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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. OH NO, NOT NIGHT OF THE LEPUS!!!!!! Chain Shot and I saw that at a hotel one night. It was after a Christmas party Pepsi put on for their employees at the hotel's banquet room. We got up to our room at about midnight, flipped on the TV and that's what was on. We both looked at each other and just starting laughing. That movie is REALLY hilarious when you've had a bit too much to drink.
  2. Millechamp House Queen’s Square, London 8:30 am The Honorable Cecil James Millechamp came down to breakfast, only to be reminded by the two place settings at table, that his son was no longer residing at Millechamp House. There would be only his lovely daughter, Lavinia, to keep him company. Not that he had cause for complaint, as she was an intelligent woman of no nonsense, and able to hold her own in any company of polite society. But Simon’s absence from table brought home to Cecil once again the frightening possibility that he would never see his son again. The appointment to the Terra had come as a shock to all of them. Yes, it was certainly an honor not to be refused, but oh, the danger. Lavinia had struggled to keep her tears at bay, but Cecil knew she had gone to her room later and cried for her brother. Her reddened and swollen eyes at supper that evening gave her away. Simon had been excited but mainly confused. “Why me, of all the persons they had to choose from.” he had wondered aloud. “I suspect, my boy, it is your singular powers of observation that caught their attention. I swear, even as a child, you could recite back to me every cottage, every coach, and every bug and bird you had seen on any outing I can remember. You also have a gift for numbers, and are scrupulously honest. That alone would recommend you to their Lordships.” But after Simon’s departure at dawn the previous day, Cecil had wished with all his heart that their Lordships had chosen some other man’s son to go on such a perilous voyage. He heard Lavinia approaching the small dinning room. She paused at the door, much as he had done, and stared at the missing place setting. Then she met his trouble gaze, and sighed. “Oh, father. Do you think he will come back to us? I have such dread in my heart.” The Honorable Cecil James Millechamp took his daughter’s hand and replied kindly, “We must pray every day that God will return him to us, sound in both mind and body.”
  3. When no return fire ensued, MacTavish was a little disappointed. He was even more disappointed when he got a closer view of the vessel. "The bluidy thing is a wreck. How the deevil did she sail this far?" He turned to one of the crew. "When we sidle up tae her, hop on over with a few of the other men and take a look around. I'm nae certain this isna some kind of trap." The man in question rolled his eyes like a spooked horse. "What if it's a plague ship, sir?" MacTavish hadn't thought of that. "Weel, then dinna touch anything. Just look aboot and see what's what." With extreme reluctance, four men stood at the rail, ready to swing over to the other ship as soon as they got close enough.
  4. Thanks, Hurricane. I also think I'm going to get that book Photo Shop for Dummies, to learn some basics. I think I can get a used copy pretty cheap. And Syren, no, I haven't tried the friendly plastic.
  5. Might I suggest, MadL, that you go to your local library and find a book on simple, basic sewing. A beginner's primer, if you will. I think that would help you understand easier what all of us are talking about. Good books will have plenty of illustrations so you can see exactly what the text means. They will also have a glossary in the back, so you can learn what the different terms mean. Just my two pence worth, but I really think it would help you.
  6. Mailed Matusalem's wonderful box to Patrick today.
  7. Okay, today I received Pew's, and Sophia M Eisley's. Great Job, you guys!!!! Cannibal Chrispy, when did you and Rusty Nell mail your cards? I thought you guys were the first, and I don't have them yet.
  8. No worries. Just send them as soon as you can...
  9. INCOMING!!!!!!!!!!!! Splat!!!!!!!...........................
  10. Very nice, Kate! As for holding on to things forever....I've got shoes and jackets that are older than half the people on the Pub! LOL I still wear them! And we won't even go into how old some of my jewelry is.....
  11. The madison airport is only 15 -20 minutes away from the Rock!! I know, but the airfare would kill us! Dang it! Maybe you all can fly out for the SF Steampunk Convention? End of October, first of November? That would be kewl!
  12. Living in a small house, I cut most of my big stuff on the dinning room floor. I fold the fabric as I pin the pattern to it, then unfold and cut as I go. Our extra room is a combination computer room, sewing room, and art room...all that in 12'X12', so big projects get shuffled off to where ever they will fit. Like I said, mostly the floor. I also live twelve miles out of town, and the town is small, so if I really need something, I have to drive to the next biggest town...45 minutes away. That's where the nearest fabric store is. The bottom line, MadL, is that you make due. You fit in the time, you find the space, and you just do it. Few of us have a perfect sewing room, or all the time and money in the world to make garb. And a lot of us live in places where there isn't a lot of easily found materials, so count yourself lucky you live in a metro area where things are close to hand.
  13. Yes, pictures please! Well, Chain Shot got his coat today. We went back to the antique/junk store and dickered the guy down. The sleeves are a bit short, but I will add some cuffs to fix that. It is a really kewl coat, made of a heavy cotton, and with a removable lining and everything. He also got a vest, on sale for 50% off, so his garb is coming right along. Pictures to follow soon!
  14. Okay, then I forgive you! BTW, I know most of you have mailed your cards, especially Cannibal Chrispy and Rusty Nell, whom I think mailed theirs about a week ago. So far I have received no cards in the mail. Did you send them priority, or at a slower rate? I sure don't want to lose anyone's artwork!!!!! Let me know approximate dates that you mailed them out. Thanks!
  15. Waaah......no fair to us folks trapped on the West Coast!
  16. Matusalem's box and book will be going out to Patrick either tomorrow, or Monday at the latest.
  17. Ah, James, you are a font of information! I stand corrected. Thanks.
  18. Does this mean I'm going to have to post your birthday picture in Who Ya Wanna See?" LOL
  19. That was F L I G H T, not fight. And are you sure...Valkaries have wings, don't they? Okay, I Googled it, and it is listed both ways...Flight and Ride, so I guess we're all of us right.
  20. You threw away all that great envelope art!!!!!! Cad! LOL Okay, I'll PM you my address.
  21. I scanned a photo of a ruined stone gate in Ireland, then changed the contrast so it wasn't so dark (the photo is in B&W), because I'm going to print it over the top of another, faded brocade design. But there was a section at the bottom of the picture where I wanted to erase a road so the lettering would show up better, but it kept telling me I needed to simplify the text in order to do that. I didn't hit okay, because I don't know what happens when you simplify the text. And it doesn't mean any wording you have on the card, because I took all that off, thinking that was what was wanted. Still got the same message. Also got that same message when I tried to use the small paintbrush. I really want to take a class in Photoshop, because what I know is about the equivalent of dipping my little toe in the ocean, but it's hard when the classes are offered at night, and I live twelve miles out of town. Driving home late at night, and possibly in the rain or snow, is not for me, thanks. But I blunder on, learning a little bit each time I try.
  22. Yeah, that's pretty inspiring battle music. But, I think that's called Flight of the Valkaries? Not "ride." Which makes even more sense, for an airship crewe.
  23. Good thing ye all didn't know me when I was a Pict.... red loin cloth.... yeah.... that an some woad...... Did I ever mention wot I be Pensic Famous..... down inn th' bog... 'bout 15 to 20 years ago........ Women came ter me ter ter their ..eeergh ...breast painted wit woad.... great job if yer can get it.... Hey... Atrig Bluehand.... wonder war I got th' name Patrick Hand.... Atrig Bluehand = Patrick Hand? Yeah, that looks pretty dang close. Okay, that makes how many personas you've created where you've had to make some kind of garb? Although, does a loincloth and woad classify as garb? Then there's that auction of you dressed in women's bikini bottoms I heard tell of.....sorry I missed that! Sadly, in all the 13 yrs I was in the SCA, I never made it to Pensic. Kinda wish I had, but, oh well...
  24. No, just an apartment. Fine shot, sir! A find shot indeed! LOL
  25. I lay no claim to understanding either the anatomy or geometry of the question. He's a scum of the earth pyrate...he flunked anatomy and geometry.
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