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jessie k.

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Everything posted by jessie k.

  1. The midwest, actually.
  2. I thought everyone knew what a cattle tank was! Well, picture a dog's watering dish. Then picture one that's much, much bigger, big enough to hold enough water for a couple dozen cows. Some are metal, some are heavy plastic. I've seen people take either the metal or plastic ones down the river on occasion. The plastic ones also work great as sleds in the winter.
  3. Those are cool pockets! And you've got very neat stitches; most people don't have the patience for that. Can I ask, how do you finish the inside raw edges; do you leave them as is, French roll them, or just do a double seam? Or something else? I've been trying different things lately, just to see what works best.
  4. Hehehe...because what's better than bacon? MORE bacon!!!
  5. You can always get a cattle tank and go floating about in that. I've seen it done.
  6. I love handwriting. I'm told mine is good, but compared with standard penmanship of just, say, a century ago, mine is chicken scratches. Ever looked in old courthouse records, or the writing in a family Bible? The writing is just beautiful. I've also found that it's a lot easier to write neatly with a pencil--a very sharp, normal pencil, not one of those awful mechanical ones. Anyone else get that, or is it just me?
  7. I'd have to say Star Wars, though I never did see it in the theater. I wasn't really old enough to make sense of it when it came out.
  8. What a cutie! I used to have a cat that would perch on my shoulder and peer at whatever I was doing when I was working in the garden. "Fat Cat", I called him. He was good at getting in the way, but even better at making you amused, and not annoyed about it.
  9. One of my goals in life is to learn to read Old English, and I guess to speak it as well as a dead language that we never heard spoken in its own day can be learned. That's really interesting, actually. I've come across that in books on occasion, where the author tries to replicate a dialect, but it's so much work just trying to figure out what you are reading that it's almost not worth it! Of course, if we just wrote everything with phonetical symbols...
  10. Reading the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series. It's absolutely wonderful. I think I prefer Douglas Adams' Dirk Gentley books even better, though. Possibly because those were the first ones I read.
  11. That's rather brilliant, actually! Yeah, I do remember Caraccioli from the other board, but I don't really remember why or when. There were some issues on that site as well, though. (And still are! WHY did I ever agree to become a mod?!?) Oh, and...!! You know Old English?
  12. Sadness...such things never make it to South Dakota/Nebraska. But kudos to Kass! That's so cool!
  13. Just how many people are there in your head?
  14. I live in a leaky old farmhouse, which is wonderful, except the window screens and such all let bugs in through the holes. There were little flying critters in my bedroom last night. I slept on the couch downstairs. I'm rather fond of spiders, actually. We had one that had a really cool web on the basement steps for awhile. I named him Xavier.
  15. Hahaha! I am my hero! It's not really surprising...I am studying archaeology, after all! I don't really get how Batman came in second, but oh well. You scored as a Indiana Jones Indiana Jones is an archaeologist/adventurer with an unquenchable love for danger and excitement. He travels the globe in search of historical relics. He loves travel, excitement, and a good archaeological discovery. He hates Nazis and snakes, perhaps to the same degree. He always brings along his trusty whip and fedora. He's tough, cool, and dedicated. He relies on both brains and brawn to get him out of trouble and into it. Indiana Jones 88% Batman, the Dark Knight 75% Captain Jack Sparrow 71% Lara Croft 71% Maximus 67% El Zorro 67% William Wallace 67% The Amazing Spider-Man 58% Neo, the "One" 54% The Terminator 46% James Bond, Agent 007 33%
  16. Actually, worse than mayflies are those nasty asian beetles that look like ladybugs but aren't. They infested my house last fall, and there were so many that I could hear them crawling around on the ceiling as I was trying to sleep at night. Nightmarish!
  17. Thanks, I feel crawly now! Every year out at the lake there's thousands upon thousands of them, and they get caught in your hair, and cling to your skin, and if you want to swim, you first have to wade through 15 or so feet of shoreline to get past all the dead ones floating on the waves. I hate those things.
  18. This of course only makes me more curious to know where it came from, and what they believe is the identity of the ship!
  19. That's incredible! I'm sometimes amazed by the things that come out of Iowa, just because it's the state next-door, and we midwesterners always seem to be astonished when we do something really cool on a global scale. I think I want one of those tents...
  20. Nano-tech energy conversion devices...you are one of very few people I know who actually uses such phrases. I bet it would be a really pretty, shimmery fabric though.
  21. She's a beauty. Good luck!
  22. Maybe someone should invent solar-fabric, of a sort. You could make sails out of it, and while they harnessed the wind's energy, they could also absorb the sun's energy. (There is a reason why I've never invented anything)
  23. Interesting in a good way, or a bad way?
  24. I think the idea of showers is nice, you know celebrate something exciting coming up, and help out the new mother/bride with things she's going to need. But the stuff that usually goes on is just so...dumb. Can't they come up with some decent entertainment at these things? Or forgoe the planned activities all together and just sit around and b.s. with friends?
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