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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. Not to mention that he's just a real nice guy. But then, that counts for little in the business.
  2. Well, lets just say the man has a history of being *not nice, egotistical, mean spirited, nasty, spoiled, self serving and rude* and we'll leave it at that.
  3. Much as I love 'em I doubt Johnnie will take home the prize. Sean Penn or Bill M***** (I dislike him so much I refuse to say his name) will most likely take it. Although..... a surprise would be REAL nice!!
  4. Oh! The Academy will nominate an actor or actress for a comedy role but to win an Oscar... Tell me who was the last person to win an Oscar in the Best Actor or Actress catagory for a performance in a comedy can you think of? 1966 Lee Marvin Cat Ballou! (and of course, that horse out in the San Fernando Valley!)
  5. As I've said before, Disney will not risk a dime these days unless something is a sure thing. And I can tell you... they NEVER expected it to be the hit that it was. Yes, they expected a profit of some sort but never the kind of coin they did get. (Go Gore!!) And yes, already they are on the boards with new merch but, I have to warn you, it will mostly be aimed at youngsters and girlie-girls oohing and awwing over the Sparrow and Will. Sorry.....
  6. My guess.... pretty much like in the first movie... Only, perhaps a little wiser! He'll make sure he has a licencing deal BEFORE the pic opens! Guess he forgot he was dealing with the ORIGINAL Pirates, oh, uhh... I mean... Disney.
  7. Yeah..... How cool is this, huh?? Bless his heart!!
  8. If'n it dosen't have *Starbucks* on the cup they think your lying if you say it's coffee. (sigh)
  9. The lack-luster truth is that I have far less trouble with the *Ladies* then I do the lads. They be the ones that seem to let their heads swell to bursting and think they can have their hearts desire anytime of the day or night. An example: We had a *Talent* that was in New York in one of the BEST hotels in the World. He couldn't see himself ordering from room service so he called his assistant who was still in Los Angeles... to call the Hotel in New York and order room service for him. And they think we Pirates are bloody mad.
  10. Yeah, well... around here if they do a good job, the guy that delivers the diet soda and snacks manages to get it in the right trailers!! I love having something to hang over their heards!!
  11. ROTDLMAO!!!!!! Naw, I'd never want to become one of the creatures that I wrangle... I do have a lovely book title though, *Please don't shoot me, I work for Don Simpson!!* That is derived from the screams of the poor kid that found himself looking down the barrels of Tommy Lee Jones double barrel shotgun one afternoon after producer Don Simpson had him sneak onto Tommy's property with a script Don wanted him to read. Yeah... it's tinsel towne alright.
  12. Bruce Campbell? I'd say diverse, fun and a hard, hard worker. The fellow can do just about everything.
  13. On a good day... I don't have to listen to them at all!!
  14. (chuckle) Show me yours and I'll show you mine, huh? I stopped keeping track years ago. True enough, most are polite at work (But we all know there are those *rare* gems who are true, dyed in the wool *A******s from sunup to sunset (and I'll say nothing here about Sean Connery).... Most have the problem of believeing their own press. The only reason I am still in this job I think is because I am so unimpressed and not afraid to treat them like regular folk AND... speak up when I think they are out of line. Yes, yes, they get away with murder at times but the *line* for them is not the same as it is for you and me. One Actor (who shall remain nameless however is widely believed to be the *Mr Nice Guy* of the industry,) has tried over the years to have more people fired then anyone else I know. And for stupid things like not leaving a pass at the gate for someone to drive on. Mr Nice guy indeed.
  15. I have to say it's just about ANYTHING but a blast. It's still work and while they may be *dreams* up there on the big screen, here on earth most are spoiled, demanding, mean spirited people that make it a lifes work to keep the public from knowing who they really are. The real life dreams, lovely, nice people are: Henry Winkler Harrison Ford Bete Midler (although her stupid dog was nothing but trouble) Sally Field Nick Cage Viggo Mortenson (Hidalgo is ours).... There are a few others but the nasty list is much longer... and I'll keep that to m'self. Really, it's just a job.
  16. I've been with Disney since 1970 (Yes, I'm old) I'm Talent Administration for Studio Operations which is just a fancy way of saying *A baby sitter for actors* Okay, okay, some are nice but most are pains in the sail cloth. Drink up me hearties Yo Ho indeed!
  17. Well first off the rumor is.... Just that. A rumor. However.... it started because they are kicking around having him walk through a scene or at least do some small bit. At Johnnies request. Might happen might not. He was a dear, Quill. Although I have to be honest and say I did not know who he was. The FIRST time I saw him I was standing in the commissary on a day when they were testing costumes for extras. Lord!! We were up to our chins in pirtaes! Every table as taken with costumed blokes and wenches and while I was gazing around in utter awe.... this little voice says *Please, you can sit here if you like, I'm not expecting anyone else.* To which I reply *Oh, thanks but i'm not looking for a seat I'm just walking though. Thanks though.* To which the voice answeres, *Oh, okay. Offers open though if your stuck for space some other time.* By this time I've looked in his direction and smiled and started walking out... and only then realized it was Johnnie Depp who looked all of 12 years old sitting there. And when we met again on business the next day he remembered me from the day before. He's pretty soft spoken, a true gentleman, a practical joker and a REAL nice guy. Can't wait to have him here again. :)
  18. Well... as long as a Pirates *long* he's dressed and that makes the rest... (Did I really write that??)
  19. Well.... who knows if the guy can even act. They wouldn't take a chance on something like that with a picture worth as much as this one could be worth to them. Could just have been idea someone tossed in. We'll see what we can find out.
  20. No, no.... this has nothing to do with Depps characterazation... I mean the rumor that they are going to try and GET Keith RIchards to be in POTC2. Yo Ho.
  21. Well, nothing to fret over Michael on THAT end. Anything that makes money AND award attentions will stay on his treasure map. As to something blocking POTC2, it would take a world war I think. It's well on it's way. :) Oh, and I am trying to verify the Keith Richards rumor today at lunch.
  22. True enough, the first script was story boarded, fleshed out ...why, we even had a special event day for the press. Did they even consider having another script ready?? Nope. Disney would never pay writers to work on something they were not sure they would use and .... Bruckheimer is just as thrifty if it's his own coin. No one knew this would be a hit and they fellows have been hard at work for some time now. No, Walt is not frozen but he wasn't one to toss one around either (Thanks to brother Roy) I'd have to guess he would have had one script for shooting and maybe... an *idea* for more if it worked out. The new guy?? Roy only knows!!! (And methinks no one will be tossing out the Pirates flicks. Too much possibility there.
  23. No.... not quite yet. Remember.... your dealing with Disney here. Very little *up front* coin ever sees the light of day.
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