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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. Like Mission, we don't have TV at our place. Haven't for about 15 yrs. Too far out for cable, and won't pay the satelite fees. So, we've been renting many TV series from Blockbuster. Started with House, which I love (still going on that one), then watched Deadwood. Also 24, and BSG, which we're still working on. It took me a month to be able to get Firefly, as the first disc was always out, and I didn't want to start it in the middle of the story. We finally were able to rent the first two discs of the four available. Gotta say, I'm hooked. Will probably buy the whole set, if I can find it at a reasonable price. I think I agree, though, that the stories on BSG are a lot more intense. Oh, and the other nice thing about renting the series, is that you don't have to suffer through a ton of stupid commercials. I first saw House on cable at a motel in Ojai. The commercials drove me crazy. So, even though I have to wait for the episodes to be released on DVD, I'd rather watch the shows commercial free. Just a trivia note. I thought it was interesting that Wat on Firefly, also played Wat in A Knight's Tale.
  2. That's why I like the Pub. You have everything from Twill to Airship Pyrates, and all the stuff in between. Something for everyone. To me, that is very kewl. However, there is a special dark, slimy place in Davey Jones locker for people who screw up and act like jerks at events, and spoil it for the rest of us, or risk losing a great event site.
  3. Weel, lemme see...at the post office I'm know as the Pyrate Girl. At Staples Office Supply I'm known as the Pyrate Girl. In my writer's group I'm known as the Pyrate Girl, and also at our local gas station...but that's probably because I have a sticker in my back window that says Pirate Girl. I've worn my pyrate boots (not bucket boots, just tall black boots with a small fold-over) frequently. I want to make a frock coat to wear all the time. The one I have for events is a bit too long, and the sleeves too baggy for everyday use. They'd just get in the way. However, I do wear my top hat a lot (actually, I have a whole collection of hats), and in my neck of the woods that's considered very strange. Grants Pass is a very conservative, right wing, religious town, so anything out of the ordinary gets a lot of looks, mostly of the "OMG what is that?" kind. So, it's kinda fun to ruffle their feathers.
  4. My only problem, besides the obvious ones, with Burning Man, is that it is so close to Ojai weekend. Chain Shot and I just have such a blast at Ojai, I really wouldn't want to have to choose between one event and the other. The expense of going to two events would be a big issue as well, so we wouldn't be able to afford both. Hmmm, might have to do some serious logistical thinking.....
  5. Patrick's reply was perfect. And to clarify the meaning, in this context, of "Holier than thou", that applies to ANYONE trying to force on anyone else their personal concept of what makes a good pyrate. And I can speak from experience, that Patrick is the last one who would ever do that. He's totally nonjudgmental, and the first one to offer help to anyone who asks. That's how we all should be. And lest this whole thread get out of hand, and a big, possibly ugly, argument ensues, maybe we should just kill it right now. A "What do you Hate?" thread is NOT what the Pub is about.
  6. Quite frankly, I don't hate any of it. If those people are having fun, then good for them. I'm not a "holier than thou" sort of pyrate.
  7. Received Withoutaname's book today.
  8. :::Sticks out tongue and gives Patrick the raspberry:::
  9. Both pants look pretty kewl, Jill, but the first pair are dry clean only! Yikes. Robert is looking for a fairly inexpensive light duster as part of his Steamy garb, (He's kinda leaning toward the Safari look of Sean Connery in LoEG) so I'll be sure to point out that site. And Rats, yeah it would be great to meet up at an event all dressed in our Steamy duds, but might be hard, considering half of us live on the west coast and the other half on the east coast.
  10. The sloop carrying Nate and Cat continued to stand off, which made me wonder if they were having too good a time just the two of them, and had no desire to rejoin the rest of us. Then a way to answer my question occurred to me, and I sought out Roberts, who'd been extremely quiet since it was feared Red Cat had fallen overboard and drown. I found the big man helping with the repairs to the hull, he and Colard in friendly conversation as they worked. "Mr. Roberts, a word please." He looked up, nodded, then put down the oakam mallet he was holding. "Ma'am?" We stood a little away from Colard. "Roberts, you've known Cat longer than the rest of us. Would she leave you to run off with that crazy Irishman?" Roberts first looked stunned, then sad, and then angry, but held his tongue, clearly wanting to chose his words carefully before answering me. "Well?" I demanded, "would she?"
  11. Drat, our state run liquor stores don't carry the winter one either. I was lucky just to get the Pimm's #1. However, mixing #1 with spiced apple juice sounds interesting, and might work. Back to the lab....er, liquor cabinet.
  12. Since I tend to read two and three books at a time, I just finished up two. Galileo's Daughter by Dava Sobel. The title is deceiving, as the book is more about Galileo than his daughter, but intersperses into the narrative translations of letters she wrote to him from the convent where she spent her life from the time she was 14. Very good book. Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz. I don't really like Dean Koontz, as his books are too creepy for me, but Odd Thomas was recommended by a friend who knew my feelings, but thought I would like this anyway. She was right. It is an excellent read.
  13. Pouting? Whose pouting? I was stomping my foot and grinding my teeth. I don't pout, I get even—pyrate!. As for the crow....that's Edgar. He perches on my shoulder, not on my lip!
  14. Hmmmm, a Mourner sounds quite interesting. Yes, very interesting indeed. Oh, and LOVE the coat. I also saw lots of other wonderful garb on the site, and didn't think the prices too high for what your were getting.
  15. At the moment, Irish Breakfast tea. Straight. Oh, Hester, have you run across any recipes for a hot Pimm's drink? The only one I've found is mixing it with hot lemonaide, which didn't sound very appealing...mainly because the first thing I thought of was that it would taste like cold medicine.
  16. I awoke slowly, unsure of where I was. Then the memory of the previous night's dance macabre with my aunt and uncle slowly returned. Carefully I sat up, the knife wound in my shoulder aching, but easily ignored. Sebastian stood a little away from the bed, sipping at a drink. Pushing my hair back from my face, I gave a soft chuckle. "You know, my only intent in coming to Port Royal was to get rid of both a shipload of gunpowder and an overly ornate cannon. Since my arrival, I feel I've been involved in one volatile situation after another. Fires, hurricanes, being knifed, not to mention that strange business with Killingsworth, which I still don't understand, nor do I wish to. Now my Aunt has it in her head that I should go back to England and marry Seymour, which is rediculous. I don't know what lie they have fobbed off on the poor sod, but if he knew what kind of life I've lived for the past seven years, he'd fall on his sword before bringing me into the bosom of his family." Throwing back the coverlet, I got out of bed, feeling a bit strange in the frilly white chemise my aunt had dressed me in. For the first time, I looked into Sebastian's face. His dark eyes had a slightly haunted look, which told me he'd slept very little, if at all. With a gentle voice, I said, "That was a very noble offer you made to my aunt last night, but I will not hold you to it." I took his hand, and met his gaze with my own. "I offer you my body freely. I offer you my loyalty, until you no longer require it, or I deem you unworthy of it. And I offer you access to a ship, which you would find useful in ways you haven't even thought of yet. But if what you truly wish for is a family, with all that implies, then that, ma Pearl, I fear I cannot offer you. For ever since my near fatal beating, I have known with certainty that I am a barren vessel. I can give you no family legacy." I kissed his hand, then let it go. "So take time, and consider. You may decide, that in the long run, my loyalty and my ship are more valuable to you than my body in marriage." Then I gave him a small smile. "Although the body, without the commitment of marriage, is yours for as long as you desire it."
  17. I watched with a bit of amazement as the Relentless returned to her previous spot and dropped anchor. Apparently the new arrival didn't have Jacky too worried. The ship was smaller than the sloop which Nate was on, and which still stood off out of range. "Silly Irishman," I mumbled. "Why doesn't he and Cat come in for a parley? Be nice to know if they've seen anything interesting while they were off on their little escapade." The smaller Spanish ship also kept out of cannon range of our two vessels, but didn't appear too interested in following the big galleon either. What did she want? The whole set up was strange, and had me nervous. However, if Jacky, who knew these waters better than I did, and who'd dealt with the Spanish before, wasn't worried, then I guessed it must be safe to drop anchor and finish the repairs to the hull. I gave the order to Africa, who reluctantly passed it on, while still keeping a sharp eye on the retreating galleon, and the new visitor.
  18. Found these through the Steampunk Home blog site. Kinda neat. Playing Cards Perfect for a game during quiet time on the Columbia's Revenge.
  19. Steampunk journal!!! Oh goodie. I assume you mean on the Brass Goggles forum? Oh, hey, Patrick, anything you need, just shoot me a PM. Sure I'll put in a good word for your project. I've also got a short art project I'm going to post about shortly...a one time deal where there is no waiting a year for a book to come back. More on that soon. And you are so right, it's the friendships you make during these rounds that are the real reward...that and a WAY kewl art journal at the end of the round.
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