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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. Join in, Rumba. You'll have a blast.
  2. **Blush** Wow, thanks guys. But Patrick is right, the books are for fun. I just happen to like using my drawings and photos together with collage. I wish I could do comic strip characters like Patrick, but I can't ever seem to get the face exactly the same in each frame. In these books you can use anything. On one of P.E.W.'s pages, he included a flyer for a pirate themed minature golf course. Really, anything goes. Next round starts on Halloween. It's lots of fun, so join in, and you'll end up with a great keepsake.
  3. I grinned at Red Cat's sputtering anger, and knew she could stand up for herself. But being new to this crew, I could understand Nate's confusion. Before he left to follow Dillard, I spoke to him. "Nate, lad, your loyalty is noted, and I'll take that pistol. You'll get it back soon. However, since I don't know Havana or these Navarros, and the Commodore does, I have ceded leadership to Mr. Tar until we're out of this harbor." I gave Nate a wink. "After that, you can ignore him all you want." The man still seemed a bit confused, and who could blame him? "Go on with Dillard. When you get back to the Rakehell, let Africa know what is going on, and that most likely I won't be back on board until late tonight or early tomorrow morning. You bringing him that message will prevent him coming into shore and looking for me, and likely getting himself caught and caged again. I don't want that. Make sure he understands."
  4. True...scary, but true! If He ever comes back to check, we're all doomed.
  5. My husband suggested that the next round of books be stories, each started by the orignal person, then added to by each next artist in line, who could take the story anywhere they wanted. The format wouldn't have to be restricted to comic book style, since we're not all so good at that as Patrick is, but like illustrations in a storybook. When you got your book back, you'd get the surprise of seeing where your story ended up. Just a thought.
  6. I poured more champagne into my glass, with an even healthier dose of rum, then leaned back in my chair. "Please, don't tell me you're getting us involved in a Spanish family feud."
  7. As if I wasn't already knee-deep in books, I picked up a copy of Blue Latitudes - Boldy Going Where Captain Cook has Gone Before by Tony Horwitz. Found it at a used book store, for only $2.50. Was just going to read the intro. HOOKED. Super book, and too funny.
  8. Inwardly I smiled at Jacky's obvious frustration with me. However, wading through the flatery and the instructions as to the cargo, I caught something I didn't like. "Other Navarro? There are two of them? And if there are, what's the problem with the other one?" Out of the corner of my eye I had been watching Nate slugging down rum and grinning like an idiot at Red Cat. Before she could lose her temper with him, Jacky invited him to sit with us. I made it an order. "Nate, sit down and lay off the rum. In your still weakened state, you'll find yourself on the floor. You sit too, Cat. The Commodore is going to tell us all about a little dinner invitation." I smiled sweetly at Jacky. "As for your skull, that depends on how good the dinner is."
  9. Here are some pictures I did for Silkie and P.E.W.
  10. Sometimes I think the universe giggles at us.
  11. I think Mary Diamond fits that bill. When I met her in Port Washington I thought she had an elegant presence, even when she, MerryDeath and I were being silly and dancing together.
  12. Incredulous, I sat and let Jacky pour me a glass of champagne. Champange? In a seedy tavern in Havana? Where there hell had he found it, and who was Navarro? He's doing it again, I thought. Jacky is trying to sidetrack me from the point. I set the glass down and glared at him over the table. Keeping my voice low, I growled, "It might have been nice if you'd let me know you had friends in Havana, instead of letting me and my crew sweat over coming here. Yes, we have business. Am I to assume this Navarro is a business associate?" I picked up the glass, drank down the champagne, then set the glass back on the table. "My plans for dinner were to celebrate the fact that I'd put a large dent in that thick skull of yours, for scaring the bloody hell out of me!" There was a muted chuckled. I swiveled my head around and snapped, "What in blazes are you laughing at, Dillard?" Red Cat snorted, and Nate looked too nervous to do much of anything.
  13. Well, in the catagory of women dressing like men, I guess I pulled it off pretty well in Port Washington, since when looking at a photo of the group, Silkie thought I was a male - although a slightly feminine looking one. That's how she guessed it might be me, since she had no idea what I looked like, and my name was listed as one of the players in the photo. Think I'll stick with that, and stay away from stays & petticoats.
  14. I know Lady Alyx wanted to play before, but we'd already started the rounds. Eyes, you should sign articles as well. Your artwork would be great. Think about it, eh?
  15. We tied the jolly boat as close to the cantina as possible, while Spanish dock workers stared at us. As we climbed out of the boat and up the dock ladder, I whispered to Red Cat, "Keep your hands away from your belt. I don't want to get hauled off to a Spanish gaol. Not until I have a few words with the Commodore." Once on the pier, I nodded to the dock hands, and walked quickly toward the cantina. Nate stayed close, his eyes wide. No one stopped us, but everyone inspected us as if we'd come from the moon. Not used to women sailors, I thought, then opened the door of the cantina and the three of us stepped quickly inside. It smelled like beer, sweaty bodies, and vermin. And there was Jacky and Dillard, both with a mug in their hands. If I didn't know I'd get arrested, I'd have been sorely tempted to put a ball between Jacky's eyes. I sauntered over, and in a cold voice, asked, "Having a nice time?"
  16. I was just at Michael's craft store the other day, and they had tons of really fun, kewl pyrate stuff in the Halloween section. Skulls with pirate hats or eye patches, hanging skeletons you could make ratty clothes for, groups of figures, including one of a sinking ship with just the bow showing above water, while the crew hang from the rigging, or float in the water around it - including shark fins circling. There are small groups of figures with treasure chests, or reading a treasure map. If you like fun stickers, they have tons of those in the regular sticker section, but look for pirate things in almost every place in the store. Yeah, some of the stuff is too kiddy or cheesy, and I didn't buy any of that (actually, I just came home with a ton of stickers, and a string of hanging skeletons), but the rest is really fun. Anyway, just a heads up, if you want to check it out. I thought some of the items would make nice gifts for your pirate bretheren at Christmas, especially if we do the Pyrate Secret Santa gift exchange again this year (I hope we do, that was really fun).
  17. Huzzah! Now I REALLY can't wait to get my book back! I'll try to get some pictures posted of the pages I did for Silkie & P.E.W., just to show what some of the other art in the books look like.
  18. Thanks, Patrick. I always knew it would be a fun project, once people got "into" it. I've seen examples of this type of thing being done by collage artists, and I have three books that deal with just this type of book exchange. I just thought it would be fun to try it on the Pub, since there are so many artist members. As for the mailing, I agree, I don't think $7 dollars or so is too much, since you only mail out a book once a month. I don't recommend using the cheap book rate, as it takes forever to get from one place to another. I am still without a book to work on until Silkie finishes up with Patrick's, so I'm still becalmed until after Sept 1. Go ahead and start another thread for the pictures, Patrick. As usual, you're one beat ahead of me. I thought starting a seperate thread for the pictures would get more people's attention, and hopefully, more players for next time. I have photos of the work I did in Silkie's and P.E.W.'s books, so I can post some of those. I just don't have any pictues of my own book. Mine was already gone by the time Silkie posted that great idea.
  19. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ A Bar B Q where an elderly gentleman had cooked beef ribs directly on the grill without roasting them or boiling them first. They were like boot leather. Everyone tried to be polite, and taste them, but yikes, it was like chewing on a rubber doggy treat. < Never tried blood pudding or head cheese. Tried Haggis once, and loved it. Especially combined with tatties and neeps! V Pass the question.
  20. With one last, quick glance through the spyglass, I saw Jacky and Dillard heading for the end of a pier. I handed the glass back to Africa, then climbed down to the jolly boat. Red Cat and Nate were already picking up oars. I pointed to the pier where I thought Jacky was heading. "Make for that dock. Commodore Tar and Dillard are taking a stroll." Nate pushed the little boat away from the Rakehell, then started to row. Red Cat, adjusting the armory in her belt, also got into the rythm. With the three of us pulling hard, the jolly boat sliced through the light chop of Havana bay. As we got closer to the pier, I looked behind me to see where Jacky had gone. It was a small building with the word Cantina over the door. It was one of the few words I knew of Spanish. I rowed with renewed vigor, cursing under my breath. "Damn and blast, the man's going in to have himself a nice little drink!" Red Cat swiveled her head around. "Whot!"
  21. I had every intension of asking people to post pictures from the books, once they got them back. I think it would be a great way to show everyone what we did, and how much fun we had. Then more people would want to play the next time. This first time was just an experiment to see if it would work. As for another round of books, I'm very game, but as I was the organiser of this round, I'll bow out and let someone else handle it next time. (That's a hint, Patrick!) Halloween is a great date to start. Pirate All Hallows Eve, ghost ships, haunted taverns, Dead Men Tell No Tales! :angry: BTW...any word on Boot's book? Does Lady B still have it?
  22. I stood at the rail, a plate of Ludo's good food going cold back on my desk. The spyglass was once again at my eye, and I couldn't believe what I was seeing. "What the...? Has the man totally lost his mind?" The Spanish soldiers shuffled from one dock to another as Jacky tacked back and forth. Until the impressive coach arrived, then the fun and games stopped. With a curse, I tossed the glass to Africa, then yelled at Jimmy Cox. "Oi, Jimmy. Get the jolly boat ready, I'm heading ashore." Africa's eyes got wide. "Don be so crazy as dat man!" I ignored him, and yelled down into the hold, "Red Cat, get your brandy-snitching self up here. We're going ashore. Bring Nate with you. Time he earned his keep."
  23. It's looking at pictures like these that make me think I'm living on the wrong coast! Great stuff, guys. Only rain? What, no tornado? :angry:
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