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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. Well well... looks like one of our favorite lads is being piped aboard for his efforts. Johnny Depp was nominated this morn for a Golden Globe Award for best Actor in a movie, Musical or Comedy. Huzzah!
  2. Ahoy all... I addressed this rumor in another subject in here someplace... Yes, it's true they are writing the sequel (Common knowledge) Out of respect for my Talent folks (said writers) I will not devulge what I was asked not too ... And yes, everyone has signed on for the sequal except Jeffrey who, at the moment has schedule conflicts. Not fair you say that I won't rat them writers out??? (shrug) Pirate!!!!
  3. Well, tipster off lot aside... here is what is true: Yes, the writers are hard at work on the sequel. (Common knowledge) EVERYONE has re signed for the sequal as of right now except Jeffrey Rush who has schedule conflicts and..... Barbossa may not even be in the sequel. And out of respect for the writers... I'll not be after spilling what I know about the story so make sure you keep in touch with your *tipsters* :angry: Not fair! You say??.... (Shug) Pirate! :angry:
  4. (Ahem)... Speaking from the poop deck of Disney I can say without fear of rebutal that not only is the daft of the sequal not finished but no decision has been made as to filming two films back to back. It's just that, an idea that was tossed around. Anything that goes into production would be in '05 at the earliest and could be... later than that if things are done to perfection. (Patting your broad back) Sorry EP, it'll be worth the wait, I just know it. :)
  5. Although the Land Shark be sailing all her life long on seas of asphalt and concrete... those of us here, will always be know'n that there are the salted mists and fearsome blessings of all Seven of the wonderous seas, flowing like protective spirits, unseen beneath her keel. May Manannan fill your sails and see you safe on every voyage. To the Land Shark and her crews... Forever may they be, Anam Cara!
  6. (Ahem)... 'Appy Birthday to you'se 'Appy Birthday to you'se 'Appy Birthday dear STYNKY!!!!!!!!!!!! 'Appy Birthday to you'se!! May the day be evrything you'd like it to be lad. (((((((hugs))))))))))
  7. What?? What???? Speak up there mate. Feel better soon lad, take good care of yer self. :)
  8. Most likely lass, yes, the media will be involed. And you can bet your chum bucket that ABC will be in the thick of it.
  9. Here you go mates... hot of the presses and your all the first to know it! have a WONDERFUL time!! FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE MEDIA ALERT Midnight Madness “Sail” In Key West To Kick Off The Highly Anticipated December 2 DVD/VHS Release Of CURSED GHOST SHIP BRINGS FIRST DVD TO NOTORIOUS PIRATE HIDEOUT “Pirates In Paradise Festival” Revelers Will Be The First To Purchase The Movie At Midnight On The First Ever Floating Video Store! WHAT: Avast Mateys! Ye be warned. Disney’s PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: THE CURSE OF THE BLACK PEARL will invade the 10th annual “Pirates In Paradise Festival” in Key West, Florida on Monday, December 1st to launch the highly-anticipated DVD/VHS release. Among breathtaking aerial “pyrate-technics,” shiver your timbers cannon fire and a spectacular piratical battle aboard a magnificent tall ship, pirates will deliver a treasure trove of the first DVD’s to the Caribbean hamlet, kicking off a nationwide “Midnight Madness Sail.” Landlubbers who dare to walk the plank and board the haunted vessel will be the first to purchase the DVD as the cursed ship is transformed into a Target® store at sea. Only the PIRATES OF THE CARRIBBEAN: THE CURSE OF THE BLACK PEARL DVD will be available for sale on the boat. WHY: To mark the December 2 DVD/VHS release of Walt Disney Home Entertainment’s PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: CURSE OF THE BLACK PEARL starring Johnny Depp, Geoffrey Rush, Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightley WHO: Key West Mayor Jimmy Weekley and Walt Disney Home Entertainment President Bob Chapek join pirates, wenches, buccaneers, drivel swiggers, powder monkeys, bilge rats, rum runners, and scurvy dogs. WHERE: Pirates In Paradise Festival - Mallory Square, Key West, Florida WHEN: Monday, December 1, 2003 Two Hours Nigh Midnight (10:00 PM): Pirate Festival Begins in Mallory Square Quarter Nigh Pirate Hour (10:45 PM): The Black Pearl Arrival At the Stroke of Midnight: Midnight Madness “Sail” Begins For further information, please contact: BUENA VISTA HOME ENTERTAINMENT cho HIGHWATER GROUP PUBLIC RELATIONS 818/560-4651 Dorrit Ragosine Traci Anderson
  10. Oops. yes, yes... there is a dot between the s and c www.studioawards.com There Maria. All fixed.
  11. Here's some new fun for you mates... Go to: www.studioawardscom and click on fils and actors and such like. Have fun!!
  12. And... here's fodder fer thought, Without this 75 year old Mouse there would have been NO Pirates of the Caribbean! (And most likely I'd not have me job!) So here's to the Mouse and his House in Anahiem... expensive as it may have become. He's never left it, even when it was sinking! Happy Birthday Mickey!
  13. Great photos PQ... I'll be after sending a thought or two seaward to the powers of water to keep the sky dry for you over the next week! Keep the pictures coming for those of us that can't make it there in person.
  14. Power says you?? Why.... not a tall. 'Tis simply somethin for..... somethin!! Yo Ho!!!
  15. (Tapp'n me fingers on the hilt of m' mortuary hilt...) Well lass, since the tales not even on the parchment yet there is no way of know'n. I'm making cozy with the the scallywags, more and more every day. Hard fact is... if they want to order ANYTHING for their office they needs to come through me!! And being a Pirate as it were.... thar now be a price for everything! :)
  16. (chuckle) Indeed. Got a call this afternoon that the Bruckheimer Christmas gathering is Dec 15th.... ought to be some news to share after that. I hope.
  17. What a terrific film! I saw a screening last night. The thing left me breathless! I'm pretty sure there will be no dissapoinments here! Go early and often!!!
  18. No, not in it m'self but worked out some with the swordfighters (I used to study under Bob Anderson years ago) But I DO Know what evryone gets paid!! LOL!! NO, I work in Talent Administration for the Disney Studios. Its me job to keep the actors *happy* A tough and ugly profession... but I suppose it has to be done.
  19. No, not yet mate. We be a long haul from that yet. When they send out the first general production schedule I'll see what I can find out. They had a massive one here on the lot last time. It was incredible!!! Pirates from fore to aft of every kind and description! I'll keep you up with things as I get them. :)
  20. Hmmmm.... not bad, not bad. Now.... if only he were a Celt!! Thank'e lass.
  21. That rumor has been afloat for awhile.... but the truth be there be no truth in it. Just yet. The lads and their wonderful office lass are hard at work but since they are still sweating over the 2nd film it's hardly possible to set up production specs for a 3rd. But then, this is show biz so you never know. And we are dealing with Jerry Bruckheimer so...... You there, Wolfy Wench.... you in CA then? This Disney Pirate still promises to keep you updated. I've been away as of late on other matters and am just now catching up with whats going on around here. :) Even Pirates need time away!!
  22. (chuckle) I have one on the aft of m'car that has been causing no end of questions from folks in parking lots. It reads: *My other car is the Black Pearl* and has a wonderous picture of the ship sailing into a stunning sunset!! Yeah, bumper stickers can be right fun!!
  23. Aaahh, lass.... Here's a sizable hug and a wealth of well wishes. :) Steady as she goes girl.... steady as she goes.
  24. Ooooh... this is my favorite button!! I used to wear it from time to time on my Pirate rig's out at Faire but I got weary of people offering to buy it! A wonderous quote there lass!!!
  25. If'n you have nominal monies to spend... Museum Replicas has a hefty pair for $175.00 which is not too bad for a good pair that will last. These be wide, bucket type boots that DO NOT extend up as the *bucket* is fixed in place. Another idea for a dash of splash to your boots, instead of a buckle, use the wider, more decorative part of a belly-dancing belt just across the top. Or simply fasten it around your ankle. Always worked fer me!! Happy feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!!!!
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