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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. (Shhhhhhhhhhhhh!!)) Stop that!! Ye'll be ruin'n what is left of me reputation!! :angry:
  2. (sniff) No lass.... That was my one and only. Better that the lad has it. Some Pirate *I* Make huh?? :angry:
  3. (Ahem...) Shouldn't that spyglass be pointed in *your* direction matey??
  4. OBOY!!! Another contest!! (Ahem)... if'n I win could I have a Vanilla Coke instead?? Glad your coming lass.
  5. "Deadly" indeed!! Dealy *sweet* more likes! You've a good heart lass, your a credit to the Pirate code of honour. (Okay, so they're more like guide lines) The Sea's blessing on all you that have shown you care.
  6. Welcome Young... Ye may think o' posting your arrival in another section such as Rabble Rousing so that more scallywags will see it. The more know's that your here... the more likely you are .... to have the honour of buying the next round of drinks!!
  7. And m'self feeling heart sore that I live too far South!
  8. Send me an addess Quill.. I have a few leftover handouts from the POTC party out at Disneyland.
  9. Hmmmm... how's about consider'n Harrison Ford for a evil turn? 'Bout time he did someone dirty anywas!
  10. Well, don't just stand there pontificating... Haul up a rum keg and have a seat. Welcome aboard lad, welcome aboard.
  11. Hmmmm... Can you ball it and use it for black power ammo?? (snicker)
  12. And a fine, very fine wall decoration it is too!! I canna stand himself but... I'll tolerate him being on the other side as long as that ships on the reverse.
  13. At Disneyland Park (barring the unforeseen of course...) Oct 17: - 22: Sleeping Beauty Castle walk through Splash Mountain Space Mountain Closed Starting Oct 20: Small World Is also Closed Hope this helps lass.
  14. But I suppose there is always a nice heavy coat of paint!!! (It's all in the detailing!)
  15. (Psssssssst!!) Lemme know the day your planingto come lass. I've a powerful notion I can be after letting you know what is up and runing... and what is NOT ont he day you plan to go. (chuckle) Truth is they PAY me to know such things!
  16. Have to follow Parade rules Red Maria... Have to follow Parade rule!!
  17. Ooooooooooo... the very thought of a Pirate Ship's figurehead tossing trinkets to the kiddies!!!
  18. Your a scallywag to be sure Capt'n.
  19. Capt'n.... ...does the figurehead have a need to be sign'n the articles?? Most happy to and I'll be after trying to keep from dripping the sea water all over the pages. Dribnk up me 'arties Yo Ho!!
  20. And maybe.... as a change of pace aside from the latex figurehead you could have a wee slot for a *live* player. Oft times you could shimmy a soul into the front with the proper supports and have your *figurehead* addressing and waving to the crowds as well! Some haunted ship, huh??
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