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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. Bump.... It's been awhile, so this is just a gentle reminder that I'm still making things. Necklace of vintage buttons, charms, vintage chain, and pearls.
  2. In trying to get more info, I discovered that this web site is now down. There is a facebook site, but with no real information on the 2009 con, other than possible bands. Does anyone know if the lack of a website for the con is temporary? I kinda like to plan ahead of time for stuff. Also, I don't know how quick you'd have to get in your reservations —either for workshops or events.
  3. O gosh, I remember Brazil. Especially a scene involving a reversed sewer line into a guys chem suit? Also the woman who kept having her plastic surgery procedures fall off. Great movie.
  4. Eyes, your cove just keeps getting better and better. A grand job, to be sure. I wish I lived closer, so I could attend your first cove pyrate party, but alas..... Have you set a date yet?
  5. Stardust has a few scenes with Airship pyrates, but the movie is really more of a fantasy. A good one, though.
  6. Everyone on the Rakehell watched the little drama play out between the Scottish brig and the Spaniards. I couldn't understand why they didn't just leave the survivors on the sand spit and let sun and time do the job. "Waste of good man power," I muttered. "Like I said, ma'am. MacTavish has a powerful hatred of Spaniards." Colard replied. "Why?" Colard shrugged. "Never heard him say. Just that he can't abide their popish ways. Calvinist tae the core, is MacTavish. Calls all Catholics rosary twidlers. Says the Pope can kiss his....weel, he just dinna care for the man." I turned away from Colard, crossed the deck, and looked to Jacky, who, along with his crew, was also watching the smoke slowly clear away from the smaller boat—what was left of it. Our two ships were very close, so I called over to him. "What's on the schedule next? Best we get to it while our Scottish friend is busy elsewhere. I could protect you from the Spaniard, and even Nate and Red Cat, if need be, but I can't do a bloody thing against the Flodden. With her guns, she'd blow me out of the water."
  7. Bad Michael! LOL Really, I'm just glad to hear that they aren't lost in postal limbo land. As soon as I get all the cards, I will get them back out asap. I already have the little goody bags put together, and most of the return envelopes addressed. However, I am starting to get a little concerned over bbcbdutchman's cards. I would have thought they would be here by now. But, it really can take weeks, sometimes, for stuff to get to Grants Pass, if you don't mail it priority. Oh, and Chrispy, if you had an art book out in this round, you'd be drumming your fingers for a year....that's how much time will have passed before the round is over. There would be a trench drummed into your table, and you'd have no fingers left! LOL
  8. Would Sky Captain qualify? I know it's more of a thirty's style, rather than 1800s, but it does have airships, strange robots, and ray guns. Oh, and a mad scientist.....ummm, who's actually dead.
  9. A Chinese tea cup filled with Pyrate Pistol rum. A drinking technique I picked up in Ojai last September. So civilized, and the mundanes think you're drinking tea. Thank you, Red-Handed Jill and Poison Quill!
  10. Okaaay, Chain Shot and I hit the military surplus store over in the next town, and I found two really flashy gold (read brass) insignias for either a collar or top of sleeve. The guy at the store told me they were German border patrol insignias. Very flashy, and fairly large, with acorns and oak leaves, and something that looks vaguely masonic in the middle. Only $2 each. Chain Shot bought some big shell casing rounds to add to his safari gun jacket. I think he's going to paint them antique copper. Oh, and we hit the Goodwill store, and I found a black, stretch-lace t-shirt to wear under me corset. I will probably add more lace to the sleeves, but for $3.99 you can't beat it! BTW, we saw all kinds of neat stuff in the military surplus store, that with a bit of modification, could look very kewl. Some was pretty cheap, some not so, but just a lot of really interesting things. They had a sort of cotton, very loosely woven short jacket that was a "bug repellant" jacket. It was more like cotton netting. I couldn't buy it this payday, but maybe next? It just looked so different, and very punkish. But would snag on everything! LOL
  11. Umm, Cheeky, I need smaller than what you have listed, especially on top, NOT larger. I must say, I do like the rust colored dress. Other color options besides the dark blue, would be dark brown, black, teal, royal purple....?
  12. If you've got a nice dark blue, that maybe fits you a bit snug on top ( I don't have the "superstructure" that you do), I might be interested. I don't have any kind of corsets, and don't really want to mess with making one, if I don't have to. Bustle pad isn't too hard, but corsets.....gah!@*#$@
  13. Dang, Cheeky....50 more! Do you rent a warehouse somewhere? LOL Okay, got anything in a dark green? Day or evening doesn't matter, but nothing quite so bare as the Worth gown.
  14. I kinda hate to say it, Cheeky, but it doesn't appear than anyone is interested in keeping this story going. If they were, they would post. Sebastian and I tried to limp it along for awhile, but two people can't carry a story for very long. Apparently it is a case of two many events and not enough time. Understandable, but a little sad, considering how long we all kept this saga rolling. Ah well. :angry:
  15. Congratulations to you both! Well done indeed. And in such fine Steam Punk style!
  16. Sorry, but no. I haven't received yours or Michael's and Kate's. If you sent them regular rate, and not priority, it can take up to two weeks to get to my neck of the woods. Honestly, as soon as the cards show up, I will post that I got them safe and sound.
  17. Wild? Merry is the Queen of Wild! Hope your birthday is grand in every way!
  18. ROTDALMAO!! Well, Mission did say that he thought dents and such gave a mug a certain character. LOL
  19. The first time I looked at this picture, I almost spewed tea into my keyboard. LOL
  20. MacTavish couldn't believe that not one shot had stopped the small boat from reaching the shore. "Are ye all bluidy blind! Ye canna hit a wee boat with bluidy twenty-pounders! Ye should hae blown it tae splinters, ye ruddy imbeciles! No more brains than a herd o' sheep, the lot of ye!" Most of the gunners keep their eyes focused on the deck, not wanting to face the enraged captain. "There was just too much smoke, sir. Couldn't see much to aim at." One brave soul ventured. "Smoke! Smoke ye say! Weel, ye had best get used tae it, for if ye don't get me them yon Spaniards, I'll send the lot of ye tae hades. Plenty of smoke there, I'll wager. Now lower a boat, ye ninnies!" He turned his bloodshot stare on his first mate. "And ye better keep a squinty eye on those other ships, just in case they decide tae come tae those weevil's rescue. If ye hadn't noticed, they be flyin' nae flags either, sae nae tellin' who they are or what they're aboot." "Aye, sir." The first mate scuttled off to climb the rigging, glad to be far away from MacTavish's anger. "Now," MacTavish shouted, "them as is nae in the boat, get tae fixing our rigging. If the Flodden isna ready tae sail by the time I get back, ye best throw yerselves over the side, or I'll feed ye tae the sharks meself."
  21. When the explosion occurred, MacTavish instinctively ducked, throwing his hands over his head protectively, as debris flew everywhere. Timbers, rigging, and god-knew-what all, rained over the decks of the Pride of Fodden. Crewmen ran for any sort of cover they could find. The four men waiting at the rail to board the Spanish vessel, were blown back on deck. One lay silent, and draped awkwardly over the capstan. "God's buidy teeth!" MacTavish bellowed, when he finally dared raise his head. "Got rot all Spaniards to buidy hell, I say! Devious, nasty, tricksters. I'll teach um tae try and sink mae ship!" He shoved his way to the rail, and squinted into the sun. He knew this trick, and no Spaniard on this good earth was going to use it and win. "There!" He pointed to the retreating row boat, barely visible in the glare. "That's the deevils. A gold guinea to the first man who puts a hole in that boat!" The gunners of the Pride of Flodden set to with a will.
  22. Ransom


    Oh....you mean....it's not about shoes? Dang! LOL I have a lovely hand made one, patterned almost exactly after an Italian Misericord(?) Very lovely, and fits nicely into a bodice sheath, if I were so inclined. I purchased it from a sword maker while I was in the SCA. It's one of my favorite knives in my limited collection.
  23. I think they gave one of the rabbits a pencil, and it wrote the script.
  24. Okay, yesterday I got cards from: Rusty Nell Cannibal Chrispy Patrick Sjoroveren Pyrateleather All I can say is................YOU GUYS ROCK!!!!! All the cards are just so kewl!
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