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jessie k.

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Everything posted by jessie k.

  1. I'm jealous. I officially need a cool avatar now.
  2. ^ Heck yeah! <I'm kinda supposed to be writing a paper right now. V Dislikes the color pink?
  3. ^Politics. For everyone's sake. I get really angry. I mean really. < I inherited a very volatile temper from my father. :) V Ever inherited anything interesting?
  4. Exactly. If you are truly interested in the artifact's historical significance, as opposed to just monetary value, then it's exact location needs to be recorded, along with the exact location of the surrounding artifacts, even the type and color of soil surrounding it, etc. And other people need access to all of that information as well. They're truly treasures only when the information comes with them.
  5. Love your Calvin avatar, btw!
  6. Who doesn't?
  7. Are you kidding? I could barely watch! That guy's head was like 2 inches from hitting the concrete. What if he'd just stretched his neck a little, or shifted himself in the seat at just the wrong moment? I'm so paranoid sometimes.
  8. Yes, they may be saving the artifacts themselves, but the information that could have been added to the historical record from the context of the artifacts is completely lost. Forever.
  9. Hey, as a bit of an amateur geologist, I thought it was hilarious. Have you ever heard the "Gneiss rock" one? I love being a nerd.
  10. 1. lemon bars 2. Mud! 3. Sarah 4. my little sister
  11. Yeah, it's sad, piratesinfo is kinda dying. So I have to get my pirate fix elsewhere. Go, Sagittarians! Hehe, I heard your Ed Foxe story from Foxe himself at Reenactorfest. He says you've got a great English accent.
  12. We used to feed our horses this supplement that have mixed grains and molasses in it...it smelled so good that I was tempted to try it myself! Our neighbors had a hog farm, and when the wind was right, we had to make sure there was no laundry on the line. Pungent.
  13. Have you ever roasted peeps over a bonfire? It's kinda sadistic watching them melt and ooze, but they taste oh so good! Nothing like molten peep guts.
  14. Now that would be an interesting photo to see...
  15. Ah, I think I know how that one feels.
  16. What's the look after you've had said rum?
  17. I remember thinking how dumb and typically sci-fi channel Firefly looked when it first came out. Since then, I've only seen a couple episodes (no cable tv for me) but I surprised myself by enjoying them. Maybe someday when I have more time (like when there's bacon in the trees) I'll have to rent them. The movie was great too.
  18. Wow, Chole, she looks just like you! Can you do that same facial expression?
  19. Oh man...muffins and cream cheese frosting...baked fish...both sound so good that the lunch I just had is pretty much forgotten! (It wasn't very good anyway.)
  20. Hey, and if you click on the link for the cloth pattern, it's one of Kass's. :)
  21. A nice, rich dirt smells wonderful. Especially when it's wet.
  22. Well, not counting all of the books I'm reading/supposed to be reading for classes, I'm currently attempting to find the time to finish reading Ibn Fadlan's Journey to Russia. It's very cool. The original document that Michael Crichton's "Eaters of the Dead" and the movie "13th Warrior" were very loosely based on. The original document is really like neither one of them, and is absolutely fascinating.
  23. Well, I suppose I could run home to my parents house and borrow a canoe for awhile...
  24. Were wigs just an upper class thing, or did all men wear them? I'd think they'd be rather expensive...though that's just an assumption.
  25. My driveway is flooding. It's a frigid South Dakota winter, it should be too cold for my driveway to be flooding already! True, I expected it to happen in the spring when everything melts, but... We have a small creek about 10 feet from our driveway. It froze months ago, but there's still water flowing, and it has to go somewhere. So it flows overtop of the already frozen bit. More freezes. I've been watching the creek swell with great interest for several weeks now. As of last night there was a slushy spot at the side of the driveway. This morning it was noticeably larger. I'm just waiting for the morning when I have to call in to work and say "Hey Doris? I, um, can't get in to work. My driveway's flooded....Yes, I do know that it's far below freezing, but you see, the way it works is..."
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