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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. A most hearty welcome back, Syren. Be careful, be well, and don't rush things.
  2. You know, Chain Shot and I watched that video, and I KNEW that was you. We even paused it to make sure, but heck....there's just not that many people who look like you, Patrick! Will you be able to go this year? Jill PMed me and said that she and Jack were going. So, if everything works out okay, we're planning to meet up.
  3. Patrick, do you think it would be possible to get as many crew members of the Columbia's Revenge together and head to the Steampunk Convention in SF, come late October/early Nov.? It would be really kewl, and maybe easier than Burning Man for most people. Just a thought.
  4. GOING! (God willing, and the creek don't rise)
  5. Number one. The design is visually less cluttered than most of the others, and I like the idea that superstitious pyrates would want to be under the protection of God.
  6. Where's that smiley giving someone the raspberry, when you need it?
  7. Uh, Mr. T. I think you missed my point. I'd rather hang out with the guys, than in the girlie-girl club. Wasn't implying that the young girls of the Pub were silly or dumb. Actually, don't think I said anything about age at all. Just my personal preference. Now, where's my cigar and rum?
  8. I think that little kid lives next door to me! Leaves his ciggarett butts all over the road. Arghhhhhhhhh!!!!!! Demon clown-child from hell.........
  9. Men don't sit around talking about other men's Love Lives..... We don't care.......But no one wanted to sound bad by just typing ..."Wow...Lucky Bastard..... " . This is why I don't hang out at the girly-girl club. I don't really care about other people's love-lives. Nor do I enjoy girlie bed-time parties, pillow fights, or chocolate. However, I must say, trying to imagine Christine in a G-string and see-through bra doesn't do much for me either. And I agree with Jill, you'd have to wear a fat suite to look fat, Patrick.
  10. I hesitate to post here, as I am not a member of the Mercury crewe. However, I always wondered what Mary Diamond's sig meant, as the symbol kinda fascinated me. I had never heard of bale marks. They remind me of masonry marks left on stones in the great Cathedrals. Although my vote counts for naught, of all your excellent designs, William, I must say I also prefer #3 and #6. They pretty much say it all.
  11. **Sits back in my leather club chair, puts my booted feet up on the ottoman, lights my cigar, picks up my highball glass of rum, smiles and says, "So, um, when does the manly-men conversation start?"
  12. Outstanding, Brig! And I see you are another fan of cargo pants.
  13. Wow, I just got through making another ten cards. So, everyone will get two cards from me. These things are just soooo much fun.
  14. Maybe you should get yourself a sled? Might be safer on the rum than walking?
  15. Hey, that's the fun part of PTCs, you can make them look however you want. Besides, I know all the players are waiting with breathless anticipation for the limited edition Candie Kane cards! I know I am! Nice job, Pew! (Now, go post in Terra! LOL)
  16. Clowns be evil, creepy, and ugly! Put them all in a big cage, and let them slap-stick each other to death!
  17. "Ma'am! Ye might want to have another look at that new brig. She's runnin' out her guns!" Tunny yelled from the fighting top, where he'd been stationed. I swung the glass around, and sure enough, she was sporting more guns than I had seen since leaving Portsmouth naval yard. "What the hell?" Colard came rushing up, pointing out what I'd already observed. His old face was creased with worry, but he said, "I dinna think he's come for us, Ma'am. If ye'll notice, he's heading for yon Spaniard. Hates Spaniards, does ol' MacTavish." "Be that as it may, Mr. Dysart, I'm not taking any chances." I turned to Africa. "Run out what guns we have. Get Ludo and Goose up here. We may need all hands." "Aye, Ma'am," he replied, a wide grin on his face. "Maybe we help him sink dos Spaniards." "Just get to business, before he decides to sink us." I was about to warn Jacky, but could see that his gun crew was already jumping to it. I swung the glass back to the bigger brig. "Right, then. Just what are you up to?"
  18. Very nice, Pyrateleather! You're pretty much there! Love the bowler. Ya know, I also love those hair extender things, but on me.....I just don't see it working. Must be one of those age things? LOL Looks cute on the younger girls, but not on us old salts. Still......?..........nahhhh. I'll stick with me tophat.
  19. Tavish MacTavish was a man who liked guns. Therefore, the Pride of Flodden sported as many twelve pounders as she could safely hold without fear of sinking under their weight. Also, fore and aft, were sets of swivel guns. Yes, MacTavish had always believed in the power of guns, which was why he turned to his first mate and said, "That yon Spanish ship appears tae be a wee bit poorly. I dunna think she will put up much of a fight. And the sloop isna a problem, should she come sniffing aboot our tail. Let's say we heft a lob over the Spaniard's bow, and see how the deevils scamper." The first mate looked back toward the other brig and schooner. "What about them, sir?" MacTavish glanced at the other two ships. "Och, they're a bit occupied with yon fishy. They be nae a threat to us at the moment. Call up the gunners." "Aye, sir." Then the first mate turned, cupped his hands at his mouth, and shouted, "Gunners at your stations!"
  20. Ohhh, nooooo.........SHEEP JAM!!!! (Now, that means chaotic stupidity....so stop what other thing you were thinking! )
  21. My brother in law had the same surgery a year ago, and it helped him a lot! Years ago he had broken his back, which made it weak, and then it got really bad. You look at his x-rays, and he looks like the terminator inside—all plates and screws. But he feels great! Good luck to you, Rumba, and don't do too much too soon.
  22. I looked at the still circling shark, then looked back at Jacky. "I'm not that stupid. Please don't tell me you're going to tempt fate twice? Can't you just gaff whatever is down there and pull it up with the capstan?" Africa came up and handed me the mug of rum. Looking down at Jacky, he muttered, "Let Dat Man swim with da shark if he want." I glared at my quartermaster, and downed the rum.
  23. Chain Shot and I bought the boxed set of the series, and just finished watching the last episode last night. So, after my second run-through, I've decided my two favorite episodes are Out of Gas, and Trash. And yes, I do love Jayne. He just has some of the best lines... Holding the whore in his arms, "Can I go upstairs, cause my John Thomas is about to bust!" We also rented the movie Serenity, but it was a lot darker than the series, and didn't seem to have as much of the snappy dialogue as the TV series. Oh, and the other thing. Once you start singing the theme song, you can NOT get it out of your head!
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