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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. Musta been a good party - I think ya drew all the folks from the hot tub over ta here! There's all them party favors and a ton or rum still waiting for a crowd to enjoy 'um.
  2. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ A saddle-brown leather redingcoat with matching boots < Pink bucket boots I'd rather go barefoot! V Favorite piece of street clothes - something you'll wear until it falls apart.
  3. Welcome to the Pub. Long as you're buying, as is the custom, I'll have me usual, French Bubbly, with a shot of Tattoo. Cheers
  4. "He is a self-made man, and worships his creator." ...John Bright
  5. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ None, at the moment ^ Too girly for me?...hummm...anything in pink. < Just had another slice of rum pound cake. Yum! V Do you buy books, check them out from the library, or borrow from friends?
  6. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Oh no, not THAT question! Well, for panache - bucket boots. For historical acuracy - buckle shoes. < Wish I hadn't brought up the Ben & Jerry's. I'd really love some of that right now! V Dog person or cat person? Or both? Or neither?
  7. Ioan was getting a great deal of pleasure out of the knowledge that the woman was furious over the order of his company. He admired her agility with the ropes, and her obvious ease with sailors, and thought that, had they not gotten off to such a bad start, they might have become friends...eventually. It was his nature to tease people, even to the point of frustration, and he admitted to himself that in most relationships, he was in it for whatever good it would bring him. He also had a overwhelming sense of curiosity...and he was very curious about Jane. Maybe this little forced expedition would supply him with a bit of useful information. And information was always a handy thing.
  8. I gave Jacky a wicked grin. "Yes, Mr. Tar, fill us in on a few more details, if you'd be so kind." My relationship with Jacky was a close one, and he knew I enjoyed playing the devil's advocate. But I also know a woman in my line of work didn't last too long without being careful. And I was always very careful.
  9. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Ice Cream - Ben & Jerry's Cherry Garcia < Fiction or non-fiction? For me, fiction, obviously, 'cause it's what I do. But, I've done non-fiction articles on stuff that interests me, and enjoyed that as well. (I did an SCA Equestrian newsletter/paper for two years). V If you're not reading something "serious" what do you read for fun? Westerns? Mysteries? Vampire stories? etc.?
  10. "I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure." ...Clarence Darrow "I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it." ...Mark Twain
  11. It's so reassuring to see that I'm not the only one who ends up with cat hair on their garb before I even have a chance to wear it! My four seem to think that pattern paper makes the most fun noises as they pounce and shred it.
  12. Hey, Cat... that "picture of a ship" on yer card, is one I took meself, then played with on the computer to make it look old. It's the Rakehell, in disguise as the Lynx! Or t'other way round!
  13. Red Cat's confession as to what the papers she'd burned were all about solved one of the mysteries, but Jane had a point. Jacky, who'd brought up the idea of this trip to the Dry Tortugas, hadn't been totally forthcoming with information either - other than the Dutchman's tale. I leaned against the wall of the Pub, listening to the talk and trying to make up my mind whether to brave the odds or to go off on my own and do a bit of smuggling to earn some shiny. Then Jacky pulled out the map, and we all peered at it with curiosity. It looked authentic, but faked treasure maps were more common than real ones. However, if it were a location map, drawn up by the Spanish so they could go back and attempt to salvage the sunken gold, then that was a different matter. I turned to Jacky. "What's the history of this map?"
  14. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ That's a tough one, but there are people who do such horrendously awful things, that I think they put themselves beyond mercy. < Really wishing the weather would warm up. I'm getting tired of taking a hammer and bashing through the ice in all the animal water buckets/troughs so they can get a drink. V Don't know if this has been asked before, but which do you prefer...summer, winter, fall or spring?
  15. Aye, Red Red Cat, enjoy your special day. Three cheers to ya! Hip hip huzzah...hip hip huzzah...hip hip huzzah! Now let's get down to some serious pyrate party drinking!
  16. Ioan took the rebuke calmly, feeling it was partly deserved. But when he turned to the woman, it was obvious she'd rather throw herself overboard than suffer Ioan's company. He wondered what the business was he should help her with, but on reflection decided not to ask. The devil in him went into hiding again while he waited for the woman to decide if going ashore in his company was worth whatever business she needed to conduct there.
  17. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Send an e-mail. Most of the meetings I've been forced to attend, just kept me from doing my job, and put me behind in my workload. < Actually went to the fabric store to buy something for...TA DA...pyrate garb. Haven't done any costume supply buying since me old SCA days. It felt really weird! V Feel more comfortable in street clothes or pyrate garb - or any kind of costume?
  18. Ioan was surprised by Strikers request. He could also see that Jane didn't like the idea one bit. Ioan wasn't sure if it was the built-up stress of fighting the hurricane, the chaotic state his life seemed to be in, or his still-throbbing back, but the devil in his personality made a sudden appearance. He smiled at Jane. "Oh, come on deary, I won't bite ya. If the Captain things ya need a guard, then who am I ta argue with him?" Then Ioan turned to the Captain. "I'll go, but I request a condition, sir. That being, that if she gives me the slip in town, ya won't hold me responcible." Then he gave Jane a wink, just to annoy her further.
  19. I looked at Jacky in amazement. "You want to drop us all off in strange territory, then have the Relentless stand out to sea, leaving us stranded? I like treasure as much as the next pyrate, but that sounds pretty risky to my way of thinking. If the Spanish - or anyone else, for that matter - do show up, how are we going to escape? Or is the Relentless supposed to draw them off? In either case, we're still stranded. If the Relentless is taken or sunk," I hold up my hand, signaling a glaring Jacky, who looked ready to throw his tankard at me, to wait untill I was finished, "if she were sunk, then how would we get back?" I knew Jacky was getting exasperated at my nit-picking, but someone had to bring up the downsides of this adventure before we all sailed off to the Tortugas. "I'm willing to sail the Rakehell in tandem with the Relentless, seeing as how two ships are better than one. The Rakehell also has a shallow draft, so might be safer along the reef than a bigger ship." Then I looked pointedly at Roberts and Jane. "But, there are some crew issues that need addressing. Like, how is it you two know each other, eh? And why are you trying to hide it?" Then I swiveled around and looked at Red Cat. "And why is there a bounty on your head?" I leaned back in my chair, arms crossed over my chest, not willing to risk the Rakehell until I had some answers.
  20. Pleasure was all mine, Cat! Glad you liked it.
  21. Okay, we've had fire and a hurricane. Maybe we need to delve into the history of PR and see if there was an attack on the port? Spanish? English? Anybody? As for Ransom and the Rakehell, I still have half a cargo of arms and powder to be unloaded by the Devareaux's gang. Until that happens, I'm stuck in PR. Afterwards, I was contemplating a bit of smuggling to earn a little of the shiny. However, I'm open for suggestions. It better be good though, to pull me away from the Beggar Prince! And I second the Captain. Welcome back Dan!
  22. I'd been sitting back, nursing my ale tankard, listening to the debate. I had no qualms about letting Silkie join the expedition, but the complexities of the whole thing still hadn't been hashed out to my satisfaction. And there was the big question of whose ship or ships would make the trip, and who would sign on to which. All this fussing over a treasure we didn't even have, with only Jacky's word that it existed - not that I thought he was making up the story. Then there was some connection between Jane and Roberts that neither seemed to want to talk about. Add to that the little scuffle on the beach last night, with three dead bodies left for the crabs, and possibly someone after the Cat, and things got even more complicated. No, I wasn't about to start yelling "Aye" until a few more details were decided. Let the others be rash if they liked, but Spanish gold supposidly just sitting on the bottom waiting for a bunch of pyrates to come and fetch it sounded a bit too easy for my liking. What was the catch? With easy gold, there was always a catch.
  23. Welcome back indeed, Captain Striker! We missed ya.
  24. I lifted the cloth a bit and squinted at Red Cat. "Yeah, I conclude that I'd like someone to cut me head off. I also conclude that I need some time at sea, to clear my brain and have some time to think. A quick run, a little smuggling maybe, I'm not sure. What's this Burmuda plan you've got going?" With an oath, I place the lemon-scented cloth back over my pounding forehead, then mumble, "Better watch yourself with Africa. He really would throw you in the lobster pot."
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