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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. My camera, my cropping. Besides, I was blinded by the red loin cloth-looking banner.
  2. Duct tape needs no explanation! In certain circles......
  3. As per your request. The other picture shows you blindfolded, but I didn't want there to be any question about your identity. I refuse to explain the duct tape.
  4. Okaaay, just let me find it. May take me awhile, but......well, it was a fun night! And you DID enjoy that birthday flogging.
  5. Unless he's had a bit too much rum, is tied to a post, and being flogged by several wenches. I know, I have the pictures. (In true pyratical style, Jamie, if you want the negatives, it's going to cost you.)
  6. OMG, Patrick, check this one out!......another one by Wicked Tinkers. The video is a hoot!...Pyrates! And, maybe the CR ship's mascot? LOL
  7. Hey, where is everybody? The hot-buttered rum is getting cold! I've been working in Photoshop, trying to design a business card. Gahh. I fumble around, because I don't really know how most of that stuff works. Also, I dropped the name Gryffin Jewelwerks, because A} there are too many other businesses using the word Gryffin, in one form or another, and B} it didn't really describe the kind of jewelry I make. I want something with a bit of mystery, so...still thinking and tossing ideas around. Also, I'm still toying around with the idea of joining Etsy. Seems a good place to be able to show/sell individual pieces, and it doesn't cost too much. Don't know how much business it would attract if you were stuck on page 956, though. Anyway, what's going on with the rest of you?
  8. MacTavish waved away his first mate's warning. "Aye, I can see they've run out their wee guns. But they willna fire on us, if we dinna fire on them." "How can you be sure, sir?" "Because I'm nae a ninny, like yourself. Now, battle off and get me closer to yon Spaniard. She doesna look to be in any shape to fire back, sae maybe we can board her with nary a spark o' powder." "She looks to be a derelict, If you ask me." MacTavish gave his first mate a great cuff to the side of his head, then growled, "Well, I dinna ask you! Just see tae mae guns."
  9. With outside speakers, to scare the crap out of our enemies! You know, as a bombadier, I'd kinda like the 1812 Overture.....ta,ta,ta,ta,ta,taaa,ta ta.....BOOM!
  10. Actually, I'd forgotten about the hairspray. Thanks for the reminder, Patrick.
  11. When they are dry, you can spray them with Krylon fixative. It is sold in most art/craft stores. It comes in a matt or glossy finish. You might also want to put slips of wax paper in between each card, to keep them from sticking or smearing.
  12. Found this group and thought they were awesome. This piece would make great "going into battle" music. Corvus Corax Got other groups/songs you like...Abney Park maybe? Post links here.
  13. Ooo, I like Scupperlout. Going to have to remember that one!
  14. I went to the site, and found it a bit confusing. How do you contact anyone? It looked to be more of a private blog site, rather than a society. But I'm a total rube when it comes to that sort of stuff. LOVED the music though!
  15. You know, way back when I first joined the Pub, I started a thread called Pyrate Insults, or something like that. Posts to keep to PG-13, and it ran for a while. The insults ran more to: "Ya bilge swilling, keg-headed, son of a hermit crab." (Tame, by Jamie's standards ) But it was fun. You just have to make sure stuff doesn't get too nasty, or too personal.
  16. You know, way back when I first joined the Pub, I started a thread called Pyrate Insults, or something like that. Posts to keep to PG-13, and it ran for a while. The insults ran more to: "Ya bilge swilling, keg-headed, son of a hermit crab." (Tame, by Jamie's standards ) But it was fun.
  17. I've read about the Edison, and seen pictures of the inside. Awesome! Would love to go there sometime, dressed to the nines!
  18. There is an easy compromise to this never-ending argument. When either a male or female is done, put BOTH the seat and the lid down. I hate walking into a bathroom and seeing that gaping "hole" anyway. Especially if it hasn't been cleaned in a while. See, wasn't that easy?
  19. Think swivel gun. Smaller, easier to transport, and can be set up anywhere. Also cheaper on the coin purse.
  20. Just watched another episode last night. Jayne goes through a whole bar fight without losing the cigar out of his mouth. Now that's kewl! LOL
  21. Hope your day is grand in every way! Cheers!
  22. Umm, William, I think she is meant to be a dark fairy. Notice the green wings just above the man's arm-armor.
  23. I'll keep a look out for them, Chrispy. BTW, just a reminder that all cards must be in the mail by Saturday. Also, I haven't heard from most of you, so it would be nice if everyone chimed in to let me know how things are going. I've got the extra goodies all lined up, ready to include in your return packets...just fun stuff.
  24. Since the Pub is sorta Pyrate Central, it might be nice if you featured some of the people here who not only play at pyrates, but also play at airship/Steampunk pyrates. Especially Mr. Hand, who, forgive me, seems to have his hand in a bit of everything. There might be a decent group of us from the Columbia's Revenge heading to the Steampunk convention in SF come the end of October. We could keep you posted. Might also be some of us doing double duty at Nor Cal in June. Not sure yet.
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