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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. ...pay you Tuesday, for a hamburger today.
  2. What you don't know, Patrick, is that I have a camera computer. If we're both logged on some night, best make sure ye got yer clothes on! LOL (Just kidding. I don't have a camera attached to my computer.) As for me running around Burning Man naked, wouldn't happen. I'd get so burnt, I would be Burning Woman well, unless you first dipped me, like a candle, in a vat of sunblock . Besides, I'm a little long in the tooth to be running around without me clothes on.
  3. From the album: Ransom's Favorites

    © Copyright by Ransom

  4. From the album: Ransom's Favorites

    © Copyright by Ransom

  5. Wow, that is a very kewl design! Wish I'd thought of it, or at least something close. It really is great. Thanks for sharing, Brig.
  6. I glared back at the man. "You're right, Mr. Roberts, I did say that should the Irishman approach the Rakehell again, he was to be shot. However, if I'd wanted the Irishman shot, I could have done it myself. Also, I expect crewe members to be able to judge a situation as it comes, and since the situation had obviously changed, you made the wrong decision. Also, since we're making accusations, I'm not sure you were in the correct state of mind to make any decisions, let alone the one of life over death. Best sail with ol' Nate for a spell and make your amends. Prove yourself reliable again, and you'll be welcome back aboard — that is, if Red Cat doesn't shoot you first." I turned to Colard. "Is that blasted shark dead yet? I need to talk to the Commodore."
  7. So glad you finally found your way here to the Pub! I still have the card you gave me two years ago pinned to my bulletin board. Also, Chain Shot has received many compliments on his name, which you gave him at the Arms of the Sea lodge weekend. We head south for our events these days, rather than north, but we still remember the gracious offer you made of a place to stay during the Portland Pirate Festival, had we gone. Welcome indeed, to a great pyrate! Huzzah! (And who can play a mean game of Liar's Dice)
  8. A most happy natal day to Thomas Neede, and Tomas Guerrero, and to....well, that other guy. I'm sure there will be lots of good beer and premium rum at this party. Hope you all have a grand birthday, even if it might lead to a little dementia! But hey, dementia goes good with cake and ice cream— or beer and rum, as the case may be.
  9. Come on, everyone. As Pew said, we are getting close to the end of this great third journal round! Let's not get slack and stop checking in. We don't want any books to go missing at this late date. So please, check in and let Pew know whose book you have, or if you have no book at all. Only two jumps to go, and most of the books will be home safe and sound — after a year of traveling. That is just so amazing.
  10. Ransom


    All through school I was emotionally bullied. Basically, made fun of. I remember in 6th grade having to pair up for folk dancing, and the teacher made the gaff of trying to team me up with the most popular guy in school. He took one look at me and said, in front of the whole class, "I won't dance with her." I was always the last to get picked for team sports, and was always self-concience. In High School I had to wear hand-me-down clothes from my cousin, who was two inches taller, and had boobs. Being a stick at 5' 6" and about 92 lbs, I was called the sack girl, because her clothes hung on me like rags. Gee, wonder why I hated school? Were it not for my art classes, I probably would never have graduated High School.
  11. Just a bump up, reminder. Hoping that after Patrick gets back from Burning Man, we can pick back up with the ol' CR. It's just too kewl an idea to let die.
  12. When it became obvious that Jacky was ignoring us, I walked to the rail and looked over to see what the delay was. It appeared Dillard was in the process of pitching a large dead fish over the side. "Hmm, chumming?" I muttered, then saw the dark shape of the shark just under the surface of the water. "Bloody hell!" Understanding the situation, I called to Nate. "Better keep an eye on your crewe and that bucket Roberts has in the water. We got company." I pointed at the shark, who was circling among the three ships. "Jolly boats in the water right about now probably isn't a good idea either. We'll hold our confab after Jacky takes care of Mr. Ugly."
  13. "Prickly, Nate? Why, I am a festival of congeniality. You will find, however, should you keep your captainancy long, that you quickly learn who to trust, and who not to trust. You will also learn that the loyalty of your crewe is essential, and is earned. Jimmy knows that, as do all the rest of the Rakehells. No insult intended." Roberts came up on deck, his hands free, and carrying a bucket. He looked bemused, as if he still wasn't really aware of what had happened. "Roberts, you are under the command of the crazy Irishman now. I wish you luck. But your presence is no longer appreciated on board the Rakehell." Then I signaled that Colard and Jimmy could put their pistols away. They seemed relieved to do so. I addressed Jimmy, who had a loud and lusty voice. "Climb to the fighting top and give the Relentless a hail. Apparently my voice isn't expressing the urgency of the matter." Jimmy, quick as could be, climbed to the fighting top as ordered, and in a voice loud enough to raise the dead, called to Jacky's ship. "That should get the Commodore's attention," I replied, and waited for Jacky to blow his top and wonder what the hell was going on. After all, he hadn't bothered to ask what all the gunfire was about, so I was feeling a little miffed.
  14. I turned to Nate, and cocked an eye. "Well, you're more than welcome to Roberts if you want him. I've no other men to spare. But as for Jimmy taking orders from you, that's another thing entirely." I noticed Jimmy, who knew which side his bread was buttered on, hadn't moved to fetch a bucket. "No, I'm thinking that as penance for flying off the handle, creating a ruckus, and almost killing an innocent man, that Ol' Roberts should be the one to do the bucket toting. Although," I gestured at the odorous Spaniard, "it might be easier to just chuck the poor bastard overboard and give him a proper cleaning." I signaled to Tunny. "Unlock Roberts and tell him he's to bring up a bucket. He can sluice the Spaniard down with sea water. After that, make sure he boards this fine vessel with Nate and Cat, whether he wants to or not, as he's no longer welcome on the Rakehell. Tunny smiled, then headed below. Leaning casually over the rail and looking at the sloop and her strange crewe, I said, "Does that suit you, CAPTAIN Nate?"
  15. Know anything about sea turtles?
  16. A beautiful, sun-ripened home grown tomato! Heaven! Time for a BLT, I'm thinkin'!
  17. Hey, MadL, doncha know you're supposed to take what ye can, and give NOTHING back! Pyrate!!!!
  18. From the album: Ransom's Favorites

    © Copyright by Ransom

  19. From the album: Ransom's Favorites

    © Copyright by Ransom

  20. Here are some places that Patrick posted in another thread in this forum. Really, check out some of the other threads in Airship Pyrates, and you will probably get a great idea of what is out there, and where else to go to look. Brass Goggles is the Steampunk Forum (as Jill said), you can see it here.... http://brassgoggles....forum/index.php And Spare Goggles is their back-up for when BG is down... http://sparegoggles....n.net/index.htm Also, sometimes Steampunk Fashion has some interesting stuff... http://community.liv...m/steamfashion/
  21. I was lucky, in that many of the items I use, I already had, especially my coat and boots. Don't dismiss Wally World. I got a great pair of man's cargo pants for only $13 and they came with a military-type equipment belt. My husband found most of his stuff at Goodwill, junk stores, and eBay (his boots). He got an awesome coat, which included a liner, for only about $20. Also, for garb, and putting a little flash on your clothing, ck out military stores. I got some great brass oak leaf eppalet(?) decorations (German Border Guard, so no offending any of our local military guys) for only $2 each. Check out the Steampunk pictures thread for more ideas. You'll be surprised, once you get into it, where you find things. And I agree with Rene, don't go looking for specific items, just go looking.
  22. This was the answer I had been hoping for, so readily agreed. "Right, then. We'll give the commodore a hail, and see what he has to say. In the meantime, ol' Roberts stays in irons and under guard until we decide what to do with him." I opened the door of my cramped cabin, then paused, "Oh, and, what do you intend to do with your Spaniards, Nate?" I winked. "Or are they your new crewe? If so, you better let Colard teach you a bit of Spanish. That is, if you don't mind speaking it with a heavy Scot accent." With a final chuckle, I went up on deck, where Colard and Jimmy still held their pistols on the captives. With a nod to Colard I asked, "Still being polite, are they?" "Sae far, Ma'am. But I wouldna trust them sae far as I could toss them." "Nor would I." I then walked to the rail and shouted at the Relentless. "Oi, Jacky. We need to talk!"
  23. I love the material and the floral pattern. Let's see the front! Oh, and, gonna let us know how you made it?
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