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Everything posted by Captain_Jack_Sparrow

  1. Rabbit [came to me before you mentioned trix Rabbit]
  2. Gremlin...Kremlin...you get my thought patterns right? right.
  3. I can't tell what those are...but they look like squid...maybe... Retaliation!
  4. Oh man thats no good...the lost pics I mean
  5. Well MySpace does have some fun and games </welcome to the jungle reference> And thanks mate, feel free t'add either on eor both :) I never turn down a friend request...unless ye be a pornbot...but Id say it'dbe pretty hard for ye to be a porn bot O_o
  6. can I have both? Aye! Jack's Web Page That there be the one fer me Jack Sparrow RP account My MySpace and that one would be me main account :)
  7. Aye, I be on MySpace, but I'll ask this, d'ye want me Jack Profile or me main account?
  8. Aye I do...but would ye rather 'ave me Jack Sparrow account or me regular account, mate?
  9. Oi Love I'd try searchin YouTube.com Them rapscallions basically 'ave the entire game documented over there. BTW that are be one o' me favourite parts o' the game
  10. I just finished a plate of Mussles with Garlic Butter... And now I 'ave me hands on a can of CheezUms Pringles
  11. Three Brothers Immigrate from Italy in hopes of a better life in America. Sadly they only know enough English to ask for the Restroom. So they decide to Take an English Class at the local Community College. They go through their classes doing very well, until one day the professor informs them that they will be taking an oral pop quiz that day. The teacher asks of the class, "Who can tell me what Easter is?" The First brother stands up and says, "I will tell you. Easter is the beautiful day that we celebrate Christ's Birth. And you put the Presents under the tree and Santa comes with presents for the children!" The Professor says, "Im sorry thats not right Im going to have to give you an F" The Second brother stands up and says, "I am sorry my brother. he is not so smart. I'll Tell you what easter is. Easter is the Day we give thanks for all of the wonderful things given to us throughout the year, with the turkey and the cranberries~" The professor cuts him off, informing him that he too will be given an F. The Third Brother Gracefully stands to his feet and says, "I am so sorry for my two brothers. they are not so smart. I will tell you what Easter is. Easter is the day we Celebrate the Lord Jesus Christ rising from the grave 3 days after dieing on the Cross... But if he see's his shadow we will have 6 more weeks of winter!"
  12. Did ye happen t'see the one where...well I daresay I don't remember where they were. But there was a clock tower. they asked the entity to do something, and the clock's pendulum started going off and ringing the bell. They asked it to stop it, lo and behold it did, they asked it to start doing it again and lo and behold it started goin off by itself. And a couple of weeks ago they came state side, and I think they're still here, they will be for about 3 weeks, they're staying in California on the Queen Mary, So they did an investigation there, since its supposedly haunted. They were in the large Pool area on the lower decks but they didn't catch anything until the end of the investigation where they found water and watery foot prints, but therewas no water anywhere.. Oooh spooky.
  13. Nope. It's very recent. Oh then is it "Just Friends?"
  14. would that be "Saving Silverman"?
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