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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. *Bump* Harbor Days is this coming weekend.... hoep to see more of you! For those of you that remember him here, STYNKY TUDOR came to Dana Point tall ships!! It was SO MUCH FUN TO MEET HIM!! Hope more of you can make it to Ocean Side.
  2. The soundtracks just rotate... From movie music to the music that plays in the Park. It's the luck of the draw... and my luck seems to SUCK today!
  3. Well.... if'n I am still functioning after being at Ojai all day Saturday, driving back to Burbank and singing all night at Enchanted Deva's for our CD party... the first weekend is pretty much shot for me I think. I may try to come back up for the second weeks end since I have a-plenty of mates with encampments. Hmmmm.... Watch yer purse Pirate... you never know
  4. Ay! Hope you don't have to drive too far! Why don't you bring the pup with you? Well, it's about a 1:45 min drive IF the traffic is with me... and the *pup* is 105 lbs. No dogs on the beach. Hmmm... wonder what the rules are about ponies??
  5. Haul up a barrel and welcome..... always nice to swell the ranks of the Celts here abouts.
  6. Whoo Hoo!! Everyone send in a *Grad Picture*? Like... a headshot of us in Pirate hats? I like the idea! Too funny!
  7. We'd love to have you back in Home waters too..... (Hugs to the crew)
  8. Oooh... most likely, yeah, After all it's at the BEACH!! I'll have to drive back and forth both days though.... have the Pirate Pup to think of.
  9. Oceanside is hosting a Harbor Day's event the weeks end of September 14/15 down at the Beach. Location is Oceanside Harbor and PRP will be helping with the hosting duties with the whole encampment. Come on out if you can!
  10. YUP! AND... you can use THIER clothes to clean it As I have often done.
  11. Me! Me!! I have... And not all that good either.
  12. I love this event... I'll be there and this unencumbered with show times! I can just come to play. See you mates!
  13. Not to mention they are WAY easier to clean!!
  14. By the way.. do we get to see the finished product??
  15. Filling Phoebe's huge water bowl with nothing but ice. It's suppose to get up to 110 here today
  16. Well, don't feel too bad lass. At least you can fix it and it doesn't have to GROW out.
  17. Is there just the one??? I think you need ensembles to be REALLY bad!
  18. Listen, I've seen old timers stumble around fairs and not look half this good!! Here's to YOU lass!!! Well done!
  19. Rumba runs a Cafe Press store.... Ask her for input on this idea. Any ANY Idea that is a means to the end to help out is not poorly thought out lass... kuddos to you
  20. Naw, not really.... I have a hallway.
  21. What a Hoot! Our Festive little band known far and wide as the Port Royal Privateers… have been featured in a great article in the newest edition of Renaissance Magazine. Keep a weather eye out for it on the news stand. The entire issue is dedicated to Pyracy. Here be a pix of the cover.... http://www.renaissancemagazine.com/backiss...es/issue56.html
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