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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. I nod a welcome to Silkie, then stare in disbelief as Jacky's hand healed so fast, and was left as if no wound had ever marred it. Where in bloody hell could that water have come from? Then something clicked in my brain. As I watched him hand the little vial over to Red Cat, I asked, "This water. It's not from that Fountain of Youth the legends tell us was somewhere in Florida, is it? I mean, the Spaniards looked all over for that place and never found it, or so they claim. Did that old salt you rescued give you that," I pointed at the vial in Red Cats hand, "along with the tale of the legartos? 'Cause if he did, why didn't he use it to save his own life?"
  2. Interesting, in that I clicked into the site, and they don't list Heceta Head, which is one of the most photographed light houses in Oregon. Although, it looks like they may be calling it North Head, and giving you a really poor angle for the picture. I have a souvineer frig magnet that I bought at the lighthouse, and it's definatley called Heceta Head, as is the sign on HWY 1. Oh well. The Cape Arago Lighthouse is about five minutes away from where we moor our boat, but it isn't open to the public. Drat!
  3. Haceta Head lighthouse - Central coast of Oregon. Out on a rocky bluff - picture perfect - awesome. Wish I had a picture I could post, but they're all from my old camera, not digital. I even got a picture from inside looking up into the lenses.
  4. I shook my head as Jacky walked away. He might think he could keep an eye on everyone - Roberts, Jane, Red Cat - but he wasn't no hydra with multiple heads, so I wasn't quite sure how he planned to accomplish the feat. Taking a seat with the others, I fugured I'd keep an eye out myself, if only to cover Jacky's back, which I kinda enjoyed.
  5. Arrgh, don't mention chinese food to me. I had some last night that didn't agree with me today! So, right now I'm swallowing Pepto Bismol! Yuck!
  6. Sabastian enclosed Ransom's hand with his, drawing her gently forward to standing. The dark eyes studied her own; meticulously searching for the slightest nuance which might counter his intention. Again he gave gentle drawing forward, testing for resistance, and finding none, a pace was taken to narrow the distance between. Primal wants screamed for fulfillment, but such were given deaf ear with act of will. Half pace forward again, and it was a narrow bit of air that acted as invisible boundary. Sabastian leaned in, hesitating briefly to search her eyes once more, savoring the scent of sea and salt that clung to her being. Primal wants screamed with louder demand and will counter parried with smallish stagger. Small waist was encircled, but held loose to allow retreat, as his lips brushed the highest point of her cheek line, near the soft curve of right ear and there he lingered, breathing deeply again saline perfume, before withdrawing... Before he could retreat to the other side of the table, I held his wrist capture for a moment, feeling his quickened pulse, then turned his hand palm up, and kissed its warm center. Hand released, I said, "Thank you," my voice soft with new admiration and affection. Taking a slow deep breath, I gave him a smile unlike any other I'd offered him. "So, what fine supper have you ordered for us, for I suddenly find myself famished."
  7. Wot if a Pyrate be wantin'.... "a week on or between her knees.. " <hadda keep it kinda-sorta almost PG-13......> See miss-reading a word in a post can be kinda interesting........ Better order up a bushel of oysters from Tsunami Kate's before ya try that, mate!
  8. Back in the days, having gone to the So. Calif. Ren Faire for about fifteen years, I have seen and been apalled by LOTS of spoobage. However, my first husband used to refer to the Ren Faire as the "Olympics of tit watching" so I guess it's all in the eyes of the beholder - so-to-speak! Hmmm, might be one of the reasons I'm married to someone else now.
  9. Before we entered the Pub, I drew Jacky aside and let the others go on. "Just wanting to let you know, Luv, that Jane and Roberts have met before. Soon as Jane mentioned something about "off the books" Roberts yanked her away for a private chat. I couldn't hear them, but it was plane as day they knew each other. He might act all friendly-like, but I still don't trust him." That was all I had time to say without drawing attention from the others. I gave Jacky a final nod, then walked into the Pub.
  10. Same thing with an encyclopedia. Talk about a time-warp! You can lose hours!
  11. The way Roberts had yanked Jane away for a little private confab had my suspicions aroused once again. I watched the two converse, my hand resting casually on the hilt of my rapier. If he made the smallest move to harm her, he'd end up skewered. I got a little of the blood lust going last night, more than enough to carry over if this stranger wanted to play games. From down the lane I heard the familier squawk of a certain protesting Cat. But I dared not take my eyes away from Jane and Roberts, until I was sure no harm was intended.
  12. With not an ounce of hesitation, I took the offered hand.
  13. I allowed the caress, allowed myself to enjoy it. I believed we had reached some kind of unspoken agreement, though with this man it would be hard to tell. In many ways we were very much alike. Private, suspicious, always on guard. Could two such reach a common ground? I took the proffered cordial. "There is no point in dwelling in the past. You can never bring it back. I also have no doubts there is a bite under your smooth, but very handsome exterior. I should not like you so well if there were not. But you must also realize, that beneith this woman's body lies a will of iron." I raised my glass in slight toast, and gave him an honest smile. "But iron is quite malible when the proper amount of heat is applied, non?"
  14. Not listening, not listening...**looks outside. Sees snow, ice, and temps in the low 30s**...NOT LISTENING...**notices skin turning a strange green color.** Seriously, Jack, have a blast.
  15. Going down the stairs, I tried to figure out how I was going to convince Roberts to take a little walk with me, and not get Jacky all riled. The two were just standing there, quiet like, although I noticed Roberts was smoking a pipe. Deciding honesty might be the best policy here, I whispered in Jacky's ear, "Red Cat needs to see you in private. She asked me to keep Roberts occupied while you and she have a little chat. Help me out here, luv, 'cause I don't think it's going to be easy to destract him."
  16. I'd probably do it in a breezy manner.... Ya know, I could go sooo many places with that, that my mind went into a high-speed wobble just thinking of all of them.
  17. There was a part of me that bristled at the thought of Jacky and Red Cat being alone together. But the look in her eyes told me it wasn't "that" kinda meeting, and that it was important. Besides, I figured I could trust Jacky, no matter what the circumstances - or, I preferred to think that I could. "Alright, Cat, if it's that important to you. What do you want me to do?"
  18. As I helped Red Cat get back into her clothes, I teased her about Roberts. "Why'd ya have to bite his head off. He's been sleeping by your bed all night, worried sick. I don't know the man, but it's plain as a pike staff that he cares a great deal for you." To make my point, I gave a little extra tug on her belt as I buckled it for her. She winced, and shot me a glare. I grinned back. "Sorry. Now, sit yourself back down and I'll get Jacky. We need ta get outta here."
  19. Robert's concern for the Cat was gaining points with me. It was obvious he cared a great deal for her. I decided to let up on my distrust, for the moment. If she trusted him, then I guess I could.
  20. I've had this up on my frig for almost a year. Always makes me laugh. Note t' self: Let Ransom go ahead o' me on the stairs.
  21. :angry: Waaaa! **Bangs head on table, 'cause she can't be there.*** Waaaa! Pictures, I want to see LOTS of pictures!
  22. I've had this up on my frig for almost a year. Always makes me laugh.
  23. I think that's the point. You've agitated um so much, they're avoiding you. So much for the life of the junk-yard dog!
  24. That's a tough one, Eyes. No one likes to work with a jerk, but then, if it's a good promotion, then you really have to think about it. Botton line is, if this guy constantly gives you a bad time, can you deal with it without bursting an artery from high blood pressure? Or worse, taking your anger home with you - never a good thing.
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