thing, other than Silkie. I don't know why she has you so spooked. She done nothing but help us ever since we started on this adventure. But believe me, I'd much rather be in Port Royal than sitting here like a cat surrounded by a pack of rabid Spanish dogs." "Twas da Spanish dat took me to slave. You say da word, and I have da Rakehell out to sea quick as cat running from dogs." I turned to face him. "Let's hope it doesn't come to that, but if it does, have no fear, I'll be puling that anchor up myself."
  10. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ I don't know if this counts, but I've been caught in the frenzy of a rock concert crowd, and thought I was going to be knocked down and trampled. The guy I was dating at the time got behind me, put his arms around my chest, and dragged me out of the worst of it, elbowing people as he went, so he could get through. Scared the crap out of me! < Yeah, I've seen individuals go postal, and that can get ugly. V Good question, so I'll pass it on.
  11. Ludo's arias got louder the longer he cooked. I had no idea what Italian trajedy he was singing, but every crewman on the Rakehell had a grin on his face, most probably because when the singing stopped they knew they'd get a fine meal. Goose had come to me, fuming as usual. Rather than listen to him, I sent him aloft to keep watch on the harbor. He could fume all he wanted up there, and no one would hear him. Personally, I kept my spyglass on the Relentless. The easy way Jacky had taken back his ship had me curious - very curious. The only violence I saw was a sailor jumping overboard, so at least Roberts was keeping control. And Ludo wasn't the only one singing. I could see Silkie lounging on the deck while around her the sailors worked busy as bees. Very strange. Yes, Jacky luv, I thought, when you get back, there will be few questions I'll want answered.
  12. To JT and Havana... Anticipation by Carly Simon
  13. neve neuve linko? Is that a new breed of gecko? Maybe from some small island off coast of Africa or Shri Lanka?
  14. With the Rakehell anchored and secure, and with nothing much to do until Jacky, Roberts and Silkie got back, I called for Ludo and spoke to him in Italian. "Fix the crew a fine meal, will you. Don't let Goose near a pot or pan while your working, or he'll try and sabotage the food. We need something grand to take everyone's mind off the fact that we are surrounded by Spaniards." Ludo's weathered, expressive face lit up with a smile, showing blindingly white teeth, then he raced below, singing. The tenor notes of some aria echoed throughout the ship. "Well," I thought, "at least one of us is happy."
  15. I watched Cat stomp off in a huff. Couldn't really blame her. When she barked at Nate, I had to smile. Poor man. He was about to learn what an angry Cat was like to deal with. No telling what he thought, at this point, of his rescue, or the crew he found himself with. With a sigh, I walked to the helm and spoke to Africa, who was nervous as any cat. "We sit where we are and wait for Captain Tar to return." Before he could speak his protest, I stopped him,. "No, I don't like it either, but we have no choice. If any Spanish vessel heads our way, you dive below, and stow yourself in that secret place that only you and I know of. Understand?" Africa nodded his head, and kept his attention on the harbor. I returned to the rail and looked toward the Relentless, wondering just what was going on aboard Jacky's ship.
  16. I glanced over my shoulder at Red Cat. "I don't think Jacky would walk into a trap. He's got something up his sleeve, and he's not telling us about it. Think, Cat. He's been here before. He knows something or someone we don't. Why he doesn't wish to share that information with us, I don't know. However, if and when he comes back, I'm damned sure going to find out! Until then, we wait."
  17. I glared down at Jacky as he settled himself in the Jolly boat. "A peck on the cheek is NOT going to make up for the fact that, yes, there are dozens of ships in this port - almost all Spanish! I don't see one flaming English ship anywhere. Two flying Genoese colors and one from Portugal. I'm not blind, Tar, although at the moment I'm seeing red!" Jacky just smiled, picked up a set of oars, and nudged the jolly boat away from the Rakehell. "Someday," I muttered, "that man is going to push me too far." Then I touched my cheek where he had kissed it, and had to smile.
  18. Just finished A Movable Feast by Hemingway and enjoyed it very much. Currently about done with Niccolo Rising by Dorothy Dunnett (One of my all-time favorite authors). I have a friend who is loaning me several Harry Potter books to read, as I'm only up to The Goblet of Fire - so I'll be on a HP binge for awhile. Then back to the Niccolo series. Anyone else a complusive reader like me, who reads two or three books at the same time?
  19. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Never actually ripped something out to the point I couldn't wear it, but stepped on a lot of hems, that pulled pleats from the waistband of the skirt. Usually done while tromping over grass at a SCA tourney or war. < I'm kinda eclectic in my movie tastes. I can go from Casablanca to Underworld without going into culture shock. LOL V As a kid, did you ever try to dress like a character in your favorite movie? (Thinkig of the hours I spent with a pillowcase tied around my head while wearing a long bathrobe, trying to look like said Laurence of Arabia )
  20. Ransom


    I just tried to rent this at Blockbuster the other day, but they were all out, so I guess a lot of people either like it, or are curious. I'm an Alan Rickman fan, so I'd watch it just for that reason, but what caught my eye was the costumes they wore on the cover = "Oooh, goody, a costume movie I haven't seen yet." Well, I still haven't seen it, but I will soon.
  21. I could understand Jacky's eagerness to get to the Relentless, but it infuriated me that he would take off with no regard for my ship or men. It was foolish to attempt to retake the Relentless when it was crawling with Spaniards, who were going to be pretty suspicious with another strange ship in their harbor. Before Jacky and his small crew could get to the jolly boat, I stepped in front of him, not trying to hide my anger. "Before you head off to the Relentless, I'd like to know what plan you have in mind if the Spanish should board the Rakehell. I don't know this port. I don't speak Spanish. Will they inspect the ship? Will they want money? What the hell am I supposed to do if they come aboard demanding to know why we're here? Maybe, before you go hareing off toward the Relentless, you might want to make sure this ship is safe from impoundment!" The last word was nearly a shout.
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