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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. Whew, back from Ojai at last. Got home around 8:30 last night — bone tired but with a schooner load of grand memories and fun! To Tales of the Seven Seas, WOW, you couldn't find a better band of bretheran. They welcomed Chain Shot and myself as if we were long lost relatives. By the end of the weekend, we felt as if we'd known them for years, instead of just days. Chainy and I have found our pirate home, to be sure. Here is a list of those from the Pub that I met. If I've left your name off, apologies. Red Hand Jill — Aye, the rum cake lived up to it's reputation indeed! She also made me a gift of a personal flogger, which came it quite handy on many occations! Patrick Hand — A most friendly and talented pirate. I don't think there is anything the man can't make, and is willing to share that knowledge with anyone. Iron Bess — Needs no explaining from me. Tis herself, after all! A grand pirate. Rumba Rue — Yes, her scooter did have a bit of compitition, but Dead Fred still be my favorite. Arthur Richards of Kent — A fine gent, who shared a taste of some fine wine with me on Saturday night. Alas, I could not join his group in the Inn hot tub, as I hadn't brought me bathing suit. OderlessEye and his wife — Was fun to meet the pirate we tormented in TPHSB with a giant spider. Being the generous pirate he is, he bid and won a basket full of bath goodies for his mate. Durty Mick Moon — A very fine pirate who does look like his signature, and who understands the need to let your inner child come out to play, expecially when that child happens to be a pirate. Kenneth and Hand Cannon Chris — We had a brief chat while looking at swords, daggars, and such. Jacky Tar — Ah, Luv, what a time we had, laughing and strolling among the booths, as if we'd known each other for years. You're even more of a darlin' now I've met you, than you were before. And, okay, yeah, I do have a serious case of happy feet when the music starts! I did see Gray Dog, but never got a chance to speak to him. Sorry mate, I'll try harder next time. So, If any of you can steal the time away, head for Ojai. I had more fun than I can say, and can't wait to go back next year. As soon as I get them down-loaded, I'll post pictures. I took tons, mostly on Sunday.
  2. OMG, they all looked like they just stepped off the set of Dangerous Liasons! Awesome! I'm with Lady B — Why can't we organize something that grand? It would be so kewl! A lot of work, to be sure, but still...soooo kewl!
  3. Tis grand to have you back, Petee. I always thought of you as the Merry Prankster of the Pub, and I see that's still true!
  4. Being as how, as a Pub newbie, I was a victim of that same black spot, I'll be sorry to miss you at Ojai, Petee. We could discuss the Port Royal Joint Thread! Oh, and Patrick. You've probably already left your home port, but as Chain Shot and I fly over you on our way south, I'll wave through the window. 'Course you won't see that, but it's the thought.
  5. Rain? Mud? I'm liking my end of the day hotel hot shower more and more!
  6. They way this conversation was skirting around the unspoken question had me, suddenly, thinking of Spoons. If Navarro knew about the mutiny, then Spoons had to have told him. Which meant Spoons also knew about the emeralds. The fact that our host hadn't returned was making me nervous. Had he gone to summon guards, or had he merely left the room to say goodby to the captains and would return shortly. How would he react to finding his brother sitting at the head of the table? While Red Cat distracted Navarro with her obvious charms, I continued to study him. I did find a small amount of amusement over the fact that Nate was almost grinding his teeth at Navarro's attentions to the Cat.
  7. Ransom


    Maybe it has some of that "Special" perfume on the disc, and that's why you like it. I understood his alienation, and his desire to recreate the scent of the women to make the perfect perfume, but I guess the ending spoiled it for me. It left me hanging - like they couldn't decide how to end it, so just "got rid" of him in the most bizare way they could think of.
  8. I wasn't sure if Navarro already knew about the mutiny, and if he didn't, I was't sure if Jacky wanted him to know. So I smiled, sipped my wine, and waited for Jacky to decide what he did or did not want to say.
  9. Excited about meeting so many from the Pub at Ojai. Sounds like the weather might be interesting...and wet.
  10. Yeah, I just had a friend who lives in Thousand Oaks e-mail me and warned me to dress for rain. Go figure. I was trying to be prepared for God-awful heat, since that's what I heard the conditions were last year. I'll be okay, since I have a frock coat, but Chain Shot may have to resort to a mundain jacket if the weather turns really wet. Sooo, Capt. Jim, are you volunteering to do the photoshop chop & channel job?
  11. I looked at Jacky and then at Navarro. "What, exactly, were they're orders?"
  12. The tension between Navarro and Jacky was palpable. Under the veneer of politeness, there was something stronger, but I didn't know what it was. I could only make small talk and wait. "Your brother has been a most genial host. And, I see you are aquainted with Captain Tar. Might I ask where and how?"
  13. Ransom


    I have Pan's Labyrinth and Libertine on DVD, but I don't think I would buy Perfume. It's just too depressing and the ending too strange and kinda...well, lame.
  14. Glass of wine, and sardines and crackers A Stellars Jay drinking from my small garden pond. My cats — great conversationalists, my cats. Red Cat and...shooooes!
  15. Cripes, I must be the luckiest person on the planet - I have strange cats showing up on my doorstep all the time. Which is why I have five indoor cats and about, ummm... ten outdoor cats. Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea. Robert Heinlein
  16. Dogs have masters — Cats have staff. Anonymous Hermione Granger "You know, the ancient Egyptians worshiped cats." Ron Weesley "Along with the dung beetle." ...Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azcaban
  17. Thanks Rumba and Jill. I will be sure to look for Moonstruck. Since neither myself or my husband have much in the way of kit, we are both going to be looking for things. He needs a hat - probably of straw since his persona is a gunners mate (hence the name Chain Shot) so it can't be anything too fancy, and I need some kind of pouch. In Port Washington, I carried my wallet in my boot, which actually worked out pretty well, but couldn't risk putting my glasses in the other one!
  18. I read the back posts in this thread, and it seems most are coming the first weekend, and some only for Saturday. So, noon on Saturday the 22 would probably be the best. Those that come on the second weekend could also do a group shot, and then we could exchange/share photos after the event?
  19. Great picture, Rumba. I love the black pouch on your belt. It's just what I've been looking for to carry small things — like chapstick and my glasses LOL ! Where did you find it?
  20. dit,dit,dit..dot—dot—dot, dit,dit,dit
  21. With a final, quick squeeze, I released Jacky's hand and gestured to the two sitting across from me. "And this is Red Cat Jenny and Nate Durant, friends and crewmates. As for this not being your table, well, you place yourself at its head, so I could only assume it to be yours." I held up my goblet with a steady hand and took a sip. "However, no matter whose table it is, the wine is excellent. Would you not agree?"
  22. Art and function blended to perfection. A beautiful piece.
  23. Since I don't know the schedule of events taking place during the day, what would be a good time to meet? Preferably Saturday, as I know some are only coming that one day - Iron Bess, and Jacky Tar, to name two.
  24. A Navarro, I was sure of it. His air of arrogance, his stance and mannerisms, all spoke of wealth, nobility, and power. But what of the scar? Where and who had adorned that handsome face with such a scar? And why was he looking at Jacky as if he wanted to murder him where he sat? As the Spaniard's gaze continued to bore into mine, my mind cleared and my strong sense of survival awakened. I had two lives to protect — no, four. Ransom, so recently confused and lost, suddenly came back to herself. My gaze hardened as I returned this new arrival's inspection, but my voice dripped with congeniality. "You, sir, act as if you've never seen a woman at your table before. Are we so rare, here in Havana, that you must stare at me as if I had sprouted two heads?" Under the table I fumbled for Jacky's hand, found it, and griped it hard, trying to convey all my voice, at this moment, could not.
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