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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. I laughed at Jacky's remark. "Well," I shouted back, "You better hope your helmsman never gets bored!" Africa's firm grip on the wheel told me nothing more than an on-board bomb blast would get him into that water. "Africa would be no help to you at all. He can't swim, and would sink like a rock. You'll have to find someone else to sacrifice to the sharks." I gave another look through the glass at the brig, which was coming in closer. "Think I'll just put the Rakehell between you and this new visitor. How much longer are you going to need, or is this going to take days?" No matter his answer, with this new vessel coming in, I feared we'd be lucky to get the next couple of hours. Then, to my surprise, Colard, who'd been watching the approaching newcomer, said with amazement, "Ma'am. I know that ship!"
  2. Thanks for the link, Rumba! As for pricing, and methods of payment, at the stage I'm at, I can't really justify paying for a credit card machine, although I wouldn't mind that once I got a better idea of how things are going to go. I'm just trying to get enough stock together to make hitting my first art fair worth while. I'll also have to spend money on a booth cover (this fair won't let you just throw up a market umbrella), displays, and possibly a new table to put stuff on (my old card tables are pretty ratty). Not to mention the $100 dollar space fee. So as you can see, I'm pretty strapped for the shiny right now, with only having sold one $20 bracelet to a fellow Pubbie. I am taking Blackbead's advice, and will schedule many earring/bracelet making days! I can sell those for between $5 and $10 dollars.
  3. Apparently Africa was just as bored as I had been, for instead of a gentle change of tack, he heeled the Rakehell over on her elbow, throwing half of us to our knees as she came around. Once I had my balance back, I glared at him. "What the bloody hell was that all about?" He just shrugged. "All dis back and for, got me wishin' for a bit mo' action." Then he grinned. "Besides, I could tell you was bored, so I shake things up jus a little." He patted the wheel. "Old girl was bored too, I think. Needed some fun." I grinned back at him. "Well, that's good to know. For a minute there, I was afraid you were tying to pitch me overboard to distract the sharks." Africa laughed. "Sharks not eat you anyways. Too sour. Spit you right out." Shaking my head, I turned toward the Relentless, cupped my hands around my mouth, and shouted at Jacky, who was concentrating on his men in the water. "Oi! Jacky. Take a gander south. We got more company. You expecting anyone?"
  4. The Rakehell has been my virtual ship for about three years now. Ever since I joined the Pub. She's a rake-masted, square-topsail, gaff-rigged schooner, sienna sails, black hull. You can see her in my signature. Don't be fooled into believing that's actually the Lynx sporting false colors. If I ever did pick 6 and hit the lotto, I'd be sorely tempted to buy one just like her. I, uh, kinda lust after schooners. Chain Shot and I own a late 1970s 28' Tollycraft. Her name is Scarab, as her hull and canvas covers are teal green.
  5. I stood at the larboard rail, drumming my fingers on the wood out of sheer boredom. The Spaniards weren't doing anything but watch us, and Nate and the Cat were standing off as well, and appeared to be drunk as lords. Jacky, fully occupied with the recovery of the gold, was busy with barrels, gaffs, spears, and God-all. All the Rakehell was doing was practicing changing course, back and forth, back and forth. Round the Relentless, then back and forth, back and forth. A part of me wanted to accost the Spaniards and see what they were up to. But I couldn't afford another hole in the hull if they decided I'd gotten a bit too close. "Ma'am?" Jimmy tapped me on the shoulder. In an irritable mood, I snapped, "What?" He pointed to the south. "Uh, there's another ship comin' in." I held up the glass and brought the new ship into view. She was a brig, like the Relentless, and flying no colors. "You know, Jimmy, if anyone else shows up, we'll have the makings of a bloody fleet. Got more boats circling this treasure than sharks. Alert the gunners that we've got more company. And get me within shouting distance of the Relentless."
  6. Yeah, and I discovered that tea sprayed into your keyboard helps wash out the cat hair that was already there. LOL Oh, and Patrick, you're right. Seeing you in a black dress, lipstick, and high heels just wouldn't work for me either. I'd be laughing so hard I'd have a seizure or something....
  7. My first husband's mother used to brew her own beer. She'd save beer bottles, buy yeast, and had a caping divise. I don't know what recipe she used, and I never tasted it, because I don't really care for beer (gasp). What I do remember is that all the brew was cloudy, and had sludge in the bottom. Must have tasted pretty nasty, 'cause she was the only one who would drink it. She "aged" it in the garage, which shared a wall with her living room. While watching TV during the day, quite frequently you could hear bottles exploding. There were times when she lost a whole batch due to bottle bombs. But, she kept on trying.
  8. Puteezzzz...snort, snort..cough...choke...gasp.............. Oh yeah. Tea through the nose. Poor Candy. The final humiliation...animated hydraulic boobs!
  9. Oh, goody. That means when you bring Candy back, she'll look better than ever!
  10. Okay, fleshing out my character a bit more. Here is what I have so far. Name: Mal `e Diction...Mal for short. Age: Not telling. LOL Skills: Bombadier, small arms, knives, and cutlass. Bio: In sort of a perpetual state of angry mourning for my lover, lost in a battle some years ago. (Think Queen Victoria in life-mourning for Prince Albert). Because of this, I wear a lot of black. Not head to toe, but mostly army tan and black. The bomb site I carry was a parting gift from my lover as he lay dying. Joined the Columbia's Revenge so I could get my own revenge. Kinda of moody and prickly, but loyal to the crew. Any other ideas or suggestions...?
  11. Hmmm, I'm kinda looking for a Victorian-style blouse, only in black not white. If they have anything close, in either a medium, or a size 8, and the price was fair, I might be interested. Especially if you could take a picture of it and post it. That would be very kewl. Thanks for the offer of checking things out.
  12. Kins's Head Inn Portsmouth Simon woke well before dawn, nerves twisting his stomach into a knot. Sounding like grapeshot, gusts of wind flung rain against the small window. The room was freezing. Knowing he would never get back to sleep, he got out of bed, dragging the blankets with him for warmth. Rummaging around in his portmanteau, he pulled out paper, pen, and ink, and sat at the small table beside the bed. Thinking it might be the last letter his father ever received from him, Simon thought carefully of what he wished to say, then proceeded to write. When finished, he let the pages set for a few minutes to allow the ink to dry, as he had no sand, then folded the heavy paper, addressed and sealed it. When finished, he attempted to read from one of the books he’d brought with him, a volume of the complete works of Shakespeare. He avoided The Tempest, and settled into the lighter fare of the Merry Wives of Windsor. But even Falstaff’s buffoonery couldn’t keep his mind off the coming voyage. In frustration, he put the book back in the portmanteau, dressed, and went downstairs to break his fast. The innkeeper, already at his post, gave Simon a gap-toothed smile. “Morning, sir. Hope ye slept well.” “As well as I expected, thank you. Could I get some coffee this morning?” “The wife is boiling it up now.” The keep gave Simon an all-encompassing appraisal. “Ye know, ye don’t look to be a sailor.” Simon sighed. “I’m not. I’m a clerk.” “Ah, your family hit desperate times, then? Or did you and your father have a falling out? Lots of young lads are forced to take ship due to fatherly misunderstandings, or lack of money” “Look, my father is a high court judge, so we are hardly suffering desperate times. And my father and I get along quite well.” The keep squinted at him. “Then why in God’s name are ye going? It’s a fool’s voyage.” “You’re an awfully nosey fellow, but if you must know, I was assigned to the ship by my employers. I’m to keep a record of the voyage. Now, could I please have some coffee, and maybe a chop and some eggs?” Through eyes which looked more inflamed than the previous day, the innkeeper studied him a moment, then shrugged and disappeared into a back room. Some time later, he reappeared with a platter on which were two chops, a pile of slurried eggs, and a slab of fresh-baked bread smeared with butter. Accompanying this feast, was a tall pot of coffee. Simon looked up at the keep. “This seems quite generous. Thank you.” Once again the keep shrugged. “Just figured a lad going to his doom ought to leave with a good meal under his belt, that’s all.”
  13. Received Matusalem's box yesterday. All I can say is...WOW!!!!! Awesome job! Only suggestion I can make at this point, is if you do another round and make another box, make it deeper! Your book is so thick with artwork (just wait till you see it all!), that the box will now barely close. Once my stuff is added, and the artwork of those coming after me, I doubt it will close at all. You might have to make a special strap to keep it together!
  14. Hmmm, maybe I'll have to give it another try. It was recommended to me by a very dear friend who is a history professor at the Univ. of Mississippi. He's read the complete series, and enjoyed them immensely.
  15. Happy Birthday, Jamie lad. Hope you celebrate in grand style!
  16. Mary, let me know how you liked it. I read it last year, and liked it, up until the last maybe quarter of the book. Then it kinda bogged down.
  17. Proud to be the first to wish my good friend and writing partner, Jack Tar, a most happy Natal Day. Champagne kisses, Luv.... Ransom
  18. As a devout follower, I concur.......
  19. Heck no, Bo, come on board. The more the merrier. And the kewl thing about Steampunk, is that pretty much anything goes, costume-wise. Take a look in the picture thread. Or click into some of the links that Patrick has posted. You'll see it's all really fun. And I love the name you picked. Perfect! So, welcome to the Columbia's Revenge. But since it is Patrick's idea, I'm sure he'll give you a formal welcome soon. (okay, as formal as Patrick gets... )
  20. Mailed Withoutaname's book out to Patrick today. Will keep a weather eye out for The Box.
  21. I set it down when I go to use the privy. Ummm, so ya takes your's inta the privy with ya, do ya? Remind me never to offer to hold yer tankard for ya. Or drink from it!!!
  22. Hey, we got a pictures thread for this stuff. It's easier to find there, than having to scroll back through a lot of word posts looking for pictures. Just a humble request, since others on the Pub will go there looking for pictures first, including me. VERY kewl goggles, Colorado! And I like the top hat. Mine's a short top hat, and is black. Still have to tart it up a bit though. I do have some goggles, but I don't think I'm going to mess with them much, as they really are antiques, and have the original case. So, I'm just going to put them on my top hat as more of a decoration, rather than actually use them. Besides, they don't fit over my glasses.
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