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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. Heck, if it involves a boat, I'll volunteer us both.
  2. Looks like we'll be in Ojai Friday evening, but still not sure what time. Chain Shot is at the travel agents, even as I write, so I won't know exact times until he calls me back. He got lucky and got Monday off, so we can stay all day Sunday as well. Both of us are new to the pirate inter-acting with the public stuff. I did a very small bit of impromptu work at Port Washington, usually with little kids. (Offered to trade hats with some of them - got no takers LOL) For Chain Shot, this will be his first pirate event ever, and his kit is minimal, since we weren't sure we were even going to be able to get the time off. Be kind. Since we're flying in, we can't bring much, but would be willing to lend a hand once we get there. Just point us in the right direction.
  3. Having grabbed a mini cap gun looking thing from the hoard, I point it in the air...CRACK...a rain of confettii and bright streamers shoot out, and float gently onto William's head. Kewl! Then I notice it has two more rounds left in the litttle plastic cartridge. Ahhhmmm, who's next?
  4. Get real. If you were an authentic pirate, you'd be in gaol, or living hand to mouth in some third world country. The Pub is NOT reality. You have a ship. Fine. Most don't. Some don't care, and simply want to learn something or have some fun. That does not make them targets for your scorn. I think my 100 quid would have been better spent donated to a nice charity. I won't make the same mistake again. Hope you enjoy the hole you are digging for yourself.
  5. Is there anything going on Friday night, the 21, or does most everything start on Saturday? Not sure when we'll get to the Oakridge Inn on Friday evening, but in case we get there early enough, I was just curious if there was a "meet up" anywhere.
  6. I hate to admit this, but I'm rapidly becoming addicted to...sheesh...men's lounging pajamas. You know, the ones they sell that have all the goofy designs on them. I have a pair with skull and crossbones, shamrocks and steins of green beer, snowmen, and black watch plaid in flannel. Okay, so they're not Victoria's Secret, but they are soooo comfy, and so cheap, and just so...fun.
  7. I quickly duck down behind a chair as Syren starts swinging.
  8. By all means! He can give us his manly opinion — Red or black?...Chocolate or vanilla?
  9. Just to be on the safe side can a moderator find out if someone used the Royalist login and password to smear Royallist by posing as him. This seems decidely out of character. Good thought, William. If that has been the case, I will edit out my comments, and appologize to the Royalist. So, Patrick, which hat are you going to wear to Ojai? I want to know which color to look for.
  10. Down Among the Dead Men CD by Pirates of New Providence.
  11. Ahhhhh....where's a travel agent. I gotta get a ticket to NY!!!! Then can we go to Crate & Barrel, Trader Vic's, Macy's? Or...or...Neiman Markus (?) — Bagly Mischca, Vera Wang, Marc Jacobs...MANOLO BLANIK (?).... Cha - CHING
  12. Earrings? Did someone say earrings? I'm kinda fond of bracelets too. Okay...I'll admit it, I just like jewelry. Real or fake, makes no matter to me, but vintage is my favorite. Hey Cat, we need to go candle and earring shopping someday! OOh I like vintage too! Hey Ransom ..earring shopping together?! You're on! Got someone to hold my hand when I get around to the tattoo I want, now just gotta find the image I'm looking for. Now who wan't to go shoe shopping!? Candle, Earring and shoe shopping in the same day! Other than pirating, does it get any better than that? First you do the candle and earrings...then you go find a kewl place to eat lunch, have a glass of wine (to get your second wind)...then you hit the shoe departments. We GOTTA do this!
  13. As another who donated money to the Royalist, I feel that insulting the members of the very forum that opened their hearts and their wallets to help refloat and refit your fine vessel, is a very poor way to thank them. I pray to the sea gods that you never run aground again. Instead of opens arms and offers of help, I fear you may get a lot of cold shoulders.
  14. I gave Jacky an exagerated flutter of eyelashes as I took his arm. "Do lead on, suh."
  15. You find out the most interesting things about people, here on the Pub!
  16. Carefully I get up from the floor, easing out from under Silkies arm, which had fallen over my face, so as not to wake her. I tiptoed across to the muffins...step...stick....step...stick...took a glass of Bloody Mary, then slipped into a chair and sipped slowly. "Ahhhhh"......I whispered. Then "Mornin' Cat. A grand birthday party, to be sure."
  17. After Jacky's lecture, I gave Red Cat a wink. "I don't think he trusts us to act like ladies." Then I looked back at Jacky. "Why, sir, you insult me. I can be quite civilized when it pleases me. If it will get us out of Havana quicker, I'll be on my very best behavior, and treat this Navarro as if he were the Emperor of China, if I have to." I gave him a grin to rival one of Nates. "Does that ease you mind, Commodore?"
  18. Still kicking out with one foot, I give Silkie a sheepish look. "Sorry. Got me puttys & dough mixed up. Gives Dorian a wink. "Watch out for the Silly String, but hey, the cupcakes are killer!"
  19. Trying to eat my cupcake and bunny hop at the same time, I notice that my right shoe is sticking to the floor. A quick glance tells me I've stepped into some of Silkies Silly Putty. Hop...stick...hop...stick...
  20. That's when I first visited GP - when they still had signs on the Calif/Oregon border that read "Oregon is a nice place to visit, but please don't stay." Kinda why their economy tanked. They're more open minded now. LOL I'm originally from Riverside - home of No Quarter Given!
  21. Sorry Cat, but you're going to have to fight me for...the jacket, yeah...that's it...the jacket. (Never seen anyone since who looked that good in war paint)
  22. I raised a brow and looked at her. "Vexed? Why should I be vexed? I'm stuck in a Spanish fort town, my ship is surrounded by a mini Spanish armada, I'm stuffed into this ruffled sausage casing, and my weapons are back being barted by some aged bath attendant. AND, to top things off, I'm soon to share dinner company with some bloke named Navarro and his cronies, and the only thing between me and foul play is this little knife!" I whipped the six inch blade from my boot and waved it in front of the Cat, then slipped it back into place. "Vexed does not even come close to describing how I feel at the moment." It did not improve my mood to see the grin on Nate's face get wider, and Jacky shrug, as if I'd lost my mind.
  23. Probably more homemade chicken soup, as my husband is down with the flu.
  24. Stuck in the middle of the bunny line, and feeling like a mast in a gale, I lean to starboard, but not before grabbing a cupcake!
  25. **Pops in to give another happy birthday wish to Syren, but ...*** ...SPLAT...bleath, pthoo, spitsss, bleck.. Gets a mouthfull of silly string before I can get out a word. "affy buffduy, sren."
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