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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. Here's an update for those of you that signed on and are coming out that day... Not only will Ted and Terry be signing but as it stands now, both Marty K. and Lee Arenberg will be here signing as well. (Marty and Pintel) Of course things are always subject to change if jobs crop up but right now they plan on being here to sign the DVD's. Hope you all have fun! (I've sent entry information, ID required and the right Studio gate for you to park at) Enjoy yourselves!
  2. I'm sending this to the Production Company.... they are going to LOVE IT!!
  3. Well..... just about EVERYBODY likes Jack and Barbossa better then Will. Will?? Will who?
  4. And trust me lass.... it is WELL worth the wait!! You Barbossa babes will be right happy, I can tell you that.
  5. Aye, all true.... But around here we can get away with it!!
  6. He's in Sweden at the moment doing a commercial... Always busy.
  7. Nope, nothing of the sort. Geoffrey was and is thrilled to be portrayed in the Disneyland ride. What ever happened it happened in Imagineering. (Shrug) You can never tell about these things. If he was upset enough I have to think they woud fix it, replace it, adjust it.... But then he is a total gentleman and not very vain. (Unlike some in that Pirate gaggle we could mention)
  8. Wow.... and they have already yanked a version of this off this site. (Shrug) Oh well...... I see nothing.
  9. Well, I can find no fault with the sound... They flew to the islands to record his voice overs and then went back to programe the figure. On the ride, with the sound effects and the cannon fire and the music it sounds just like him. (shrug) I'm sure they've tweaked it up to a better standard.
  10. Yeah... the figure is pretty poor on all fronts lass....
  11. Barbossa added to POTC ride.... and looking nothing like Barbossa.
  12. Okay mates, my gate allotment for Dec 5th is full. Sorry, no more takers. Hope those of you that signed on have a good time!
  13. *He Mele No Lilo* from Lilo and Stitch.... I'm sitting here on hold with Disneyland (gag)
  14. Uhh, no.... it's a way of saying *Thank You* in other cultures.
  15. It's so nice to see an interview that shows the rest of the world what we here already know... That he's an even more amazing human being then actor. And that's saying allot.
  16. It wasn't Pearl.... It was the one with little or no class. All over now though. All gone!
  17. Well if it makes you feel any better... I had a member of the POTC cast demand I be fired because I wouldn't lease a yacht to keep his dog on. I still have my job and now he's out of work. Funny old world, isn't it?
  18. Ted and Terry are the Writers of all three films Rumba. The ones you're not interested in having sign your DVD.
  19. "Would they sign the first one? Not too crazy about the second one." I assume they would sign anything you bought. (Shrug) Guess you can always come, buy something and ask them.
  20. Wait!! I'm not offering to stand in line that day for folks... this was just an invite for any locals to come and get their own copies. It's why I prefaced it with *locals*. Ted and Terry already do many MANY favors for me (including naming the isle Jack was marooned on after me thank you very much... as was reported in the NQG a year or so back) so I wouldn't want to dump a pile of DVD's in their office that say sign me please. If you can get here and you're within my number of gate listers you can pick one up for yourself. If not... I'm really sorry folks but I just can't send you one.
  21. Now, now lads... You canna go wrong with a Feileadh Mhor or the Great Kilt! (sigh) Then all we Lass' do is pray for high wind.
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