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Everything posted by CaptainCiaran

  1. (Ciaran watched as the barge pulled smartly away from the Chasse de Mer. The Lookout's mind raced with so many questions about our Captain's time below deck. What would the French vessel do next? Why were they here? Would they attack? Would we attack? What bearing would the presence of our Dutch guests and ship have upon the encounter? Ciaran's thoughts, however, were interupted as a seagull flew overhead, circled the Watch Dog twice and landed on the very tip of the main mast.)
  2. Arrr, mates, keep me in yer good thoughts on Friday morn. I be going to get a cortisone injection in me neck to ease the discomfort from me two bad cervical discs. This is the first time I've had such a procedure done, but am hopeful it will give some relief and buy some time before I have to go the route of surgery.
  3. (Ciaran climbs to his position high above deck, glass to eye as he reaches the nest)
  4. You can never leave
  5. Hotel California
  6. (raises glass) Yer deed is very admirable, Master Studley. It's wonderful that ye love Carla so much as to recognize how important this opportunity be fer her. I wish ye both the best.
  7. (As per the Monsignor's request, Ciaran walks down to the Surgery to see if his assistance is needed in any way. The Lookout stands at the door as Armand makes the inquiry to Dr. Fitzgerald.) "Non, monsieur Ciaran," Armand says. "Nous sommes bien, merci." (Ciaran nods and heads downstairs to the galley for a parcel of nourishment before retiring to his bunk.)
  8. pop goes the weasel
  9. Doing pretty well here today, although probably like most of us feeling so saddened and helpless about the disaster in the Gulf Coast. Makes me teary-eyed to watch the news from Mississippi, Alabama and Louisiana.
  10. What a cake! What a party! woo-hoo (blows party favour and a paper tongue rolls out)
  11. (fully rested after his recent long watches, Ciaran ascends the riggin' to relieve Miss Swan) "Arr, anything to report, lass?" he asks. "Nay," she replies, "save for the steady work over on the Danzig, all be quiet on the waters". (As the lookouts change places, and Swan climbs down, Ciaran notices that indeed the carpenters have been busy transforming the Dutch merchantman. No longer is she the charred hulk that we had first encountered; our skilled woodworkers are busy reconstructing her into a fine sailing vessel.)
  12. (Ciaran raises his glass) Very happy that yer story has a happy ending William and that ye nor Liam were hurt. Most of the time I absolutely love driving, but every once in awhile it can be quite scary and ye realize how many near-misses and close calls we all have every day. Again, I celebrate yer happy ending.
  13. Listening to some really cool techno lounge music that my housemate got in Canada.
  14. (Ciaran smiles and nods thanks to his Captain. He and Swan then go to the ship's bow and stand, stretch, and look out across the water toward the Danzig. It has become a spectacularly beautiful late afternoon. As the sea slowly begins to swallow the sun, Ole Sol responds by sending the most magnificent rays of red, pink and orange across the sky.) Swan turns to Ciaran and says, "Red skies at night...."
  15. Charity, be yer toe okay? Ye mentioned it was botherin ye and ye were going to yer doctor?
  16. (Ciaran sees Diego and company approaching, so calls down to everyone on the deck of the Watch Dog to assist 'em up when they arrive. Ciaran gives a wave of acknowledgement to the Monsignor as they smartly approach.)
  17. I think ye do now, Mercenary! :angry:
  18. three sheets in the wind
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