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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. (Bump) Updates... Event map: http://www.tallshipschannelislands.com/Event_Map.cfm Schedules are still being revamped for the event... Port of New Providence wil now be doing two 45 min shows instead of three (to my great relief....) Keep a weather eye out for Pirates that ye may know at this fun event! Ahhhhh.... nothing like a Pirate event at the Sea Side.
  2. May the day be Blessed and free from scuttlbut!! Happy Birthday Lass...... See you next Saturday!!
  3. Iron Bess

    Ahoy Thar

    Welcome lass.... haul up a keg and set yer self down. Always glad to have more mates then we can count.... I'll be after have'n a Mai Tai if you will?
  4. (Pat, pat, pat...) YES!!! 'Bout kill's you, does it not?? There, there lass.... of all the others here I certainly know what you've done and hail you for it!! Well met!!
  5. We just had an 5.8 here in Chino and it ROCKED the Studio on end! Says they felt it all the way to San Diego. We are hoping it is not a pre-curser....... What a ride! (Off home to the dog!)
  6. ROTDLMAO!!!!! (well said yer'self!) Or Bob Denver. At least he was already sea worthy!!
  7. Wow... thanks Rumba!! (My Birthday is JULY 26th though.....) Ahhh, to me good and faithful Pyrate mates. I count each year as a blessing and a gift. And you here at the Pub, are among the brightest blessings of all
  8. Welcome aboard mate... Never can have to many coxswain's into the mix so.... I'll be after have'n a Mai Tai if'n you please... on ANYBODY's coinage! Glad to have you aboard!
  9. Warner Bros has a remake of *Captain Blood* in the Pipeline. God Bless us one and all. Let the games begin as to the casting.....
  10. What a woman! Rumba hand made and sent me for my Birthday one of her glorious covers for my tankard... A soft green, hand crocheted lacy cover with shells, beads and pearls! The sides dangle with little silver chains and at the ends are lovely shells to weight it down and hold it in place. They tinkle against the sides of the pewter and make the most beautiful music! Pictures as soon as I get them taken! Thank you Rue! Happy Birthday to me indeed!!
  11. Red Scarlett anger is just what the role needs (for those who remembers Robin of Sherwood) That would be Will Scarlet lad.. Loved that series.
  12. What's the GR stand for? Good Riddance? (Teasing) Well done lad!
  13. Cool! I'll try and find you... We will be singing at the front gate at opening....and at two other places during the day. We have three sets each day total. Buzz around in the chair of yours and find us!
  14. Wink, wink indeed... The Swamp Fox a good memory... hardly.... Yeah... I think it was that dreadful hat!
  15. Wow... I need to start paying more attention!
  16. Happy Birthday you scallywag!! How we all miss you... May the winds be fair and the day be great!!
  17. Wow.... That was more information then I needed.
  18. Another word of advice.... Don't believe everything your told or read. These people work here on a daily basis and change their minds like the direction of the wind. As of now it looks favorable,,, however that is NOT counting the possiblity of an actors strike, down time and so many other issues involved. Everyone has a story. This is mine and I'm sticking to it. Mates, you can take whet you like and chum the rest.
  19. Bump Just because it's only a few weeks away...
  20. Indeed, Ports of Call is still there but only faint shadow of her former self. Empty store fronts and the like. Not like the GLory days of the 60,70, and 80's But... it's still there.
  21. Ahoy mates, This is located at LAMI near to San Pedro and Ports of Call… The “Los Angels Maritime Institute” and it is a WONDERFUL event for families. The main areas are all free to the public however the sails do require tickets. PRP was just invited to come down and add the Pirate atmosphere with music, stories and general conversations with the public so come on down and enjoy this beautiful area of SoCal if you can and take a sail on a Tall Ship! Lots of fun to be had for sure http://www.lafestivalofsail.info/
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