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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. If someone who doesn't know you, but needs to send someone to your cubicle, do they say "Go to the cubicle with the carrot top?" When some men see you, do they wince and mumble, "Bet that one has a temper?" When you come on board a ship, so some of her crew call out "Danger, danger, Red Head on board?" Do people look at your hair, then your blue eyes and ask, "Are you from Ireland?/Are you from Scotland?" I AM a redhead.
  2. Funny, I thought it was the Dog and Bacon! LOL (Nice work, BTW, as usual.)
  3. Okay, there must be a trick to it. Care to teach a tutorial on sun dodging? It would spare my nose, and save me the cost of a lot of Banana Boat 50.
  4. I thought William might like this...although the name is a corruption of something else, the sign is nice. Dog and Bacon
  5. I wasn't sure if this belonged in Twill or not, so feel free to move it if you think it needs to be. This link was posted on the Tales of the Seven Seas forum, but I thought it pretty interesting. It is a society for the cataloging, preservation, and study of tavern signs. They give brief histories, and where needed, explanations on the origin/meaning of certain names. Tavern Sign Society
  6. For starters, tonight it will be hot buttered rum...again. I have an old 1940s edition of Trader Vic's guide to rum drinks, and it's his version I use. Actually, he wrote this book, and it is a hoot to read, even if you don't like rum. This is scaled down from his, as he give the original in pounds! (One pound sugar to a quarter pound butter) 3 tbls brown sugar 1 tbls real butter Mash together into a paste, then add ground cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg to taste. Mash to mix. This makes enough paste for about six servings of buttered rum. Pre-warm two 6oz mugs/coffee cups (I fill them with hot water from the tap, then dump it out right before putting the butter paste in) Into cups put: One heaping teaspoon sugar paste 1 1/2 oz rum of choice Then fill the mug with boiling water and stir. Voila! Very yummy hot buttered rum. Anyone else got a favorite hot rum drink, or buttered rum concoction?
  7. Alas, that's why I had to reserve my tricorn for night escapades or indoor functions, and switch to a wide-brimmed hat for daytime. At Nor Cal, where there was NO shade, even with 50 proof sunblock on, my face fried.
  8. There once was a pirate from Nantucket Who carried his grog in a bucket He jumped ship in Fiji To spend time with his sweetie The Captain shrugged, "He'll just make a muck of it."
  9. Leaving most of my bewildered crew behind, I ordered the jolly boat lowered, and had Colard and Jimmy row me over to the Relentless. We made the boat secure to her sides, and climbed up the Jacob's ladder, to be greeted by scowls and mutterings from Jacky's crew. I was in no mood for grumpy sailors. "Back off, you lot, and go and fetch your captain." Then I paused as the smell hit me. "Bloody hell, you got a hold full of rotten eggs? Or are you running a gunpowder factory below?" Colard and Jimmy had covered their noses, and my eyes were beginning to water.
  10. My, Graydog, aren't you being the polite one! LOL Well, from one red head to another, welcome. I'm sure you'll enjoy the Pub. Seems you've already made a lot of friends — mostly male, I observe. You go girl!
  11. Yeah, she's not exactly movie quality, but not bad for a home effort: http://www.markck.com/images/props/PROPS_raptor.htm She's in the back yard because...what the hell do you do with a 12' long fiberglassed velociraptor after the haunted house closes? Sorry it took me so long to get back to this thread, but that Velociraptor is just VERY kewl! I'm surprised you haven't had requests to make others. Oh, and Matusalem, your town is not the only place were idiots live. Our local paper did an article about an old, little-known cemetery, and the quarry where a lot of the tomestones were cut and carved, and where there were still some unfinished ones. Unfortunately, they also told where this little-known cemetery was. Within days, several of the tomestones had been broken up, tipped over, or smashed. Even the unfinished ones in the quarry. Bastards!
  12. In Oregon they mail the ballots to your house. You can either mail them back in before Nov. 4th, or drop them off at different boxes around town, to be collected before the 4th. Chain Shot and I dropped ours off on Saturday morning at the court house. There were quite a few cars pulling up to the curb near the box, and people quickly dropping their ballots in, despite the fact that it was raining pretty hard.
  13. Oh, I don't know. Towns a bit bigger are fun too. Last time I took a book in (I usually go to the same lady) the first thing she asked me was "So, what did you do for Talk Like a Pyrate Day?" I thought that was kinda kewl. And she always looks at the pictures I put on the outside of the mailing envelopes. I'm still working on the two books that I have. Hope to get Lady Seahawke's book out to Patrick by the end of this week, first of next. Then I'll finish up Callenish Gunner's.
  14. "Jimmy, grab that bucket and fill it with seawater!" I pointed to one of the fire buckets. Jimmy hesitated, while Africa still fought with the capstan. "Do it, damned you!" Jimmy snatched up the bucket and rope, dipped it over the side, and came back with it sloshing full of water. I took it from him, then tossed the whole of it into Africa's face. The big black man stopped trying to turn the capstan by himself, and the wild look went out of his eyes. I placed my hand on his arm, then said calmly, "We are not going to die. Yes, something seems to be going on here, but we'll figure it out and deal with it. Understand?" He nodded, but mumbled, "Dis place cursed." "Then we'll find out how to un-curse it." And at that, I glanced over at the Relentless. "I know just the person who can do it, or at least tell us what the hell is going on."
  15. Oh, fun. I can add my name to the ranks. Yes, naturally curly red hair. Actually, right now I'm in sore need of a haircut, so I look like a combination of Little Orphan Annie, and Don King. Scary!!!
  16. So am I. This is my third sketchbook round, and I've used all of that stuff at one point or another. Still am.
  17. I will be going to see Abney Park tonight in San Jose... Think I'll just wear my khaki stuff that I wore to Burning Man. (I haven't finished the frock coat yet...) Do you see the "green flash?" in the North? That's not someone returning from the dead, it's me, green with envy! I'd love to see them in concert.
  18. Wishing you a grand natal day, suh! Hope you get all the plunder you could wish for.
  19. ROTDALMAO A most happy All Hallows Eve to everyone.
  20. I was just about to head below and get some rest, when Africa came flying from the hold. He raced across the deck, pushed Tunny away from the capstan, and started shouting, "We must go! Raise de anchor, you dogs! We must go now!" The stunned crew just stood staring at him as he frantically tried to turn the capstan by himself, cursing us all as he did so. I ran over to him and shouted in his terrified face, "What's going on? What the hell's the matter with you?" He kept pushing uselessly at the capstan. "Dis a cursed place. We stay here, we all die."
  21. Oh, man, that sucks big time! Because we live so off the beaten trail, I'm always afraid of getting robbed. If we're gone for more than two days, I always hide my jewelry, then pray like mad no one hits our place. But, I guess no matter what you do, you're never safe from thieves. Bastards! Right now, I'm pissed. Our neighbors just got two more dogs (they already have four) and they let them run loose all over the place. Today they were out by our pond, and when I tried to shoo them home, the one that looks like a Rotwieler (?) cross, just stood there and barked at me, and seriously thought about charging me! I have found these guys in our barn as well. So, I called our neighbor's house and got an answer machine. Left a very curt message. KEEP THOSE BLOODY DOGS IN YOUR OWN YARD!!!!! If I see them in our yard again, I call animal control. If Chain Shot sees them in our yard again, the dogs will "disappear."
  22. Hey, Cat, are you sure we're not twins, separated at birth! List two: Keys of every sort and age shells feathers charms ribbon buttons—old and new Jewelry working tools — chain nose, round nose, and fat nosed pliers, wire cutters, Drummel tool, etc. tons of jewelry bits and bobs — some vintage some new. Beads and findings — vintage and new paper punches misc sizzers with decorative edges heating tool soldering gun & solder small wood blanks in different shapes You have to understand, I've been collecting this stuff for a long, long time.
  23. Sting — The Journey & The Labyrinth, the music of John Dowland AWESOME!
  24. Oddly enough, to a certain extent, ours was the same deal. We only got one fuzzy channel, so when I moved the furniture around one day, we just went unplugged from the arial. That was about 15 years ago. And you're right about the commercials. The few times we stay at a motel and watch cable, the commercials drive me crazy—to the point where I want to hurl the remote into the screen! Just reinforces our resolve to never have cable.
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