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Tudor MercWench Smith

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Everything posted by Tudor MercWench Smith

  1. I'll just take a pint - it doesn't even have to be clean!! And if ye have some fresh baked bread, I could down a loaf! Not that the daily special doens't look divine - it's jest . . . umm, shrimp and I don't get on well.
  2. The wool option sounds like my best bet - but I still have some worries. (Other then smelling like a wet sheep when it rains ) Problem seems to be - I can't lay my hands on any. My local Jo-Anns is pretty small. They only seem to be stocking wool felt. I'm going to check out some other larger warehouses nearby, but even then, that much wool might get pricey.
  3. I thought wool, but then I worried how it would do in the rain.
  4. I just picked up the pattern yesterday, and I was reading over all the instructions and such, and I paused when I read over the recommended fabrics. The envelope suggests velveteen or brocade. While I can understand the brocade if your going for more of a gentleman look, velveteen is right out, no matter what. But I'm not sure what kind of facbric to do it in. I was thinking a canvas duck cloth. It's sturdy, 100% cotton so it's fairly accurate, and it won't get ruined in weather - or it shouldn't. I want it to be fairly utlitarian - keep me dry, keep me warmish Any imput. Would canvas be incredibly difficult to work with do you think? What kind of fabric have any of you decided to use? Like I said - will be worn out in weather, so nothing that will get ruined . . .
  5. *stumbles in from the surpirse party still going strong over in the main room of the pub* Lordy, William! I could murder some of yer cooking - even if it be left overs! And something strong to drink. I've had a rough weekend. Emotional roller coster . . . sigh. cheers mates *drinks up* Well, I'm going back to the party . . . let the partying distract me!!!! See ye all 'round!!
  6. mmmmm - bacon - I feel my arteries clogging at the mere thought! yum! Anyway, just time for a quick drink. And how are all of ye doing? I'm going crazy right now, I've got grad coming up this weekend, one of my best friends is leaving the area soon, Celtic Fling to get ready for, surgery coming up after that, then hoping I'm recouperated enough to attend faire, (and go back to work). Busy summer, but not alot of fun . . . sigh, oh well! This rounds on me, so whatever ye all be drinking. . .
  7. *sigh* I spent the day dressed up as an Entwife . . . I would have rather been a pirate . . . and canna go this weekend, cause of stupid graduation!! Grr . . . can't they mail me my diploma - I want to be a pirate!!!!! Looks like ye all had grand fun, and I hope to catch some of the merriment before it closes!!! As for Celtic Fling - put it this way, I had my mum schedual my surgery AFTER the 24&25m just so I could be sure to go!
  8. Well, anyway . . . tis me last real day of having to come to school . . . all grad practice after this . . . good news in that front . . . the sad thing is, i'm not going to be able to come down to the pub so much. Limited access at home. So drink a toast to me now - I might not be around for a while! Cheers mates!!!
  9. last full week of school. and I don't have to be in again till Thurday, and even then . . . it's not a full day!!! I'm feeling anxious and exicted to be out!
  10. ohh - yummy!! *takes tankard from william* And how's life been treating you then?
  11. Care for a drink, Diego? . . .They're on me this round, to make up for me lack of proper attendance!
  12. *sides in slowly, looking sheepish* Well, if ye'll have me back after so long . . . I could murder some of ye're cooking Sir William . . .
  13. sad news - my bestfriend's surprise b-day party is on sunday - I never knew you were supposed to surprise the guest!! Long and short is . . . I can't make it up this weekend! But good luck with opening, and I hope to see you in 2 weeks!
  14. Well, I've been thinking of upgrading from me Virgin Mobile prepaid, as I've been doing more calling then is right and good when you pay as you go . . .
  15. "Grey's a good colour for ye mum!!!!"
  16. what teenagers do best-est!
  17. unless you're illegal . . . then ye just talk about it!
  18. mmmmmm . . . . leather . . . . that is absolutly gorgeous Misery!!!
  19. I'm thinkin' of debuting mt Faire persona when I head up there. She's an Irish gypsy with a pirate facsination - she wants to be one that is . . . Depends on what I get finished with my costume. Maybe I can pick up some garb there . . . *not to self; beef up bank account before the 29th . . . Anyway, I'll be sure to find ye too Lady Snow. Don't worry if ye can't get the CDs before then . . . I won't go all merc on ye!
  20. *bursts in door, dramatic fashion like!* Ello boys!!!! I have returned!!!! Sucks, ye seemed to miss me . . . aww Just getting a bit of a breather here . . . finals yesterday and today . . . then school is D-O-N-E!! Let's here a hearty "AVAST" for that one, eh? Anyway, just here for a quick bite and snort before I have to take my AP Lit exam . . . wish me luck and feed me quick!!!
  21. Can ye do an egg-free quiche by any chance? I'll take the wine straight up, though!
  22. "I'll take one of those, and one of those, and a coupla those . . . I better just take them all . . ."
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