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Captain Jim

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Everything posted by Captain Jim

  1. Aye, yet another Decemberist! Happy birthday!
  2. Confusion, mass hysteria and stupidity? Sounds like Christmas Day when the in-laws come to visit...can I borrow your gas mask?
  3. Bottle? Bottle? Oh, him. Well, Happy Birthday, Mate. Now where's the rhum?
  4. The same way we survived all the rest: lots of rhum and gerneral mirth.
  5. We're just going to slip through a black hole and go back to the beginning. See ya'll here in 13.75 billion years, or so. Don't forget to set your alarms.
  6. Decemberists rule! Happy birthday, mates!
  7. So much awesome, crammed into one month...what shall we do? Happy Birthday Hitman!
  8. Aye, there's a reason that "Pub" is appropriate. Always a place t' stop in an' 'ave a pint.
  9. Aaannnd now for a running goat joke. But, before the cat gets your tongue, the dog eats your homework or Mission gets your goat, Happy Birthday! I lift a cup of coffee and a strip of bacon to your health! May it be eggcellent! (This post may have been influenced by breakfast.)
  10. OK, triple posting here. So sue me. I gotta comment on the mortar shot. The overcast day served to drop the exposure settings so that the burning powder within the ball of smoke caused a glow from within. Difficult lighting, Tony nailed it. There's nothing modern in the picture. Fantastic shot.
  11. And lest I forget, as I am often wont to do, thank you Fayma and Tony Callahan, Pappa and Momma Ratsey, for adopting us poor pyrates and taking on so much for our benefit. You guys are priceless.
  12. Wow, that mortar shot...perfect! And 'tis a fine shot of the tip end of me finger! "Clap that man in irons!"
  13. Or find the need to spike a great gun.
  14. This is one forum that I find I never really leave. Welcome back, mate.
  15. I so love these pieces. Intricate, functional, beautiful.
  16. Wait...He has your mug? I...find this...unlikely, at best.
  17. I LOVE YOU MAN! DRINK! RHUM! FTPI! YEAH! Really. I check in here more often than I check my email.
  18. I hereby lift a glass of Mt Gay to your health. Happy Birthday, mate.
  19. Now that is cool.
  20. Aye, printed them ( and the chord progression) out. In line to learn this one. (Bind him, Bind him......)
  21. Thank'e, mate! 'Tis a good reason to have another rhum!
  22. Agreed...
  23. Thanks, Willie, that was great! Sterling! Hardly spoke to you in Key West this year; so busy, the both of us. Pete, it was indeed a pleasure to meet you. Do you live Florida? I noticed that you have been to some of the St. Augustine gatherings. I mean to get to some of those this year.
  24. Aye, he's older than he acts. So that could make him anything from about seven on up. Happy Birthday, Sawbones McCroaker! Wait! I didn't mean it! PUT DOWN THE CLYSTER!!!!
  25. Leigh, William, Jon, Silas and Sam, Thank you very much. William, we forgot (again) to celebrate the Decemberists! There should be a special group toast, at least.
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