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Jonathan Hawks

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Everything posted by Jonathan Hawks

  1. Well, me be lookin at the coast around Mass. But i'fn I can get meself free, I be makin it then. Ow much ye be lookin at ta ave it the winter?
  2. Only problem I aves wit it all, is non e'er get their facts checked out as shood be efer bellowin bout a fynd. I be the first ta hail a new discovery, but make damn sure it be real and have backbone behind it.
  3. Hurricane, grand pictures they be, I says. Good job placin all the faces to be seen. Well worth waitin to watch. Hopin ta be there one day. Ya be earnin a rum for all that work. Here ya be!!
  4. Now y'all need be bringin them events ta the East. Looks like a grand time. Wishin I could be there I do. But, who'er goes, I will be in spirit wit ya.
  5. Ya be true where any Pirate be, a raid be not far behind or already o'er and we be havin a rum. .
  6. Be seemin all em ere events lately bein on the Western coast. A pity it be indeed. Wishin I could be attendin. I be enterin me own ship and show em how its done.
  7. I canna understand Lass. I been there many a time in me day. It be the place that helps. The blacker the better. And quieter to. I hope ya be better now?
  8. And I just followed the damn post. Wishin I could go. N'er been there.
  9. Like in the dark of yer ships cabin as it rolls wit the sea as ye traval the coast to ports unknown. Me knows the feelin, lass. Sometimes i ave ta be doin that to keep me sanity.
  10. Aye.. there ya go Haykins. I agree. And it not be cusin me name is Hawks neither. Ere wull always be one against t'huther. At least they be leavin us alone so we can sneak in when ere be an openin and take what we want. Hahaha!!!
  11. lady Snow, yas always knows what ta be saying . I thank ye. Anna ta the Diago, ere be ye Guinness and a swab. Hard work is nuttin new ta me. I didn't make capin of me own ship by sittin on me arse.
  12. Ahh, RumbaRue.... Tis n'er to late ta welcome a pirate. Sides, what self respectin pirate twood be givin up avein a hug from a fine lass. I ask?
  13. Now now, i'fn the patch be fer me, no need fer two. Ave ta keep one eye open I does. There be pirates about. Hahah!!! Besides, me red eye be more from the drynk then yer pennin.
  14. LadyBarbossa, Me got wind of this here event by a missive from a friend o mine from Wisconsin, yesterday in the eve. Don't know ifn ya be knowin Clisto who runs the Tome online, but he be postin a mail bout this to people. Had the chance ta meet last year at the MD Faire. Been chattin since. Good man he is. Ave an interest in goin ta this. Ave ta see how the time and gold holds out.
  15. I be plannin on makin it barin any other interuptions. Is a bit o' a haul, but not bad. I be wearin me pirate garb as well. Canna be to many doin that. I be lookin for all ya sea doggin bastards there.
  16. Ben Hur movie soundtrack
  17. I tell ya this, ifn I do sail the way of Portland, I will come find ya. I will keep that there invite in me gold pouch.
  18. This be one ell of a sail fer me and me crew. Sounds like twood be a good time to ave. Wish I could set sail fer it.
  19. Avast Stormfeather, don't ya be gettin writers cramp wit all that pennin?
  20. Well, what ya know. Me just made "Deck Swabber". I ave been called many thing of late, but deck swabber was none of em.
  21. Aye...tis the truth ya speak Snow. Tis why I said those ren folk know more. I be seein em spendin gold by the fistfull on authentic trinkets and garb. Especially the ones who work at it. Many of the period book they have to go on.
  22. Me aves to agree wit ya, Snow. SCA folk can do right if'n they want. Many do. But, many all round really think they be doin it right and arent. Both ave ther good n bad sides. I be seein yer bigger ren groups ave ta know the real thing. It be a lernin experience both ways. Know this, the pirate groups at most are the ones doin more research. Thats if'n they be ren or not. Arrr!!
  23. Ahh... Rummy3, Ya be another lass that makin me wanna stay in port here and travel na more. My main port o call be close to Boston Harbor. More on the Conneticut side. I still have me eyes on that Constitution in the Boston Harbor, but for now she be to guarded. I guess I keep settlin for me big square rigger the Sea Tyrant. She be a grand ship, reliable and fast. To all ya other pirate folk sendin yer greetins ta me, I heartly thank ye for it. Ya makin me feel all warm and fuzzy. Oh wait, me thinks it was all the damn run I drank whilst here and sharin it. Maybe that was tingly. Well, in a way, it be greatly accepted from all.
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