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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. Many members of the Pub also make some kind of jewelry. Whether to sell or just for fun. I thought a place where we could trade tips, share works in progress, ask for help, or just hang around and talk jewelry would be nice. Posting pictures, either of your work, your workplace, or of what inspires you, is highly recommended! THIS IS NOT A PLACE TO SELL YOUR WARES! So, sit back, sip your coffee, and lets share our lust...er, love...of jewelry.
  2. I think it's time for posting more pictures from the books! Anyone...? ...okay, I will. Oh, and the picture I took came out a bit crooked—it's hard to hang over your work table and not move. Hmmm, now that I've looked at it again, I guess I better not take up carpentry as a vocation.
  3. For starters, the deed to a fine country manor house/estate—and the arrangements for upkeep/rents to be paid until I could take possession in the 21 century! (Don't know how I'd manage that, but I'd figure it out ahead of time) Then books, some original works of art, and jewelry. Then I would join Patrick in the tavern and sketch away for awhile, soaking up the ambiance, then wander the streets, docks, etc, and draw until my fingers bled! I would also come back with some newly minted coins of the period.
  4. Gosh, I've been on that ride so many times! I was always impressed by how real the dangling hairy leg of the pirate sitting on the bridge was! LOL But I also really liked the mysterious bayou with the winking fireflies and strange shacks. Back in the late 70s I got stuck on the ride for a half an hour, right at the end where you're on a 45 degree angle, and the pirates are shooting over your head while the place burns. I got pretty tired of "Yo ho, yo ho, a pirates life for me." They ended up shutting the ride down, and we had Disney crew people help us off the boat and lead us out. While we were stuck there, my first husband was handing around a hip flask of rum!
  5. Then the smiled died. I looked at Jacky. "If you've had this gold on your ship all this time, why did you wait until now to share it? Why did we have to go through so much...misunderstanding?" I eyed the gold that would ease the minds of my crew, and pay for any and all damages to my ship. I felt relief, and also that warm glow of greed everyone feels when looking at a large amount of gold. But I also felt great tiredness. If I was going to say anything to Jacky, now, in the darkness of this hold, away from all other ears and eyes, was the time. With my voice low and steady, I said, "Locked in a secret cupboard in my cabin is a rather large emerald. An emerald placed into my hands by you. By giving it to me, you also placed your life in my hands. How did we come from that show of complete trust, to you firing on my ship? How did we drift so far apart from that night of affection in Havana, to this? I need to be able to trust someone, Jacky. I need to have at least one person on this bloody planet I can turn to when all hope is gone and my back's against the wall." Pushing a stray lock of damp hair out of my face, I held the lantern up, casting wild shadows around the room, and met Jacky's serious gaze with my own. "And so do you."
  6. Luv back attcha, mate! And of course the Pub is grand! Everyone knows that!
  7. Puzzled at Jacky's treatment of the bottle, laying it back in its chest as if returning a baby to its crib, I looked up at him. "Please don't tell me that I risked storms, weird female tribe-etts, Havana, Spoons, you firing cannons at me, my ship getting holed, Red Cat disappearing, and a spooked crew, just for a chest full of bottled water?" He rolled his eyes, looking at me as if I were a simpleton. "Well then, what is it? And it better be good."
  8. Been there, done that! When my first husband and I bought our first house, it took us....eight months to get in. The seller signed papers agreeing to sell it through FHA. Then dragged his feet when he got the list of stuff he had to fix from FHA before he could sell the place to us. I finally told our real estate lady, to tell their agent, that if he didn't have things finished by the next week, the deal was OFF. He finished it in that time, we moved in, and found that, although the water had been turned off, they had kept using the toilet. GROSS!!!! Then, when we turned the water on, it all came up through the floor between the bathroom and the kitchen. It cost us another thousand dollars to reroute the plumbing through the ceiling, as back then, they put the pipes in the cement foundation and we would have had to jak-hammer up the floors. It was a nightmare, to say the least. But when the dust settled and the tears dried, and after a lot of work, we ended up with a really nice place on a half acre. And you do NOT want to know the crap and grief Chain Shot and I went through trying to move to Oregon! (Like one couple refusing our offer because at the time we weren't married Even though we told them our wedding was only a month away) So, hang in there! And Mary, some of your friends might be moving away, but you've got a whole gang of them here, just a click of your mouse away! Take care of you!!!!
  9. Oh, geez, when have a few two many, I get so dyslexic (worse than I already am), that it would be like trying to read a secret code.
  10. Yeah... I was a jerk... might have talked to Chainshot back then..... or gotten into a fight with him..... him being a trucker.....(That didn't type out right).... but back then the "game" suxed anyway...... ****Oh, you guys would have gotten along just peachy. He's a nice guy too, but still got in bar fights when he was young. He was in Aggie back then (Agracultural (?) classes in high school/college, and raising cattle on campus), and everyone liked to try and beat on the Aggies. My "History" is kinda fun..... I like where I am right now... (well there are a few things I would want changed) but for the most part.... I like who I am now.... what I will be in 20 years from now (other than 70) is still interesting....... ****Great attitude! HEY... but Rensom.... and everyone else.... ya still gotta post yer embarisin' photos of wota geek ye use ter be....... that be th' rules........ *****LOL Okay, I'll dig some out this weekend and post them soon (shudder). (other that I'm guessing Ransom was always good looking... just with funnier hair...) ;) Thanks for the compliment...I think. And you're right, I did have pretty funny hair! Still do!
  11. Patrick, I want to know the story of what happened between the Service and the bike! Bet it's a good one.
  12. Yeah, I think the Pub being down created a bit of gridlock, which is slowly breaking up. I still have Gallenish's book. But Patrick will be off to PIP soon, so I'll send Cal's book later in the month.
  13. Many happy returns of the day, Annie. Cheers to you!
  14. Sounds kewl. As far as the keys, I just knew they were offered now and again, but didn't know what price they were going for. Your home made ones will probably end up looking better anyway.
  15. I gave a nod to my men, and they stowed their weapons. Finally, Jacky was going to talk seriously, which was what I'd wanted in the first place. I followed him below, rubbing the place where he'd gripped my arm. "Going to have a damn bruise," I muttered.
  16. I'd heard Jacky say a lot of stupid things before, but this last little speech was over the top. I could feel a vein start to throb in my forehead, as my anger at his evasiveness threatened an eruption of volcanic proportions. "Poor judgment! Less seasoned crew! Take a bug-eyed quartermaster's advice and turn with our tails between our legs? Are you out of your bloody mind? And don't try and fob me off by telling me all this is just caused by ghosts under the water. There are ghosts all over the bleeding ocean, and it's never affected any of my crew before! And your lads are acting a bit too smug for my taste." Leaning in even closer, I growled, "What in bloody hell are you up to? And why are you trying so damned hard to make fun of my crew, or get rid of me? It's not like you, Jacky. I think this whole treasure thing has gone to your head. So let's get all our cards on the table, shall we?"
  17. I WANT this coat!!!!!! Oh, and as for swords, the only thing I've been asked to to at an event is peace-tie mine, and that is the gate rule at Ojai.
  18. If you were wanting to use old typewriter keys, they have those on Ebay occasionally.
  19. I don't mind signing on if it's a go. And even my husband, Chain Shot, who was one of the members who got stiffed by their Secret Santa (For which Rumba stepped up to the plate and made good on), wants to play again. Maybe if we extend the time required as a member to six months, or longer, in order to play, things might be a little better? Just a suggestion.
  20. I cocked an eye at Jacky, allowing him and his men their brief pleasure at his over-embellished welcome. And I rather enjoyed the fact that they felt it necessary to clear the deck after said welcome. "No, Silkie is not on board. The only thing I'm harboring on the Rakehell, is a bunch of men seeing and smelling visions, and hearing voices, and a quartermaster who is so terrified he tried to sail the ship by himself to get away, 'cause he thinks we're all going to die. Then I arrive on your ship, and it smells like your whole crew has been eating nothing but salmugundi for the last month. Either that, or you took on a load of sulfur while in Havana. So I have to ask myself if maybe the Commodore might know what the BLOODY hell is going on!"
  21. That settles it, I'm going to have to go back and edit that post! LOL
  22. Oh, and I really like those cute little plastic swords that are skewered through a nice juicy olive, and plunked into a gin martini. (Sorry, I couldn't resist LOL )
  23. I, too, have a Windlass steelcraft cutlass of which I am inordinately fond.
  24. A most happy Natal Day to a very fine gent...er, I mean, bloodthirsty pyrate. Cheers, suh!
  25. Sent Lady Cassandra's book off to Patrick today. I still have Callinish Gunner's to do.
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