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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. Well... the *puppy* you saw at Corona has changed a mite. She was 8 weeks and 15 lbs. She is now 4 months and 46 lbs. (and known as Dogzilla) Gotta love mother Nature.
  2. Very comforting to have more then one port to call home says I... You'll have my suppost as long as I have leave to wander to my other commitments. I do not sign the articles lightly in ANY group and will support this as of yet *no-name rabble * when I'm not singing or fighting or, or.... Oh hell, do I get to bring my dog some times?
  3. I told you it was coming along nicely.
  4. Looking at my puppy and wondering just how huge she really IS going to get when she's grown. She's not even 4 months and already she's 42lbs. My friends have nick-named her "Dogzilla".
  5. Well, I can't talk about what the actors are paid due to confidentiality agreements however Bloom is in some kind of litigation that has nothing to do with Disney other then a request for legal and contract papers. I'm sure they will sort it all out and believe me, he won't be left a pauper.
  6. That would be: Sword in Stone (name of the shop) And the crafters name is Tony Swatten. He's made a few of my swords. He does have a site so you should be able to find him with little effort.
  7. Aye, strings and sings. The lass playes the Bowed Psaltery and the Autoharp (Upright and not flat in the lap...) She also tries to sing in Mezzo-Soprano to some extent.
  8. Morning mates... Yeah, yeah, I've been gone a few weeks and need to catch up. I was out at the Park, working Monday and I also just talked with Imagineering for you. Yes, there will be some changes to our Disneyland POTC but not to the extent in that article provided at the start of this thread. They would have had to close the ride down already and been at work some months ago! The Night and Day idea is too expensive and too time consuming however... there WILL be the additions of several *Key FIgures* from the films incorporated into the ride. They are looking to next JUNE to have it completed, however time is not on their side so they say. (Shrug) It's an ugly business! :) For you purests, like I am, have no fear. Nothing that we seem to find Sacred will be altered to the point of being undone or unrecognizable. For you mates that live, eat and breathe the POTC films I think you'll be plenty happy with what is being added. WDW and Disneyland will NOT be similer in the changes so each park will have a differnt expiernce for you. That's the latest for now and I'll try and keep a finger in this to keep you updated.
  9. (chuckle) Locations are not my responsability. I just baby sit everyone else.
  10. Just an FYI... for you hard core *have ta knows!* Everyone (including the ships) are being evacuated from location due to the Hurricane Wilma. We are on hold AGAIN!!
  11. Well.... the truth is... She was 8 weeks and 15 lbs at faire. She is now 13 weeks and 34 lbs (as of Friday) She does have a bit of trouble walking as she falls over her ever growing feet however... we had a slight mishap last Wedensday night. She turned her head one way, I turned mine towrds her and with her little razor sharp canine tooth she split my upper lip open like a dancers legs. 4 stitches outside 3 inside. Bless her little Pirate-puppy heart. (chuckle) Now m'fellow crew mates are calling her *Blood-Thirsty Phoebe* What a handle to be stuck with, huh??
  12. ROTDLMBAO!!! He got a picture of the puppy!!!!!!!!!
  13. Well, he'll be *living* in my office later on but for now he's been borrowed for a Halloween welcome to trick or treaters by my land lubber sister. Not to fret lass, there is still plenty for you to see since theoffice collection has not stopped growing since your last visit.
  14. Yeah well, I think MRS. Disney will take care of that in short order.
  15. The Disney wardrobe dept was pretty much dismantled to cut costs. Nowadays, productions bring in outside designers or just use what we have in stock costumes. Penny, who designs all the POTC costumes was hired by the production Co. Sorry lass.
  16. Not right now Pirate. Truth is they are laying off at the moment. But things turn around quickly here. You never know.
  17. Yes he is... I was coming back from the Disney University this morning and passed by two gents talking in the rotunda. This voice says: "What? No hug??" I turn back and there is Roy with a really boring golf shirt on and his arms open wide. After my sudden shock wore off it was back to normal and I said: "Roy! Oh my Lord! I didn't recognize you without one of those really ugly Hawaiian shirts on!" (A running thing with us) We talked a little and I can tell you, the place already feels differnt. Yeah, it's good to have him home. :)
  18. Why Look!! It's the very poster I have hanging up in my office! (chuckle) Sorry guys, had too. Of course the invite is still open for anyone that would like to come by the Studio and visit. No, they are not filming here at the moment but we still have some pretty cool stuff around here including ROY DISNEY who came back today! (sigh) Life is good.
  19. Well, this holds up reasonable well for being a mass produced sword. I discovered a long time ago to (shudder) suck up the pain of buying a really GOOD weapon to *work* with. Over the long haul I've found that the $400 to $1800 I've spent on any single weapon has paid for itself in not having to replace it time and time again. AND they are custom fit to your grip and balance. ( I like Lundegaard Armoury for one...) If you plan on doing this for the long haul I recommend finding your sword for life partners. Those swords always take good care of you! Now true enough I only have a few of these expensive custom weapons and the Fireblood sword has held up well so for teaching or faire to faire use they might do right nicely. Besides.... after a fashion your students need to bear the cost of their OWN weapons. Mine need to purchase theirs after 15 months of training. By then they really know if they are going to stick with it.
  20. It's held up really well. Better then I suspected it would. I use it in teaching and have used it several shows. Real sturdy and the blade can take quite a beating without much damage. My students find the grip comfortable and even though it's a basket hilt, it does not restrict your wrist movement too much which I appreciate. It also cleans up well with the rust eraser as the blade tends to darken if it's left out of it's scabbard for any length of time. The highest quality? Not on your life but for a work-a-day sword it's pretty nice. How's it working for you?
  21. Well... I was asking Jill but thank you.
  22. Is that a Mortuary hilted sword in the bottom picture?? I love those
  23. LOVE the new picture Redd... :) And we did at least meet Vicariously while you were posing in from of our encampment. I was the lass dressed in sage green with the huge puppy on her lap that was having such a hoot watching you. Next time lad, next time!! :angry:
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