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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. Okay, I decided to add this pic, just because I like it. It looks like I'm turning to confront someone...the "You really don't want to mess with me" pose. LOL Either that, or I'm about to customize the lawn furniture....
  2. After watching Jacky's narrow escape from the shark, I turned to Africa. "Umm, could you please go below and bring me up a tot of rum." He cocked an eye. "You don need no rum, jus 'cause Dat Man nearly get shark et." I took a deep breath, waiting for my legs to stop feeling as unsupportive as custard. "No doubt you're right. But get it anyway." With a roll of his eyes, he headed below, while I watched Jacky's men row him back to the Relentless. In the meantime, the white tip continued to patrol the water between the two ships, looking for another victim. With my voice quavering a little, despite my attempt at bravado, I shouted over at Jacky, "Have a nice swim?"
  3. Yeah, thrift stores and places like Walmart work really well. I am kinda lucky, in that the British Women's Land Army coat, and the boots, I bought from Banana Republic way back in the 80s, when they did sell actual military surplus. The coat was only $12.00 and still has the 1944 WLA label in it. In the first pics that I posted on this thread, that long red wool coat, I bought at a used/vintage clothing store about ten years ago. The goggles were some that were given to Chain Shot way before we met (19 yrs ago). Even the hat, bought through a catalog, wasn't for the airship pirate costume. I saw pictures of Red-Handed Jill and Poison Quill, fellow members of Tales of the Seven Seas, wearing ones, and liked it. I wear it out and about all the time, not just as part of a costume. So, Silkie, Red Jessi, start digging through your old stuff! Never know what you might find that would work. Or, head to the men's department at Wally World! LOL
  4. I'll bring the giant jar of cold cream.....find out who they REALLY are!
  5. Thank you, Brig, for the compliments. Not too bad for an old broad! And yes, those are the cargoes that I mentioned before. Bought at Walmart for $13.00 in the men's department. I had to try on about four pairs to get the size small enough. They have all kinds of pockets on the legs, which I was thinking would be kewl for maps/tools. And they have zippers at the ankles, which you can't see, as I tucked them into the boots. As for the lace on the hat, I want to find some that hangs longer. That was just a piece I happened to have on hand. I'd like it to hang a bit past the shoulders, then I would distress the ends, so they looked frayed. I want this garb to looked VERY lived in. LOL BTW, I'm having WAY too much fun with this stuff!
  6. Best of luck to you Syren. I just know you'll come through with flying colors...the Jolly Roger, of course!
  7. You know, when I read in the PTC thread that you had extra time on your hands to do the cards, I just figured you'd finished up some other project, and now had some free time. I'm so sorry about your job, and wish your free time was something fun, instead of a lay off. Hope you find something soon, and maybe if your map company can make it through the bad times, they will hire you back when things pick up.
  8. I posted a picture of this necklace a page back, but here is what it looks like on. This is a photo I just posted in the Airship Pyrate thread, as part of my bombadier costume. Gosh, isn't it fun...there are just so many ways to play!
  9. Okay, did a first time run-through of my bombadier outfit. Mainly to get a better visual of how things work/look. Most of the stuff I already had — coat, boots, cutlass, jewelry. Some things will change, and I think the whole outfit needs a shot of color, so I'm thinking a long red scarf that would hang under the lapels of the coat. Also, the shirt will change to something more Victorian, like a black lace blouse. Still very much a work in progress. Anyway, here goes..... Here is a close up. Gotta brag...the necklace is one I made. The pistol in my belt is one I'm gong to redo. Chain Shot found it at a junk/antique store, for about $4.50. I need to paint it, but it is a working cap-pistol. And here is a close up of me coat, hat, and goggles, and the original case they came in.
  10. No worries, Nell. Mine don't have pyrates, and only have a few pyratey things on them. Mine are sort of a collaged theme story...with a twist. I've got another idea in mind, so may do another ten cards. I just had too much fun doing the first ten. Hummm, I kinda like Pew's idea of a scratch and sniff! LOL That idea could get really........strange/scary!
  11. Thanks...it is fun to try new techniques. Very nice stuff. So.....why didn't you sign up for the PTC exchange?....... These would have been perfect!
  12. Don't you just get tired of generalities? In Oregon, we get the "Stupid Californian's" comment all the time. What is ironic is that 80% of the people who live in Oregon, are from California. So, if it snows here, and there is an accident, then someone is bound to say, "Well, those stupid Californian's don't know how to drive in the snow." Bullshit! All of California is not in Southern California...and even if it was, there is still snow in So. Ca. I know. I lived there for 40 years. I drove in snow in the mountains, and in the desert... yeah, it snows in the desert. Generalities will get you in trouble every time. Better off not to make them.
  13. Ooooo, a surprise card, just for me! Can't wait!!
  14. Very nice, Dorian! You kinda look like you just walked off the set of Firefly. Kewl! Well, I tried Wallyworld today, and couldn't find any of the work pants in a small enough size to fit. However, Chain Shot found me a very nice pair of men's army green cargo pants. I love cargo pants. These have all kinds of pockets, zip closures at the ankle, and came with a dark brown web belt, that I can customize. Also, they were already pretty distressed, so don't look pristine new. All for $13.00. Getting this stuff together has just been too much fun. Still have a lot to go, but...fun, fun, fun.
  15. Nell, if you don't mind, do all ten cards. If people start keeping back one for themselves, or because they don't want one of their own, it will make things WAY too confusing for me trying to keep track, when it comes time to mail them back out. I'm a little dyslexic, and trying to remember who did all ten and who didn't would make my brain hurt! Besides, then it will be a surprise for you when you get the cards back, so see which one of yours you ended up with. Thanks! A little 3-D is okay, but keep in mind the usual display method for these is in plastic baseball card sleeves, which are fairly thin, or photo album sleeves. Also, I don't want mailing them back out to become too complicated, since I think most cards plus the goodies will fit in a standard 6x9 padded envelope, or maybe even the next size smaller. I don't want to get into mailing out boxes. I'll PM you my addy. I'm guessing you and Chrispy are mailing yours to me all together, right?
  16. Chain Shot just suggested another good place to find study, steamy looking pants. Walmart! They have a line of work pants, kinda a Carrhart's wannabe, for only $16.00. They come in black or a sort of army tan, and army green. They have pockets and hammer loops on the pant legs, which would be kewl for carrying weapons or maps. Anyway, just thought I'd throw this out there for consideration, since the price was so good.
  17. My wife might leave me?!?! I don't wanna split up!!! I thought we were happily married! But I was going to offer to divide our efforts on this project, but if Chrispy wants in, we'll still work as a team to acommodate him joining, as long as everyone else is okay with him being a few hours late. LOL Maybe I should have worded that a bit differently! Welcome Cannibal Crispy! Gotta say, I got into PTC mode the other day, and did all ten cards! I can see where these things could become addictive! I'm kinda thinking like Patrick, I may do more then one series of ten. The first ten were just too much fun.
  18. Okay, remember, everyone makes nine cards, one for each player...unless Michael and Kate split up, then we each make ten. And, if possible, scan or photo the cards you make before you send them to me. I want to start a PTC photo thread when the exchange is over, and have everyone post pictures of the cards they did, so everyone on the Pub can see how much fun we had! And, Patrick. No don't worry about the postage. I got that covered this time out.
  19. Okay, it looks like we are going with nine players. Michael, you and Kate don't have to break apart the team if you don't wish to. Nine players is fine. Up to you guys. Here are the last instructions, suggestions. (Thanks again, Kate, for the added info) 1 All cards must be 2 1/2" X 3 1/2" 2 Put your Pub name, and real name on the back of each card. Also a brief bio, if you wish. 3 Put slips of wax paper in between each card so they don't stick together or smear. 4 Put the cards in a small baggie, in case the envelope gets wet during mailing. (Good idea, for this time of year!) 5 Include your real name, Pub name, and mailing address on a slip of paper, included in the envelope with the cards. 6 When you get ready to mail them out, PM me, and I will give you my snail mail address. 7 As soon as all the cards are in to me, I will mail them back out ASAP. **CARDS MUST BE IN THE MAIL TO ME BY MARCH 1, 2009 Also, as with the journals, let's keep in touch. When you have mailed out a set of cards, post it here, so I can keep a weather eye out for them. I will post when I receive them. I will also post a notice when the cards go back home to you guys. Actually, it also might be a good idea for all the players to reconfirm that they are in, just to be sure of the number of cards to make. Now, go out and have fun.....and Happy Valentine's Day to you all!
  20. Really!!! Oh boy! We can't get it here in Oregon. I am also really hoping Nor Cal is Father's Day weekend, and not the weekend before. I have a ton of family coming into Oregon for a reunion that weekend. The thought of missing Nor Cal, and all the Tales gang, makes me cringe. And I'd miss our mutual birthday toast! BTW, I've met a lot of the people on the Pub, and almost all of them have been just as nice in person. But there were a few that had personalities quite different from their Pub persona, and the encounters were a bit awkward.
  21. Tavish MacTavish stood on the quarterdeck of the Pride of Flodden, looking through the glass at the commotion going on in the water, and between the three ships. He then swung the glass around to look at the other ship, standing some distance away. A growl escaped from the depths of his tangled red beard, which resembled an overgrown hedge, and blended into the wild red hair that framed his ruddy face. "Spaniards, be damned!" Beside him, his quartermaster raised a scared brow, and asked, "What is it, sir? What's happening out there?" MacTavish turned on him a cunning eye. "Opportunity, me lad. I believe we hae fallen on a fine opportunity." The quartermaster glanced worridly at the thrashing water, where the sharks circled like vultures. "I don't much like the idea of leaving those men to the sharks, sir." The look the captain cast him made him take a step back. "Then turn your noddy head, and don't watch," MacTavish said, and put the glass back to his eye.
  22. Wow, Jacky, you look so....different...out of garb! I could pass you on the street and never recognize you! LOL!!!!
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