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Mad Woman Cheryl

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Everything posted by Mad Woman Cheryl

  1. Just dona fall asleep. You can never tell what will happen.
  2. Why thank'e privateer. That is just what I needed.
  3. The galley it tis! Where is Emeril when you need 'im?
  4. *Grabs long handled tongs and picks up lobster* Ok, where is the pot this goes in?
  5. Gute, I been suggestin' under PA Renfair that everyone meet at where else but the pirate ship so's we knows who all we 'ave. I 'aven't stated what time yet.
  6. *throws in a small garnet and some coins* Woooohoooo!
  7. I entered the contest last year. I submitted a pic of my sister in a dress that I used 3 simplicity patterns on. I never saw any results on the winners.
  8. Kat, we will make it o'r that way an' makes ourselves known.
  9. Ah, welcome Wolfy Wench. Grab a pillow an' sit down. 'ere's th' rum.
  10. Dona worry, Capt. Flint 'as a knack fer findin' peoples.
  11. Awlrighty, now that th' time's gettin' closer. Whar we be meetin? Should we be meetin by th' ship? An' if so whar by the ship? I knows we should be arrivin' afore th' openin'. Once't the fair opens, it won't be harrrd t' miss us. Just look for the pirate in a wheelchair wif two wenches an' a brood o' four (three lads, one lass). Th' wenches be SeaLegs an meself o'course. Wot time at the ship? I be ready fer this plunderin'.
  12. Isn't that th' gents usual way? Get us drunk so's they can 'ave their way? An' all they hafta do is ask.... Glad you like the pics. We did have a grand time. In fact, when we started doing the Lady Marmalade bit, I watched Bob O'Reilly's expression. His jaw hit the ground when he realized what we were doing. I think that was while he was still sober. Needless to say, all three actors were impressed.
  13. Ok, I'm gonna try this. Here are some pics from the feast last year where we did the "Moulin Rouge" bit. It's about the middle of the page. Klingon Lady Marmalade Bear in mind that we make our own headpieces and outfits. I am in the green corset. I also made the blonde's corset and skirt attachment. It was the first time I made corsets (while recovering from vertigo I may add). We had three guests last year. Bob O'Reilley (Gowron), J. G. Hertzler (Martok), and Vaughn Armstrong (Adm. Forrester). We had to make this feast special because Bob and J. G. had been honored at a feast once before by us.
  14. Let's see, shark girl in WSS, carnival person in Carousel (both in high school), various skits 'n solos in dinner theaters we did in youth groups...Now I have been performing as a klingon singing sea chanties geared toward space. Just imagine, Klingon females in corsets singing "Lady Marmalade" and "Weapons are a Girl's Best Friend". I only do Klingon thing once a year now...I am tired of dealing with the headpiece. I am also slowly convincing everyone do to pirates. Hopefully next year we will do a Pirate Feast!!!!!!
  15. We best be careful that there are no snakes in the grass, iffen you catch me drift.
  16. Let's not forgit the coconut bra for Wilma...anyone got a grass skirt?
  17. "See the pretty girl in that mirror there, (What mirror where?) Who can that attractive girl be? (which, what, where, whom) such a pretty face, such a pretty smile, such a pretty meeeeeeeee (whoooooomm, whoooooommm, whoooooommmm) I feel charming, and entrancing Feel like running and dancing for joy, for I'm lovvvvvved by a pretty wonnnnnderrfulll booooyyyy" Ok, I admit it.....I was a shark girl in West Side Story. Here is the curlin' iron and some ribbon for bows....
  18. I'm glad yer gettin' settled in now. Sorry we couldn't make it fer yer party. First house eh? Well, we's been thinkin' bout ya an' wuz hopin' t' 'ear from ya soon. .....So, when's the house warmin?
  19. 'e must be either in really deep thought, or 'e is relishin' the moment.
  20. An' just think, William is in the middle.....whose cleavage is his face in....I wonder.....
  21. Hugs for MerryD. I hope I'm better late than never. Me lil boy likes sandwich hugs. Hubby 'n I give them to 'im especially before bedtime. More hugs for MerryD. I hope it's helpin'.
  22. We will be there on Saturday of Pirate Weekend with a bunch o' people.
  23. Now just where was that pole left?
  24. I hear ya Akasha. Most of my sewing is done on the weekends right now. I still have 2 kids shirts to cut out and sew as well as hats. All has to be done before August 21, when we go to PA Renfaire for pirate weekend. The shirts are a must, but I may not get the hats done (I only have one to finish and another to make). It is tuff to work all day, pick up 4 yr old after work and then come home to cook dinner. After dinner, give child bath and get him ready for bed which is sometimes a process. I do need to make myself some stuff as well as my hubby. Oh well, life goes on.
  25. Ok, my lil mind is thinking dirty thoughts.....
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