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Mad Woman Cheryl

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Everything posted by Mad Woman Cheryl

  1. Dammn, missed all the fun again! That's what I get for going to get a battery for me car.
  2. Ooooh, I will have to look for some. Iffen the good ones last 3 weeks, I best not be doin' that. I have a business trip at the end o' the month (to Wal-Marts home office!) 'n it's me first one. I best be conser-vo-tive like. I dona think me work will mind, but I best plays it safe. Hell, I wear my Moresca shirts to work 'n gets away wif it.
  3. Oh come on $.99 day at Jo-Anns.......Luckily it's out way before anyone starts thinking about Halloween.
  4. I donna think tha' twer th' image I wuz thinking of Animal *downs drink, looks again, pours another and downs that one*
  5. Me thinks me needs a flatter stomach afore gettin' me belly pierced. I 'ave been thinkin' bout a tattoo. I knows, why don't we do the henna thing on our 'ands....
  6. Huzzah!! 'appy berfday BB, 'n many more!!
  7. Welcome lass, now be nice 'n pour me some rum...
  8. I already dropped the hint to me hubby what I want for our anniversary coming up in October and B-day in December. I usually don't ask for much.
  9. *Correct me if I am wrong Capt. Gary* The photo was probably taken aboard The Royaliste somewhere near the Golden Gate bridge.....
  10. Happy B-day Iron Bess. Hope it twas great.
  11. 'appy Berfday to you 'appy Berfday to you 'appy Berrrrffdaaay Capt. Gaarrrryyyy 'aappy Berrrffdaaay tooooo yoooouuuuu And mannnnyyyyy moooorrreeeee! Kisses 'n snuggles to ya luv! I'm still yer siren.
  12. 'appy berfsday Drunken Pirate. 'ere's a bottle o' rum jus fer you.
  13. I'm sure there will be mor 'n enuff o' Jack t' go around. I best start savin' now.
  14. I be near th' Port O' Ballimer, however will not be attendin' th' opening of MDRF. The layout o' th' land not be very friendly to me hubby, Crispy Pete (too many hills and bumps as he is in a wheelchair). We will be going up to PA Renfaire (Mt. Hope) August 22 fer Pyrate Weekend tho'. Mayhaps ye be makin' that one too.
  15. Great job Rumba!!! They be fine lookin' togs. Here's a drink on me.
  16. An' Royaliste me dear, just how many can you fit on yer ship??????
  17. I am sorry t' say that I won't be able to attend, even tho'I would likes to. I will be at a convention this weekend. Me own lil' Duncan will be in the costume contest on Saturday. He will be Capt. Jack Sparrow and will be competeting with kids on up to age 8 or 9 (he being 4 yrs old.) I promise to take pics an' get them posted. grovel, grovel, ...... PLEASE FORGIVE ME PAISLEY!!!!!.....grovel, grovel.
  18. It brings a tear to me eye it does....*holds up tankard* 'ere's to ya Capt. Flint, 'tis a keeper.
  19. Just saw this in a local news monthly publication and checked out the site. http://chesapeakepirates.com/index.html Cost is $18 per person for a 75 minute cruise on the Severn River. Kids get their faces painted and dress up like pirates. They learn about history while in the process. They even get to fire water cannons! I think we may be checking this one out real soon. Anyone else locally interested?
  20. If I may say so Rumba, that is one beeeuuuuutiiifullll coat there!!! 'ave a round on me.
  21. I sure didn't want to be Flint wakin' up today.....'ere ya go luv, have some rum........
  22. It just depends on the guy. I've seen pictures o' me hubby with long hair down to his rear. He looked like a flashback to the 60's. It was not a good look on him. Now there are other fella's that do look good with the long hair, as long as it is well kept.
  23. HUZZAH!! Congrats to ya Captain Tito......and whar's the picture of the little urchin???
  24. I've got some shirts from there that I have had for 7-10 yrs at least. I wear them to work even though the sleeves have a little too much material in them. Seems the shirts get better the more worn they are. I also have a skirt, 2 dresses and some bodices I can't fit into any more. They are pricey, but now that I have been sewing again and improvising I haven't needed to get anything from them. I do look at some of Lena's styles to get ideas.
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