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Captain Jim

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Everything posted by Captain Jim

  1. Look who was at Alafia: No Rum Charlie!
  2. She was a wonderful person to play pyrate with. I am so saddened.
  3. I think I can make this one. Working to make that happen.
  4. It wasn't the beams that annoyed or the open weather deck. It was those joints (the type), where they are, and the fact that they were cut wrong. Basically it was an unforced error on their part.
  5. Anybody else concerned about those scarfs in the main deck beams? Firstly, they should not be there. Secondly, they are cut wrong. The center of the joint is backwards for a hooked scarf. Throughout the fight those joints kept catching my eye.
  6. Welcome to the best little pyrate tavern on the 'net.
  7. Having given this subject a bit more thought, I have come to the conclusion that tin ovens would not have been shipped completed but built locally by your neighborhood tinsmith. So there would not be any shipping manifests listing them. Sheet tin, maybe, but not completed items. Nor would they have been commonly used aboard, even on 1st raters, if at all. Now the point of this whole exercise was to qualify the use of a tin kitchen in a careening camp. Hence I have come to a further conclusion, that if the careening camp is in a remote area not associated with a friendly town then the tin kitchen would not have been available. However, since the Mercury careen is scripted to occur near a sympathetic town, a tin kitchen could easily be procured from said town or have been brought by someone seeking trade or offering services to the pyrates ashore.
  8. Have one, been offered the other.
  9. Aye. Although it is a public day I am going in garb. I fit in better with the locals that way.
  10. I am cleared for Friday. Plan on being there when the gates open. Anyone else?
  11. It actually appears that the bo'sun is crushing those toes as an object lesson. And from the exaggerated style of the painting I would say that is was created for satirical impact.
  12. Hmmmm....computer changed my "B" to an emoticon....And you would use a continuous piece of wood because it's one of the greatest stress points in the ship.
  13. Just watched the heavily redacted version uploaded to the web by Starz. They covered up the various lady parts, zeroed out the language and blurred the worst of the mayhem so I guess I'll have to watch it on the Starz channel to, y'know, make sure the lady parts are period correct. I think they may have captured the violence of shipboard battle, if nothing else. But you would think, given a big budget, they would have gotten the clothing right. I mean, why not? A baldric isn't cheaper than a sword belt. Buy a few more hats, why don't cha. And doesn't anyone do laundry in the 1700's? Ever? Biggest thing that jumped at me was the scarf joint in the deck beams during the climactic fight: A) A main midship deck beam is no place to put a scarf. They got the scarf wrong. The "hook" in the middle is backwards. Those wouldn't hold anything. Why introduce a scarf as a detail and then get it totally wrong? Also, it seems that a lot of pyrates in the boarding party early on were involved in some form of "dress-up" to intimidate the victims. Really? Still better than sparkly vampires.
  14. As it happens I was perusing he old clothing how-to threads, especially as it concerns women's clothing. What a treasure this place is, and something that cannot be replaced by something as ephemeral as the Book of Faces or its ilk. The mantua thread seems to contain a lot of deletions. Strange.
  15. This here is but a candle to the moth. Some will stay to feast upon our fine woolen coats, and we will have them.
  16. And boobies. He tries to shock you with boobies.
  17. That is a proper tent, for a pyrate careening. Most proper, in my estimation.
  18. I remember this from years gone by; I wonder if he's ever used it again. It inspires me to go ahead and sew up a sail. Although I wonder if the bosun would be disposed to let perfectly good sails (which represent a lot of work) be used for tents. But even bolts of canvas would have to sewn together to make even as crude a tent as I put up.
  19. First - Aye, the company I know is a big draw and one way, possibly the best way, to move from one event to another; Make a connection here, go to their event there. Second - Period presentations and camping. As I progress I am adding more skills that I can display/practice in a reasonable facsimile of a careening camp. Also the ability to sell some pyraty/shippy bits to the public and other reenactors defrays my costs and keeps the wife happy. Third - Camping on site is both enjoyable and cost effective. Hotel expenses are an absolute non-starter. Fourth - Black powder battles, just 'cause I like to make big sounds. Steel battle as well. Sailing ships a definite plus. Near period ships (alas, of which the Bounty was one) would make the event an absolute must-do.
  20. And Wobble juice besides...does one need any more enticement to go?
  21. Here's a better one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3W-Iwlp_ok These were taken during the non-public days 2013, so here is a good representation of the level of authenticity required to participate in the week-long (Two weekend) camp.
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjIMAaQhCD8 A YouTube vid shot by someone else, just to give a look-around.
  23. I’ll have grounds more relative than this. The play’s the thing wherein I’ll catch the conscience of the Quartermaster (many apologies to Ol' Bill).
  24. Good news indeed.
  25. Thank you for the information and I was referring to the historical encampment. Trying to map out more places for the Oar House careening camp to appear.
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