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Captain Jim

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Everything posted by Captain Jim

  1. Very nice. Howzabout "Wheeler" or "Miss Wheeler" for a name?
  2. Beautiful.
  3. Aaaannndd from the video is seems the pouch was left unsecured on the ground with the children standing around it. Can't really tell for sure but that's what it looks like. I'm sure more video of this will surface with a better angle on the stupid.
  4. Now how did I miss this? Step away from the Pub for a few days and people get older! Happy Belated Birthday, Oh sleeping pyrate.
  5. $69,000. Not a bad price at all. http://privateeryachtsales.com/larevenant.shtml
  6. Gah! Stupid people. And this is what happens with gun ownership as well. A few stupid, crazy, or careless people and the rest get penalized for it. So, shall we count violations of safe cannon procedures from this very sketchy report? Insufficient clearance to spectators. More than one round in the pouch. Children(!) in the safety zone. Pouch not properly secured, else the spark wouldn't have made it into the pouch. Probable violations: rounds not in aluminum foil (or that was one big, hot spark.) Makes me wonder what else they may have been doing wrong. Also, why wasn't the guy with the pouch burned? Why only the children? Edit: Video: http://www.jems.com/article/news/cannon-explodes-during-utah-parade
  7. Yes, yes we do, but only for important things.
  8. That is indeed very nice.
  9. Nice work, indeed.
  10. You should have come to Searles this year. We had a perfect set of trees for you.
  11. You've talked about period camping in your posts so may I direct your attention to the Mercury Careening Camp page: http://pyracy.com/index.php/topic/9815-the-mercury-1720-careening-camp/?hl=careen Lots of good stuff in there.
  12. I do believe that this one is pure Hollywood. So enjoy the show, just don't copy anything in it. And prepare to intercept the inevitable raft of emulators and turn them to the dark side.
  13. How'd I miss this one? Happy birthday to the merry camp keeper.
  14. Happy Birthday to both of you and may you have many more.
  15. Good to see you again. I, for one, do remember you as you are from my neck of the woo...er...seas. Whatever happened to your lovely boat?
  16. I go to Alafia Rendezvous every year just for the vendors. Next year the plan is to go for the whole week, but it is the vendors that interested me to begin with.
  17. "A person's a person, no matter how long ago." (With my apologies to Horton)
  18. I'm in. Recorder set.
  19. Taken the bar? You mean you've run aground? (Just kidding, congratulations.)
  20. While the worms, and the damage that they did, would still be there, they would be quite dead if they had been well salted.
  21. Ya almost got yer eye patch ya did.
  22. Done, and with a new reference.
  23. Needed information on bosun's whistles, specifically a time and design framework. Came here first and found what I needed but I thought I would add an online museum/blog I found later. http://whistlemuseum.com/2012/03/29/boatswains-call-history-timeline-examples-and-more.aspx
  24. 'Tis the archival nature of the forum that makes it such a gem. Even over at the Book of Faces Authentic Pirate Living History Group most new topics start out by referencing the Pub. The Pub itself has become one of the go-to references for pyracy. There is an awful lot of information tied up in here, the great majority of it with citations and references. I came here just today to search "Bosun's Whistle" and got what I needed. May it live forever.
  25. I'll start. FTPI, Key West Fl., late November/early December. It's where I started reenacting and is a great venue with great people. Lots of black powder, lots of ships to sail on, lots of cannon to fire. Florida. Beach. Old Town Key West. Kind of a combination of hard-core Hollywood and hard-core reenactors where all are welcome and welcoming. So much to do that you have to compare notes with others and see their pictures to understand what just happened. Gate duty. http://www.forttaylorpyrates.com/ Searles Sack of St. Augustine. Saint Augustine, FL, late February. Slightly earlier than GAoP but minor kit changes will get you there. More of an accurate, period appropriate event re-creating an actual event. On the waterfront, black powder, sword work if you want, pike and cannon. Period meals provided. May or may not have ships, although this year a Spanish galeon was on hand where dinner was served. http://www.searlesbucs.com/ Old Florida Festival, Collier County Museum grounds, Naples, FL, early March. Historic timeline event, so not all pyrates. Meals provided, black powder. Some cannon but could use more if you have them. Geared to the public and education. Camping on the grounds, meals provided although not period. Wood provided so you can cook your own. This event you can make as real as you want. http://www.oldfloridafestival.com/ Alafia River Rendezvous, Homeland FL, mid January. Pre-1840 event, heavy on mountain man/native American/frontier impressions. No Civil War. Best reenactor shopping in the southeast. Week-long event covering two weekends. Public only allowed the last two days so the event is for the reenactor to "live the life" without interruption. Lots of interaction between reenactors. Wood provided. Black powder live-fire competition. Historic pyrate impressions welcome. http://www.floridafrontiersmen.org/alafia2014.html
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