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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. "That's odd," I said, handing the glass to Africa. "Take a look and tell me what you think is going on with the galleon crew." Africa put the glass to his eye, took a look, then quickly handed the instrument back to me. "Dat a cursed ship now. We stay here, we end up da same." "Oh, please, not that cursed ship rant agai....." I had put the glass back to my own eye for another look, and suddenly realized Africa may not be too far off in his assessment. From what I could see, the whole crew was standing still as if turned to stone, and the ship had come off the wind, as if she were drifting rudderless. "What in bloody hell is going on?" I muttered. "Some kind of new Spanish trap?" Then a familiar face was framed in the glass. "Spoons! You bloody son of a ..." I turned to the gun crew. "If that ship so much as twitches toward the Rakehell, send a nice little gift into her quarterdeck — on my order only!"
  2. For the logo for the Columbia's Revenge, you could take the classic picture of the Goddess (think Columbia Pictures) then punk her out into an airship babe.
  3. Quick comment: Another suggestion if your up against the wall, time-wise, just paste in pictures from events you've attended, with captions of who the people are. Everyone loves event pictures.
  4. Of curse I peeked! I love your stuff. And, it doesn't spoil it for me when I see it later in my book. Different experience. Also, it's great that Patrick was sending the others to me before he decided to post them here, because otherwise, I'd have missed them all. Big thank-you, Patt! And, I didn't have to do much begging to get him to post a comic strip just for the Pub! Thank goodness, since so many people besides me also love his stuff. (Heck, I'd have groveled and whinned until he did it just to shut me up! LOL)
  5. Okay, works for me. But I can't read the motto at the bottom of the flag. (Need new glasses maybe?)
  6. Cal's book probably won't get out to Patrick until middle of next week. Currently, that's the only book I have.
  7. A very Happy Birthday to you, suh. And now I am expecting a long dissertation on the history of period birthday celebrations, and specifically those for surgeons. Cheers!
  8. I have also found that to be true. It's easy to come off differently than you are in person, when writing on an impersonal forum, especially under an assumed name. You might be braver in your opinions when you don't have to look into someone's face, or be less timid than you would be in a real crowd. Some people I had interacted with a lot on the Pub, turned out to be a bit stand-offish in real life (or maybe thought I was, hard to tell). While others, whom I had little interaction with, ended up being a great deal of fun. Then again, I've also lucked out and had the best of both worlds many times, which goes to show, you just never know. I guess the adventure is in finding out.
  9. Mine and Chain Shot's will be going out today.
  10. You know, since I don't have TV where we live, I've never seen the show. However, after seeing Williams awesome collection and currency, I think I'll head to Blockbuster and rent the first in the series. The old cooler has also given me an idea of how to redo an old wooden chest I got at a garage sale during the summer. It's nothing antigue or fancy, more like a big wooden locker about the size of a Hope Chest, but the possibilities! I think it's been said many times before, but, well......William, you rock!
  11. Happy Natal Day to ya, suh. Hope it is grand.
  12. Oh, this coffee house is a very friendly place. I be not much more than a trinket-maker myself. But it's nice to sit back and talk jewelry with others, and sip some nice coffee or tea at the same time. So, Blackbead, here you go, black as ordered, and with a tot of rum. Make yourself comfortable.
  13. As the Rakehell and Relentless turned to face the galleon I ordered my small gun crew to stand ready. The Rakehell could out-sail the galleon any day, but her hull was thick oak, and I wasn't sure how much damage our six-pounders would do. Jacky had the heavier guns, and I could see his gun crews scrambling to make ready to fire. With a curious thrill running up my spine, I shouted, "Stand ready the guns! Then I grinned over at Jacky, not even sure he could see me, and thought, "Well, Luv, if we go down, we go down together." Then the galleon opened her gun ports and I had no more time for idle thoughts.
  14. Lady B's statement is exactly why I decided to stop using the list. You might forget to put someone on, and they will be hurt because they weren't included. Someone puts you on their list, and is disappointed if you don't return the favor, even if it's someone you normally don't have a whole lot of communication with. Also, at this point, I wasn't using the list for anything, since I'm not a heavy PMer anyway. Like I said before, I consider everyone on the Pub to be my friend, to one extent or the other, and the people with whom I interact all the time know who they are, and don't feel slighted because they are not on some arbitrary list of "friends." That's just the way it works for me. For others, obviously, it's a totally different thing. And that's fine.
  15. Wow, Eyes, that's a great score! You keep this up, you're going to have to build on an addition to your pirate cove!
  16. Congratulation on your new digs, Rumba. Sorry to hear about you kitty ordeal — I've gt five cats, and so far, none have ever bitten me that bad. Actually, none have ever bitten me period. Must be lucky, I guess. Anyway, cheers to you and your new home.
  17. After careful consideration, I have decided to eliminate my "Friends" list. It just sounded a bit elitist to me, and like Eyes, I know who my friends are, and my friends know me. In all honesty, I think of everyone on the Pub as my friend. So, if you get a notice that I have taken you off my friends list, it does NOT mean that you are no longer my friend, it just means that I don't need a list to remind me who they are.
  18. This just struck me as really funny. Considering the time of year it is, I'll probably get struck by lightning...but, heck, it's still funny. In His own image.
  19. A very happy birthday to you, Capn.
  20. Columbia's Revenge in French = Revanche De Columbe (Pronounced "REV-awnsh duh COLE-umb") It would have been great to watch the reactions to you in the top hat in the mall... I'm used to it. I wear hats all the time, from fancy to fedoras. It's fun! I've also made hats. It's kinda in my DNA, as my grandmother was a milliner. And Rats, what a great site! I tried to get into the link, but it wouldn't give access without logging in. I went to their home page, and could navigate from there, so, what forum and thread were you linking to? I'll try again. And, what is your name on that forum...or is it a secret? Anyway, ya just gotta luv the internet. Edit: The Observation Bar, where that Steam Punk discussion is taking place, is only accessible to registered members of the forum.
  21. Happy birthday, to you, suh! Hope you have a little pirate, and a little steam, in your celebration! Your party dirigible awaits.
  22. I'm sure Stynky will celebrate in grand style, considering where he is right now! Cheers, suh!
  23. I'd forgotten that you did this last year, Mission. Thanks for taking the time to share with everyone who couldn't attend, what is happening amongst you all. It's almost like being there...in a voyeuristic sort of way. And, having met the man twice, and exchanged many PMs, I agree with you 100%. Patrick is a prince among pirates...and a really nice guy.
  24. You know, it's been a long time since I've seen satin shirts, and day-glow feathers, even at events like Nor Cal (SF Bay area) and Ojai (So. Calif). Not among the event's participants, anyway. (Mundanes are a whole different story!) I do see lots of SxBs, but for the most part they are done descreetly — on a pouch, or a belt, and as jewelry. Yeah, there are exceptions — like a big shiny brass SxBs cod piece!— but there always are. Reenactors who don't stay strictly within the PC code are not as flamboyant in their dress as most people seem to think. If you like your SxBs jewelry, then wear it. Like William said, the death's head symbol has been around a long time — way before the GAoP.
  25. My good humor died when I saw the sails of the galleon. "Jesus, Mary and Joseph," I snapped, then turned to Africa. "Get the anchor up, NOW!" With his keen eyes, Africa had also seen the new sails on the horizon, and needed no prodding by me. His deep voice boomed out over the deck, "Colard, Ludo, Jimmy, get to da capstan. Dis ship leavin' an I'll skin da hide from any man dat not gettin' her movin'." Jimmy, Goose and I unfurled canvas as the anchor slowly, every so slowly, was pulled from the bottom.
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