(Throughout the night we watched in silence as the fire aboard the Dutch merchantman blazed. It was a spectacular display, the flaming tongues leaping upward, the orange light dancing in the night sky and on the water's face. It mesmerized us -- those flames -- as we watched from the safety of The Watch Dog. Our ship was in darkness, as we dared not light the first candle nor lantern. We were as yet unseen to the frantic crew of the merchantman -- invisible to them, yet like a serpent so very close and ready to strike.
And, now far off on the horizon, the first appearances of light began to announce Aurora's arrival, faint streaks of pink etching upward from the east.
Glass to eye, Ciaran could see in these first moments of early light that most of the fires aboard the merchantman were extinguished, although thick smoke continued to rise and glowing embers still showed. There was much movement aboard the deck, yet still The Watch Dog had not been seen.)