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Everything posted by Captain_Jack_Sparrow

  1. ^Finest Pirate North Carolina Has ever seen
  2. Im actually a 19 year old College Student!
  3. Good thing I been drinkin' since I woke up nigh 12 hours ago.
  4. Been kickin' butt again, 'eh? nah just walkin...and now me legs seem t'be sore O_o
  5. Gladly, me hearty! And I'll do me best t'steer clear o'the bathtub, though seeing as which the sponges be flting e'ery which way I think our reflexes be tested thoroughly tonight, thusly. *jack ducks as a sponge flies through the air that jack's face just seconds before had occupied* Well that was a close one eh? *A second slaps him in the face again*
  6. *A sponge hits Jack in the face as he saunters in* Well that interesting. *he takes a seat next to Ciaran* What be happenin' here mate?
  7. My right ankle is a bit sore...and I guess I feel a little hungry... otherwise Im feelin alright...
  8. I seem to recall a fairly Piratical dream from around 7 months ago... I couldn't tell you what exactly was going on owing to the extreme length of time its been since last I regailed me hearties with it. Not to mention the odd channel fliping nature of dreams. What I can tell ye is that I was a Pirate after the treasure of Cortez....and instead of having a tall ship.... I had....well...I suppose the best way to describe it would be a large mass of floating sand with an outboard motor attatched. Don't question it. As to how I dealt with it? I laughed more than anything.
  9. Wow....that uh...that looks fantastic...O_o for a porno that is...
  10. ifin it counts me voice, and Ive been singin' most of me life so thats how that started...and the harmonica....I can't play much but its fun nevertheless!
  11. It couldn't be Cut throat Island...
  12. peeps (the marshmallow kind)
  13. Master Frankenstine? Its pronounced frahnkenshteen Oh...Well then is your name also pronounced froderick? No...its Frederick, frederick frahnkensteen. Oh... Wel then you must be igor? No its pronounced Eye-Gor... But they toldme it was igor, well they were wrong then weren't they? (lol sorry I had to I know thats WAY more that one word)
  14. Close, but which movie version? Well it would have to be the new version from last year wouldn't it? since Im guessing it is a line from ...Sondheim? no no that one guy who did the musicals...crap...I give up...
  15. The Pink Panther?
  16. Nevermind... Um perhaps the naked gun? or Airplane?
  17. *Jack walks in sits down and orders a pint* Oh...Lord... So how are all me single mates t'day?
  18. *sits down next to ye* How might ye be this evening love?
  19. Last Time I was in Disney Land It rained THE Entire day...
  20. They changed the Tiki Room in Florida? BLASPHEMY!! Its almost as bad as changing the Swiss Family Robinson Tree House in Anahigm to Tarzan's Tree House.... *Piratical Scowl*
  21. Indeed it would seem so... Thank you all so much for the enlightening Information :) S.O.S I thought stood for Save Our Ship...not Souls....ah well...
  22. How I wish i could join ye :)
  23. *gapes* You....you've been in DisneyLand Recently? What the Bloody 'ell are you doin here??? Go back, go to Space Mountain! the Indiana Jones Adventure!!! gah *drinks self stupid out of Jealousy*
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